Who Tipped my Lighthouse

Who Tipped my Lighthouse!?


Chapter Three

After an amazing rescue, Sparky realised that he had lost his job (for the time being anyway) and has nowhere else to spend the night. Sparky was rather miserable yet angered by the event that occurred earlier on, so he spent the rest of the afternoon (which later trailed into the evening) finding a place to stay for the night. Which strangely enough was near a junkyard. The junkyard was not as comfortable or glamorous in terms of looks, but to Sparky it was adequate. He managed to crawl through the wire fence and he managed to locate a burrow occupied by someone else (but it would do for now.) Right now, Sparky was getting sleepy, and he crept inside the burrow, ready for sleep.


It was morning, and Sparky as asleep in the burrow, lying on his back, snoring loudly. Of course, he did know that someone was previously in the burrow with him. But he disappeared. Sparky woke up, tired, and rather irritable (just as he sometimes felt when someone disturbed his naps during the day). Sparky mumbled and tried to move onto his other side, so he could sleep comfortably. A while later he began to feel itchy, and was so irritated he began scratching himself. It was not as major as losing his home, but to have his sleep disturbed was a rather bad thing, even for Sparky.

"How can that somebody get used to sleeping in such an uncomfortable place like this?" Sparky whined as he tried to scratch the itch away as well as he could – using his foot to scratch behind his ears, his arms to scratch his back, and maybe even rolling on the ground – but to no avail. It appears that Sparky's day has gone from bad to worse.

But then Sparky thought of something… right now someone outside the burrow is up to his busy self. Who was it? Sparky thought. His curiosity rising to a desirable level, Sparky quietly and carefully crawled out of the burrow, blinded by the sunlight coming into the burrow. The moment he stuck his head out of the burrow, Sparky had found himself in the ruins of a junkyard. Where is everyone? Sparky thought.

Sparky explored the area, rather careful of where he stepped on, trying to find someone in the area who was capable of surviving in this kind of habitat. No matter how often he tried looking for him everywhere in the entire junkyard, he found nobody. Not even a rat or cockroach. Nobody. All that changed when Sparky tripped over, getting (explaining it further could be messy) wet mud all over his chest.

"Ugh!" Sparky squealed and he got off the floor, weak and irritated. "What could possibly go wrong in a place like this?" Suddenly his ears picked up something… it cannot be. Sparky found out that someone else is living in another part of the junkyard. In fact, it was none other than experiment 606, a magenta-pink chipmunk-like alien experiment capable of producing a matter-sucking black-hole by opening its mouth – Holio. Sparky had realised that he had slept in the burrow with the living black hole. (And you thought it really sucked. Wait, no pun intended – it just feels that way).

Sparky had finally approached Holio from behind – there he was, browsing through the piles of trash, looking for anything interesting and sucking the rest up. Sparky was rather cautious of what would happen if he disturbed Holio while he was doing the job… so Sparky carefully snuck up from behind, waiting for the right moment…

"Uhm, hello?" Sparky asked, as if trying not to disturb the working alien experiment.

In a split second, Holio stopped sucking up the trash and turned his attention to Sparky. "How did you get here?" Holio asked, confused. "It's not that I don't want you here, you almost scared me from clearing this place up! What is it you want?"

"Uhm, cousin," Sparky began, "I just need to talk."

"Oh really?" Holio replied. "Go ahead, spill."

"You remember when I used to live in the lighthouse?" Sparky began. "Well, yesterday it came crashing down over the cliff and into the water. And then I was in trouble until Sinker rescued me from the water. Now I have absolutely no idea where I'm gonna stay for the night… so I just came here."

"Don't tell me you slept with me in the burrow," Holio scolded. "Did you choose to step in without a legitimate reason? How dare you!"

"No don't!" Sparky squealed, immediately cowering away, ears behind his head, expressing his submission towards the living black-hole experiment. "You've got to believe me. I have lost my home one day ago!"

Holio had absolutely no idea what was going on… but right now he had begun to feel sorry for the little electric alien experiment. In response, he refused to scold Sparky any further, so he decided to stay honest and have trust in Sparky.

"I'm sorry," Holio apologised. "By the way, are you okay?"

Sparky had finally snapped… his static-lined fur began to stand on end, his ears were pulled flat behind his head, and he was right on his toes, as if trying to surpass Holio in terms of rank. "Right now I'm not very happy!" Sparky growled. "How can someone so cruel do such an act like this?!"

"I don't know," Holio responded, as if unsure of the situation. "Maybe we should wander around town for some time?"

Sparky nodded, hoping that Holio's suggestion would help Sparky look on the bright side even more. And managing to crawl under the small hole in the fence surrounding the junkyard, both Sparky and Holio were ready to investigate what was going on in their town.