Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters, all belong to Thomas Harris. Just borrowing them for a little while.

Authors Note: I know I'm not Thomas Harris, and I'm not going to try. I just wanted to try this story, however as I want to try to improve, I will upload chapter by chapter, not all at once. It will be some small changes from the orginal story, but I hope you like it. Also getting a great deal of help from Grymmarie.

Warning: There will be some tendencies to cannibalism and cannibalism through the story. So if you are against that don't read. There are also some notions towards sex.


Chapter 1.

Clarice Starling was on a plane headed for her new home in Virginia. It was thirteen years since she had been there last and a lot of things had changed since then.

She had spent the last thirteen years in Buones Aires with her husband, but in the end she had for some time been longing for her home back in the states so she finally decided that it was time to go back. He agreed even if it meant seeing less of each other they wanted to try it out.

"Mummy," she suddenly heard her daughter Claire cried from the seat next to her.

"What's wrong, my little darling" said Clarice as she turned and stroke her cherry blonde hair gently.

"I had a bad dream, it was a bad man that wanted to take me," she said, looking at her mother with tear filled eyes.

"Oh my little one, no one is going to take you I promise," said Clarice in a very soft tone.

"I'm scared, I don't like to go to a new place where I don't know anyone," she said the five year old girl sadly.

"Same here, why couldn't daddy come also?" asked her second daughter Hannah, she was seven.

"Because he would be in danger if he came along," said Clarice thinking, 'Because if he came he would be put back in jail and so would I. I would never be able to see him or you again.'

"He did something really bad didn't he?" her son Dante said in a serious and looked at her with his cinnamon colored eyes. With his dark hair he was a spitting image of her husband when he was young. He as now nine.

"It's complicated, but just remember he loves us all very much," she said with a sigh thinking she couldn't exactly say your father killed and ate a bunch of people.

Clarice thought about her husband, it had been so much easier living in Buenes Aires where no one knew who they really were. They could be like a normal couple with three children. To be on the safe side they kept much to themselves and their children were home schooled. Lecter had provided most of the tutoring for them and they had learned to read and write from a very early age. They even knew multiple languages.

The only thing that separated them from other couple was that after the children were asleep they usually ate some rather unusual late night snack together. The raw meat tasted so good, fresher than the one you got in the store and it was something about it that gave her a thrill. To eat it with him knowing he felt the same way and see how the blood sometimes dripped from his chin it was erotic and calming in a way that made her relax much better. He was usually the one to provide the meat while she prepared it for serving.

Clarice though about it once more and it made her a bit sad that she couldn't get that kinda meat or enjoy it with him back in Virginia. Not to mention that she couldn't have him. She had been so used to having him around her and the children when he was not working. A smile graced her lips but only for a second as she thought of how he used to rock them when they were little. She wasn't even sure when she was going to see her next, even if their last lovemaking was a shiver run down her spine.

"Mum, you okay?" asked Hannah, looking at her mother with concerned eyes. She couldn't help but to notice that her mother's smile had vanished as quick as it had come and that she again looked sad.

"I'm fine, just some thoughts, nothing to worry about," Clarice answered, not meeting her eyes, but looking out the window.

"Do we get out own bedrooms there as well," said Dante hopefully.

"Of course, and everything else you like," said Clarice, smiling warmly at him.

"Cool, I can't wait to get there," said Dante excitedly.

"Neither can I," said Clarice, sighing heavily as she looked out the window and pictured her husband's face in the skies.

Thanks for reading, always interested in your views :o)