Prince Manor

Hiding in the shadows of an abandoned nursery, a man stood, his heart silently breaking in the remembrance of his grieve. His eyes solely focused on the cradle that once held his precious child, his little girl. The stoic man only came into the room once a year. The day that he last saw his child, the day he lost his love and mate, the last day he felt his heart truly beat, the last day that he was whole. Whispering, "I will always love you" with the quietest breath, Severus Snape left the nursery until the next visit.

Privet Drive

Sadness, absolute sadness, was the only thing that Harry could feel. Ever since Harry was a child, on this given day, his heart felt unbelievable sadness. The physical desire to search out the cause of this feeling would leave Harry powerless and empty, until now. At the cusp of a new day, he heard the faintest of a whisper in the air, "I will always love you." With the words caressing his thoughts, Harry fell into an exhaustive, but peaceful sleep, knowing the words were meant for him.


Huddled in the corner of a damp cell, a man sat with the knowledge that the dementors would not feast on him today. His feelings were only of lost, loneliness, and suffering. A pang of guilt filled his heart at the thought of his family. These feelings were always stronger on this day than any other day of the year. Sirius was about to collapse into unconsciousness when he heard the words of his lover carried by the wind, "I will always love you." Those words gave him the strength he needed to continue. Sirius started to plan his escape.


Back at Hogwarts, Madame Pomfrey was updating and reorganizing her files. After finishing the extensive file of Harry Potter, she noticed a file in the far back. The file was old and looked to be overlooked for many years. Opening the aged files, she let out a gasp of surprise. Lying innocently before her eyes was the birth certificate for a child believed long dead. Searching for the date of death, Pomfrey was even more startled to see it blank, meaning the child was still alive. Taking a deep breath, Pomfrey scanned further down the certificate until she found what she was looking for, the magical adoption section. Seeing the words in this section, Pomfrey fainted.

Author's Notes:

This is my first fanfic...I always read but never wrote until now. I know it is short, but I needed to get the beginning done, and I wanted to see what the feel for the story is. Please give me some feedback and some hints. I have a general outline in my head, but I am always up for suggestions. Oh...please no harsh flames...if you didn't like it... that is okay...but if you don't have any constructive comments... how is that going to help.