
Take around 10 of the worlds most deadly assassins, appeal to their egos or misguided sense of justice and you have a scam going that is worth millions. The only problem for Sylvia is that hardly any of them are sane enough.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters


10. Death Metal

A white limo pulled up outside the Townsend manor on the outskirts of Santa Destroy. It was one of the few places in the Southern Californian city that could be considered beautiful, looking out of the tinted class the half-Ukrainian, half-Japanese Sylvia Christel made a small note that when the owner meets his unfortunate demise to make an offer for the seaside mansion.

It seems that the old count still had some sense of taste left in him. For how long was a different matter. Casually unbuttoning the top of her suit so that any tall bodyguard would get a good view and be more…helpful. Speak of the devil's she thought as she stepped out to be greeted by two men in black suits and sun glasses, failing or at least not trying to conceal the handguns in their left pockets.

"Excuse moi, I am here to see Count Townsend." She said, her French accent purposefully thick.

"The Count doesn't have any new appointments so unless you're the replacement masseuse I think its wisest for you to leave." The guard replied, Sylvia gave the driver of her limo a small wink. He knew that this was going to take a while.

"I don't think you understand, this iz not about some massage, but more about his… shall we say… personal work?"

"What do you mean."

"I am the chief secretary at the UAA. The United Association of assassins."

"Never heard of you."

"Zat is because we are very exclusive. Only the top 50 assassins in the world know of us." The two guards exchanged a few looks before one of them pulled out a radio contactor.

"Just a sec. Hey boss, we got some woman from something called the UAA. Its some assassination gig. Yes I know they normally fax you the details, fine. Townsend will see you now."

The alleged secretary and actual con-artist was lead threw a large hall before having to follow a twisted trail in the fauna, that was one thing that had to go, it was not suited for wearing high heels. That and the religious imagery. It seemed ironic that someone who's profession would guarantee them a trip to the deepest circles of hell would be so interested in religion, the last hall before the pool looked like a cathedral, the ornate stained glass windows, the giant piped organ, the golden cross taking pride and place.

They apparently didn't give him the nickname holy sword without some basis.

"Mr Townsend." She greeted

"Stunning, isn't it?" An old man in a burgundy dressing gown mused, his face was so full of piercing that Sylvia wondered if she threw fridge magnets at him, how many would stick before remembering that this was one of the most dangerous men on the planet.

"The view? Well yes but unfortunately…"

"Not that, the fact people seem to have to end lives to promote there own. If not end, diminish it at the very least."

"All philosophy aside Death Metal, I have serious business with you." The use of his assassin alias earned her a raised eyebrow.

"Well at least you know who exactly you're dealing with. So what brings you to my humble abode."

"I would like to congratulate you on behalf of the UAA for becoming the 10th best assassin in the US. If you would like to make this official and secure a place on our rankings all you have to do is sign here. Both real name and alias if you please." She handed over a small black pen and placed the clipboard out into his hands, he studied the document for a while before asking the one question she had been prepared for.

"And why should I?"

"Because if you don't there is a strong chance of you being leapfrogged by those who do register, they can opt to fight the next registered ranked assassin and take there spot."

"So it's a target on my back."

"I wouldn't say that, there are severe obstacles one has to overcome to qualify. But since you are already such a high rank it is highly unlikely that any challenger would pose much of a threat if you signed. Or you could rise up the ranks yourself."

"Fine, I shall sign this, but I don't think I'll fight through your gauntlet for you." He said, scribbling his name on the paper while smiling.

"Why not?"

"It is simple, I have no need to. I have everything a man could possibly dream of, I hold the keys to death in my hand. I will merely serve to make those misguided fools who wish to use this UAA of yours as a way to get respect amongst their peers the error of their ways. Good day miss Christel."

Sylvia left the building, her objective accomplished but in a foul mood. On the piece of paper below the contract she made a little note. "If suitable challenger, major discount."


This will be covering all the ranked assassins and how they fell for the scam. Who knows, maybe I'll add in a bit where one of them climbs the ranks. Reviews are appreciated.