Both autobots stood there stupidly.


Sari held back a scream of frustration. "I'm having a baby here! You know, a sparkling!"

Bulkhead's optics grew wide. "You sure?"


Bulkhead turned around quickly and ran out, shouting. "Bumblebee!!"

Optimus stood there awkwardly. "Are you uncomfortable? Can I get you anything?" Sari put her hands on her back to brace it.

"No, not really." As she spoke, Nancy came in, and Sari sighed with relief.

"Nancy! Thank goodness you're here! I'm having the baby." Nancy's eyes widened, and she ran to Sari's side.

"Well come on, let's get you to the hospital!" without waiting for an answer, she started pushing Sari towards the door.

"Hold on a minute, I want to wait for Bumblebee!" suddenly Sari gasped and doubled over, clutching her stomach. Nancy squealed in shock, and Optimus took a step forward, concerned.

"Sari, is something wrong?"

Sari grit her teeth. "Contraction." She spat.

"I'll send for Ratchet." Optimus headed for the door.

"NO! S'normal." Sari muttered, then slowly straightened up. "I've been feeling twinges for the past day or so, but never as strong as that was."

"A DAY?!" Nancy shouted, amazed. "And you didn't tell anyone?!" Sari shrugged.

"Didn't want to worry anyone." Just then there was a loud squeal of tires and Bumblebee came racing around the corner in car form. He screeched to a stop in front of Sari and flung open his passenger door.

"Sari!" Sari ignored him and got in on the driver's side, while Nancy hopped in the passenger seat. Bumblebee sighed.

"Does she have to come?" he whined, sounding like a little kid.

"Bumblebee, she-" Sari started, then let out a sharp cry and grabbed her stomach. "Just go!" she shouted, and Bumblebee sped off without question.

While they were driving, Bumblebee, concerned about Sari and the baby, paid little attention to the road, missing several accidents by a hair. Sari sat up, then screamed.

"LOOK OUT FOR THAT DOG!!" Bumblebee swerved just in time to avoid a little dog that had wandered into the middle of the road, leaving it terrified in a puddle that hadn't been there 2 seconds before. Sari sighed in relief, then screamed again.


"Sorry!" Bumblebee shouted.

"Bumblebee, I'd like to deliver this child before I die!"

Sari looked over at her friend, who's eyes were as wide as saucers and was deathly pale. She looked like she was going to hyperventilate. "Nancy?"

Nancy glanced at Sari. "I know, I know! I'm the one who's freaking out and you're the one who's having the baby! It's just that--" Nancy chose that moment to look out the windshield. "WE'RE GONNA DIE!!" Bumblebee slammed on the brakes and they skid across the street and straight through the wall of the hospital, stopping just before hitting the pretty brunette nurse at the check in counter.

"Name, please?" she asked in a bored voice, not even phased by the fact that she had almost been hit by a car that had flown through the window.

"Sumdac, Sari Sumdac." Bumblebee growled, trying to scare the nurse a little. She blinked, and her face remained neutral.

"Do you have an appointment?"

"NO WE DON'T HAVE AN APPOINTMENT!" shouted Bumblebee, and let Sari and Nancy out, transforming into robot mode. He crouched down on hands and knees in order to get face to face with the impassive nurse. "MY WIFE IS IN LABOR!"

The nurse looked down at the desk in front of her. "I'm sorry, all of our midwives are busy. You'll have to wait." she looked up at Bumblebee. "And how in the world did you and her-" she indicated Sari. "manage to have a baby?" Bumblebee's optics narrowed, and he growled. "Besides, we don't serve robots."

Bumblebee took the chain from a little compartment in his arm and slipped it around his neck, then leaned towards the nurse, snarling. "Here's your answer. NOW GET HER A NURSE!"

The nurse leaned back, still looking bored. "Okay then, I'll get you a nurse if you want one so badly." she turned and called to someone behind her shoulder. A tall lady with short black hair walked up, and the nurse indicated Sari, who's face was twisted in pain. "She's in labor." The lady nodded, and grabbed a wheelchair, helping Sari into it. As they walked away, the nurse called after them.

"Have you checked out our exotic fish?"

Half an hour later, Bumblebee jumped up from his seat for the millionth time to pace the room once again. Nancy rolled her eyes.

"Bumblebee, would you stop that? You're driving me nuts!" Bumblebee looked at her, confused.

"I'm not driving any nuts! I don't even like nuts. Walnuts are the worst." he shuddered, and started pacing again. Nancy shook her head, exasperated.

"Never mind."

It had been 7 hours since they had arrived at the hospital, and they still hadn't had word about Sari and the baby. Bumblebee was sitting in a chair, head in hands, and Nancy was lounging on the love seat, chewing gum and blowing bubbles, humming tunelessly. While they sat there, a nurse came in quietly.

"Mr. Sumdac?" After their marriage, Bumblebee had decided on adopting Sari's last name, as he really didn't have one of his own.

Bumblebee stood up, as well as Nancy. "Yes?"

The nurse smiled. "Come meet your baby." she turned and led them down a hall and showed them into a room where Sari laid on a bed, looking weary but smiling for all she was worth.

"Hey," she grinned.

Bumblebee sat next to her and took her hand. "Hey." Nancy came up on Sari's other side.

"Where's the baby?"

Just then the nurse walked up again, holding a little pink blanket in her arms. She smiled, and handed it to Bumblebee.

"Meet your new daughter, Mr. Sumdac." Bumblebee cradled the bundle close to his chest, staring in awe at the beautiful, wonderful, perfect little miracle in his arms. He looked at Sari and smiled.

"She has your red hair." The baby's head was covered in soft, vivid red hair. As Bumblebee gazed at her, she stirred and opened her eyes slowly. They were an electric blue, just like her father's. He glanced at Sari again.

"Are all sparklings' eyes this bright?" Sari smiled.

"Just ours."

Bumblebee stroked the baby's cheek softly, and she reached up and grabbed his finger. He looked at her with awe, feeling like a little bot again.

"Aw, she likes you." Nancy said. She looked at her friend, and was startled to see worry on Sari's face.

"You-you're not mad?" Sari asked hesitantly. Bumblebee looked at her in shock.

"Why should I be?"

Sari looked down, and fiddled with the blankets draped around her. "Well, you said you wanted a boy..."

Bumblebee leaned over and kissed her. "I'm not mad at all. She's perfect, just like you." Sari smiled at him, all worries forgotten.

"...So what are you going to name her?" Nancy blurted out.

Bumblebee and Sari looked at their daughter. "Her eyes are a little like blue lilacs..." Sari said. "What about Lilac?"

Bumblebee shook his head. "No, not Lilac. But what about...Lila? It's kinda like Lilac."

Sari beamed. "Yeah, I like that. But what about a middle name?"

"Joy." Nancy chimed in. Bumblebee and Sari looked at her, and she shrugged. "Well, isn't that what she brings you? Isn't that what you bring each other?"

Sari hugged her friend. "It's perfect." She gazed down at her daughter. "Lila Joy Sumdac."

"Can I hold her? Oh pleaseohpleaseohpleaseohplease!!" Nancy pleaded. Bumblebee handed Lila over, then hugged Sari as Nancy cooed over her.

"I can't believe we have a daughter." Sari whispered, and Bumblebee squeezed her tight.

"Me neither." He was quiet for a moment, then chuckled softly. "And just think: it all started at the beach!" Sari smiled, and kissed Bee softly and lovingly.

"One of my favorite places in the world."

Lila gurgled, and Bumblebee glanced at her, then looked at Sari pleadingly.

"No, Bee."

"Aw, come on, just real quick! I just wanna see what she would look like!"

"We're not putting that chain on our newborn child!"

"Just for a second!"

"No!" Bumblebee fell silent, and crossed his arms, pretending to pout. Sari sighed, and everyone was quiet for a while. Lila fell asleep, and was given to Sari, who cradled her tenderly in her arms. She sighed with content, then closed her eyes.


It's over! :( Yep, this was the last chapter. 800 hits, wow! It's kinda sad to stop, but I will be starting a new story about Lila, so keep an eye out for that! If you have any suggestions or requests for her story, I would be glad to take them. Thanks to anyone who took the time to read the whole thing, I really appreciate it. (You know you want to review.)