Disclaimer: Yeah, you already know that I don't own KH; and I'm pretty sure that you should already know that I don't own any of the name brand items or other things throughout this story. Such as Koolaid, Taco Bell, or even Dane Cook. I don't own these things! I just crack jokes involving them in the process; I have a complex system I follow. Now that is out of ze way, lets get on with what you came here for... The Fairytaco of Humor.


Chapter Eight: Obey the tooth brush, OBEY...

We're going to start off chapter eight with what we're good at, random out bursts to get you in the mood while the story comes in from out of nowhere. Kind of like a surprise to make you feel all special. Yeah, just thought I would give you a heads up before you suddenly blink at your computer screen with confusion. So, burn on the red hot intensity of Donald's love that scorches with an unlimited amount of rays at which the sun of Egypt produces where it showers down upon thee. Hiding the white flower that blooms in the middle of a snow storm as it rains down paper plates of happy bliss that's a gorgeous color of blue; representing Demyx's tightie whities that are also blue which he wears with the pink polka dots while his butt cheeks hang out of the back.

Long story short, let's just say that Xaldin went around with scissors cutting out the back section of the Organization member's underwear. No one knows why, no one really wants to know what goes through his head so it's safe to say that it was a spontaneous action that I'm not going further into.

So, back to the story. Well, that random fish sitting over there in the corner with the face says that this is Sparta and he wants to kick his own eye with a really hot corn-dog. Singing, 'gloosha goober booger yum, yummy. Oh baby, oh baby, oh baby I will pee in your shoe while holding you hostage so I can eat my cotton candy from your armpit.' In other words, it burns when Axel pees, Larxene is a Marluxia ball-biter, and Saix is a wanna be porn star with Xemnas and Demyx. You think you know, but then again maybe you do know, but what you don't know is that hobo who is now eating the fish says that he thinks your big toe looks tasty.

Run from the hobo named Mista Spanky Pants! For Mista Spanky Pants wishes to be your friend, but Mista Spanky Pants also happened to have eaten his last friend so that's why I'm suggesting for you to run from Mista Spanky Pants. If you haven't noticed by now, that hobo is scary and his name is fun to say repeatably; haha. Anyways... After pouring the wax into his shampoo, Kairi and Namine are now hiding around the corner of the hallway while they await for Marluxia to fall under their glorious plot. All the while, arguing with Roxas as he tried to make them believe that he was under a surge of depression that courses through his veins with such deep emotion that he can't help but cut to forget his pain.

"So in other words, I wear black because it matches my soul."

Kairi and Namine just stare at him now, not exactly buying that his soul is black or whatever. Okay, let's put it this way; he has to be lying. Because his soul is actually a bright yellow people; don't let him fool you the way Axel tries to fool everyone by saying that he likes girls. Oh, now that was a burn. HA! Maybe the Pyromaniac should take notes from a true master of flames. I burn people so hot that they need Aloe Vera after wards because lotion and ice just won't cut it. So yeah, as I was saying, his soul is actually a bright, but kind of a dull-like yellow. Like the color of pee! Wait, no... we really do have to go take a potty break now. Before we leave, Kairi needs to pop Roxas in the back of the head just for being stupid; at which she proceeds to do.

WEE! Okay, back to the story.

Well, while the two completely ignore Number XIII, Marluxia enters the bath room; going to take his nightly shower. Though, from where they are standing, the three of them can hear Marluxia cooing, "bbbbbrawr," while he's washing his hair which kind of made the situation awkward, yet funny at the same time. The sound he was making was like the way a cat in heat would sound. You know what I'm talking about, the annoying ones that will back their butt up to you when you're trying to freaking ignore them and eat a freeze pop that you have so been longing for all day. The good freeze pops that are blue; other wise known as, sea salt ice cream bitches. And the stupid cats just won't go away no matter how much you try to ignore them. Hinata's cat does that a lot, which of course, we're always cracking jokes about it. Good times, good times.

Suddenly the audio switched over to another sound, this time being a loud, "SQUOINK," which basically meant that Marluxia had realized his hair was falling out now. Giggling, Kairi intently waited until the once pink haired male ran from the bathroom; screaming at the top of his lungs while she planned the photo perfectly. Catching him right as his girlish scream made him look hideous; not that he doesn't already look that way on his own. Well, with Marluxia running down the hallway, butt naked saying the aliens were coming and to get down; Kairi pulled Namine along with her. Now going to find their next victim while the night was still young.

Which was kind of put on pause since right as they turned the corner, they stumbled upon Sora talking to himself in a mirror which caught Namine's attention almost instantly. Grabbing Kairi, the blonde ducked to hide, jerking the other female down with her as the two continued to observe the species other wise known as, a male. It's like they're watching the discovery channel or something. Well anyways, as Sora stood there, obviously talking to his reflection, he struck a pose.

"I'm the... Mighty Morphing Marmalade. Or, what most would call me, M times seven to the third power, subtract two, carry the five and finally round to the nearest decimal. HA HA! Go, Go Marmalaidibalzubakagah!"

Then, the male did something rather odd, which in this story; wouldn't be surprising none the least. He pulled out a tooth brush of all things. Waving it around in front of his reflection, he tried to make himself look all big and bad. Holding the hygiene efficient object out like it was a sword of some kind. Why doesn't he just use his Keyblade if he wanted a sword is what I'd like to know.

"Fear the stick of DOOM! Cry from it's ungodly mightiness of everything that is spiteful and all that and then some... because it tis my steeeeeeek.. and joo shall bow down to the awesome power and obey eet because..yeah...it's my steek. Pronounced steek and eet, not 'stick' and 'it'. There's a difference I tell you, A DIFFERENCE!"

Answering himself now since it's obvious that his reflection can't talk on it's own, the male then tries to make his voice sound deeper. Like it was a completely different person staring back at him now.

"Uh, that's a tooth brush... not a stick."

Getting defensive now, the brunette actually started to argue with the mirror. Heh, talk about taking one too many fwaps and hits to the head. Poor Sora, he's finally lost his mind. Not that he had a lot to start with, but at least there was something there. Now it would seem that he's gone over the deep end. So yeah, basically the Keyblade wielder is arguing with his self; giving the mirror a good stare down while he glared at it.

"....no, it's not! Okay, yeah; maybe it is. But shhhh! You don't know that! So just pretend that it's a stick okay, because sticks are SO much more scarier than tooth brushes. Unless you're afraid of the tooth fairy, then maybe it would be kind of scary and- Ugh! Now I forgot what I was saying..."

Getting slightly frustrated with his ability to confuse his own self, Sora goes to hit the tooth brush against the wall before stepping back so he could hold it gloriously after wards like it was the silver toilet scrubber of yester-years or something along those lines. Now watching the brush's end wave around by a thine thread, it finally broke off like it was a leaf falling from a tree to prove his defeat by the wall. How evil the wall is, especially when it jumps out in front of you from no where and you end up smashing your face into it's surface. Upon seeing his defeat, the male lowered his head to sulk about it all; turning to run off while grumbling under his breath of how his said stick had died.

"Stick of DOOM... failed. Miserably."

Okay, since we've now accomplished and know for a fact that Sora is a fried egg sizzling on top of Marluxia's now bald head, the two female scurry on down the hallway to sneak and take care of their next objective. Which would be... Kairi saying that someone was looking at her like she was a piece of chicken; extra crispy? Thank you KFC for extra crispy hot wings, Hinata says. In my opinion, I don't like KFC that much but oh well, I thought it was funny. Reason it's in the story. Or will it involve more of the hobo licking the castle walls, trying to convince everyone that they taste like hot sauce. OR, will their next prank end them up in hot water; getting scalded by the punishment and the outcome of things. Perhaps that's a hint? Either way, you'll just have to stay tuned until our next segment of; The Fairytaco of Humor. As for now, I'm heading to bed for some well needed sleeporz. TenTenSango, over and out people.


(( A/N: Yeah, I can actually see, Sora, doing that which is what's so scary about it....))