Author's Notes: Okay so here is the final Chapter! I'm so sad to see it end but I had a lot fun writing this story so enjoy!

~*~*Chapter 55*~*~


Entering the bar Linc glanced around the room as he made his way through the crowd of people and over to the table to where he saw Paul Kellerman and Fernando Sucre were sitting with drinks in front of them. "Scotch please" Linc told the bartender as he took a seat beside him.

"Hey man" Paul said taking a sip of his drink. "So things are starting to wrap up with the Mason case eh?"

"Yep, Mason is going away for the rest of his life" Linc said with a smile on his face. It had been a long two weeks for the FBI as they did everything they could make sure Richard Mason got the maximum time possible. With Mahone not around due to the suspension and spending more time with his son, Linc took charge of the investigation and to Linc surprise Agent Sullins allowed him to do so. It was Linc's goal to make sure Mason got everything he deserved and with Michael out of play and needing to take it easy, Paul stepped up to be Lincoln's right hand man. Earlier that day both Mason and Bagwell were transported to a facility where they would stay until their court date and then if all went well they would be sent to Fox River where they would spend the rest of the lives behind bars.

"I think it's safe to say those two will never step on the other side of the prison wall for the rest of their lives." Sucre said, "We did it!" He added with a smile and then raised his glass.

"Cheers" Linc and Paul both said together and then clinked their glasses together for sweet victory. Chugging back his scotch Linc felt the liquid go down his throat giving him a burning sensation. Setting the empty glass in front of him, Linc motioned over the bartender to get him and the guys another round. The three were talking and joking around for a while but when things got pretty quiet and they glanced around the bar.

"Hey Linc do you realize that the last time we were in this bar we were celebrating the arrest of John Abruzzi?" Paul commented.

Thinking it over and realizing it was true Linc nodded his head in disbelief. That was a little more then two months ago and everything had changed so much since then. Linc could remember how him, Michael, Paul and Jane had some good times that night. At that time he could never have guessed that Jane was a traitor to them and their country. He trusted her and she betrayed him and the FBI. "You know out of everyone in the agency Jane was one of the last people I would expect to turn on us"

"Yeah well like they say it's always those you don't expect," Sucre pointed out before taking another drink. "Blow up your house" he added and Paul and Linc couldn't help but laugh.

"So what's happening with your place anyways?" Paul asked.

"They are working on it and hopefully it will be finished in the next coming months, also the FBI is purchasing me some new equipment seeing as Jane was the reason I lost it all."

"What gets me is the fact she's been working against the FBI while being FBI for years, I mean this whole thing was the reason she joined the FBI to begin with years ago. It's hard to believe because she was such a good agent" Linc as he thought about all the time him and Jane had worked together to bring in the bad guys and the whole time she was planning a terrorist attack.

"Hey guys look" Sucre interrupted as pointed over to the t.v screen hanging from the ceiling. "Turn it up!" he called to the bartender and they all turned to watch as Chicago Division flashed across the screen.

Watching the news broadcaster on Fox News explaining recent updates on Mason "Earlier today charges were filed against ex-military Richard Mason for multiple charges including involvement in terrorist activity. He is now being transported to a local prison were he will be held until his court date."

The three were so caught up in watching the t.v that they were oblivious when two others joined them. "Honestly it's sad, even after working on the case for two months nonstop you guys still don't have a life outside the FBI" they all heard a familiar voice laugh.

Dragging their eyes away from the t.v they looked down the bar to see Sara and Michael taking their seats beside them. Linc smirks as he thought of a similar conversation he had with Sara two months ago when this whole thing started. "Yeah well your dating one of those guys" he chuckled as he pointed to Michael jokingly.

"Hey I haven't been working for two weeks," Michael argued defending himself.

"That's because you were told to take the next three weeks off and Sara here got you whipped so you'll do what ever she says" Linc pointed out. Sara couldn't help but laugh and shake her head while Michael just glared at his brother.

"Hey why are you two late? We said 9:30 and it's now 10:15 where the hell have you two been?" Paul asked.

Sara and Michael both shied away from the question and glanced at each other thinking about the reason they were late. For the last two weeks Sara was having fun playing doctor with Michael and helping him treat his injury. Earlier that day was no different, she was examining his injury at her apartment and she was happy to report he was in good shape. After some sweet-talking and flirting from the both of them neither of them left her apartment for a couple hours as the two did a lot of catching up. "Like you say Linc he's whipped and will do what ever I say" Sara laughed.

Hearing her shocking words Michael choked on his beer and Linc shook his head and tried desperately to get the image out if his head. "Okay I didn't need to know that, walking in on you once already has already scared me for life thank you very much" Linc called back.

Sara couldn't help but laugh as she reached for Michael's hand on the table and intertwined their fingers together. Glancing over at her Michael smiled and then gently squeezed her hand.

"So is everything taken care of in the case?" Michael asked as he turned to look at his brother and fellow agents.

"Well as you know Mason is going away for life and so is T-bag. Those two for sure will never so the other side of the fence again. Jen cut a deal with us for her cooperation and will serve two and a half years and she is being allowed to voice her opinion what foster parents her daughter has during that time." Paul replied as he filled Michael in on everything he was missing while he recovered.

"It'll be good to have you back Papi" Sucre chirped in as he raised his glass to his friend before taking swag.

"And Sara none of this would have been possible if it wasn't for everything you did as well" Paul told her and Sara felt her self start to blush. "Have you have considered joining the force? Agent Tancredi has a nice ring to it."

"It does, doesn't it?" Sara answered as she thought about it. "Agent Tancredi!" looking over a Michael he smiled and leaned in to give her a tender kiss.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! There will be none of that if you do become an agent because I as your boss am not going to allow you two to walk around division like a couple of horny teenagers!" Linc stated in a stern voice.

"Boss?" Michael replied a little confused.

Linc couldn't help but let his grin turn into a huge smile, "Yeah Agent Sullins was talking to me after I finished interrogating Jen two weeks ago and offered me the promotion to run my own team." Linc told his brother proudly.

"Are you serious? You got the promotion!" Michael said surprised but happy for his brother. "Why didn't you tell me?" Michael asked as he playfully smacked his brother on the back proudly.

"Well right now is only a kind of test run while Mahone is away but if all goes well I should have my own team so it's not official yet."

"Well you are so taking me with you man, I mean you promised that when you got promoted you would make sure I got out in the field more" Paul remind him of their previous conversation about this.

"Don't worry man I will get you out there more." Linc told Paul with a chuckle.

"So when's the dinner to honor your promotion?" Michael asked.

"In a few weeks and you better be there at my side bro" Linc said as wrapped his arm around Michael's shoulders.

"So any idea's on who you'll date will be?" Sucre asked.

"Well if you would of asked me two months ago I would of said Jane but I do have someone in mind" Linc said with a smile.

"Well who is it?" Sara asked very interested, "Do any of us know her?"

"Yep and some of you more then others"

"Oh my god, are you serious!" Sara cried all excited as she had a pretty go idea who it was.

"How do you think you know?" Linc asked her.

"Yeah how do you know if me his brother isn't able to figure it out" Michael questioned her.

"Oh come on Michael guys never pick up on this stuff, I mean you and I were sneaking around for about a month and Linc or Sucre never figured it out. Women on the other hand do notice these things and I have to say you two were all over each other at the charity dinner" Sara said with a lot of confidence.

"What you mean Veronica Donovan?" Michael asked still confused.

"Uh yeah we had a really good time and I think she'd like to go, I mean your taking Sara right?"

"Yeah but you've only been out with Veronica once and it was really just a set up" Michael told him.

"Yeah well tomorrow night will be our first official date" Linc announced.

"I can't believe Vee never told me," Sara stated as she smile about the idea of Lincoln and Veronica."

"I thought women could sense these things" Michael teased her as he nudged her shoulder. Sara only rolled her eyes and at him and everyone else just started to laugh.

"So Sara have you given much thought to becoming an agent I mean division could really use you," Paul told her sincerely.

"You know agent Tancredi does sound great but I think I like Dr. Tancredi" Michael said as he looked over at Sara and let their eyes connected and Michael squeezing her hand gently again. Sara couldn't help but smile as she looked into his eyes. "Actually I have been thinking about that a lot lately especially since I've been taking care of you it's made me miss that aspect of the job. I love helping people and a week ago a called Northwestern hospital and they have a job opening for me."

"Hey that's great, I'm so happy for you" Michael told her and then wrapped his arms around her tightly.

"Well looks like a celebration all around," Paul said as he raised his glass. "Sucre's house is almost finished and he's getting new equipment, Linc is getting promoted, which will lead to me getting out into the field more, Michael will soon be back a work fighting crime and Sara is going to be a doctor again. So to new Beginnings for everyone" Paul said as a toast. "Cheers"

"Cheers" everyone responded before clinking their drinks together. As the other took a drink Michael and Sara held off as Michael turned to face her with a smile on his face. Looking at each other Michael held out his glass once more to Sara and said, "To us"

With her smile growing even bigger Sara raised her glass as well, "To us" she repeated and clinked their glasses together once more. They both thought about their future and everything they couldn't wait to experience together. After a special moment between then both Michael and Sara turned to join in with another one of the gangs playful bantering. They had all been through so much over the last couple months, a lot more than any ordinary person would go through in a lifetime but here they were celebrating and living life. Michael couldn't help but smile as he thought about how everything turned out for them. With his arm around Sara he watched as her and his brother started teasing each other and having a good time. Joining in, in the laughter Michael knew that no matter what was waiting for them in them around the corner they would be ready to face it all together.


End Notes: Oh my gosh I am so sad to see this story come to an end, I loved writing every word of it and hope you all enjoyed reading it as well and stuck with me. I would like to thank everyone who read my story from beginning to end and followed along in this journey. Thanks to all those who reviewed and expressed their thoughts about the story it really convinced me to write faster and update more often. Even to those who didn't review but still read every chapter thanks so much.