Hey guys, here I am with a story that (for some strange reason) was inspired by one of the episodes - "Whoops". For those who may have seen that episode, and recalled that after the domino-toppling scene that led to the lighthouse being toppled off into the ocean, I wondered - what if Sparky was trapped in the lighthouse at that time, and when saved, who would he blame the event on? That's when this story came in. Here it is, for all you Sparky fans and alien experiment addicts out there... Enjoy! (And maybe you can read and review if you find this type of story interesting!)

Oh and a postscript for all - I am not the current owner of Lilo & Stitch and its related concepts - I am currently writing this for the purpose of entertaining readers out there. Cheers!

Who Tipped my Lighthouse!?


Chapter One

It was just another day in Kauai. The waves were crashing on one of the cliffs nearing the edge of the ocean, and on that cliff was a tall lighthouse. Now, the lighthouse has not been lit prior to the arrival of Stitch's other alien experiments… which brings us to this story. Living in the lighthouse was a small, furry, yellow living lightning bolt, his long antennae on his head, small ears and a hyper personality. His name is Sparky.

Sparky was rather fortunate enough to help power up the lighthouse, night after night. And his favourite snack was batteries. You see, as Sparky was active during the night to help keep the light in the lighthouse on, he was usually found sleeping during the day. Each and every morning, Sparky usually took time out to take a nap, lying sprawled on the floor or lying on the lighthouse's main light bulb case (provided that the light bulb was left off by crack of dawn.) While most of the locals were out there, enjoying the summer sun and the surf, Sparky did not ever mind sleeping the whole day through.

This story is set on the day Pleakely was ready to set a world record for standing the most dominoes in a line without toppling them over. It is also the day that Experiment 600, Whoops (the experiment thought to have every power in the world, only to end up a complete clumsy klutz) was activated. Let's all cut to the chase to find out where the action has started…

It was the moment when Pleakely was one step closer to completing the long line of dominoes for the domino-toppling contest, right at one of the streets in Kokaua Town. To break the record, Pleakely has to line up over 2009 dominoes to win the contest (and probably beat the Dutch Domino Dominators at their game). But unfortunately, as Stitch quietly released Whoops from the containment cell, something happened. Whoops sneezed, causing him to bump Stitch out of the way, causing Stitch to lose balance and bump into the sunburned ice-cream tourist, making him knock over the ice-cream from his cone – causing the dominoes to topple over (and to think they were lined up all over Kokaua Town). Suddenly, somewhere along the path of dominoes, a sleeping cat was startled, causing it to tip over the trashcan, in which it bumped into a bicycle causing it to fly into the shaved-ice cart, which bumped into a parked car (need I say more), which collided into a palm tree, causing the banner come off the top and land on Pleakely – and to top things off, the palm tree fell over and knocked down the power lines, toppling them all the way along the road until the last one collided and knocked down (you guessed it) the lighthouse.

Next thing Sparky knew, he was close to sinking into the water. Of course, he eventually woke up and found himself in the room half-filled with water! (And no this was no dream) Sparky panicked and began screaming for mercy, wishing that he was outside the only room of the lighthouse… And yes, like all animals (except fish) he desperately needed air. He was pounding the wall as if dying to break free from the room. Looks like things are going to get worse, Sparky thought. Oh great, how can I swim if I'm capable of controlling electricity? That can't be happening!