Rank 2: Bad Girl

You think you're bad, don't ya?

Deciding to skip Speed Buster for several reasons, one being that I didn't really have anything to write about her, and another being Bad Girl is a much more crazy prospect when looking at it in this manner. (I.E rationalising all the assassins to some extent so they could be slightly more plausible)

WARNING: This chapter features very foul language from the Assassin in question. Very foul, so if you are offended by this in any way shape or form, please click back before you get angry or faint. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Disclaimer: I own nothing.


What in the name of whichever circle of hell I'm destined to go to am I doing here? Syvia thought to herself. Quite a different scenario to normal, here she was, exploring the underground tunnels of Destroy Stadium like some common lab rat! But that wasn't the worst part.

"One! Two! Three! This is getting too fucking easy. Let's see if you'll do better." A high pitched voice echoed throughout the corridor.

Please be not what I think it is, for the sake of not vomiting on the spot. Sylvia thought, coming up to the door, possibly holding the source of her noise and what, against all better knowledge, she was looking for.

"One! Crap, all the rib cage broke in one swing huh, pussy."

"Ahem." Sylvia coughed nervously, entering the room. It wasn't exactly like she expected it to be, the carpet was thick green and there were motivational posters on the beige walls. What would be considered a fairly normal training area if not for the over powering stench of blood, beer and the presence of some victim tied up with electrical tape, hung in the batting cage and being hit repeatedly by a blonde haired women with a large baseball bat.

"What the hell do you want, bitch?" She asked, advancing on Sylvia. This was Bad Girl, the most infamous hit woman in California. "Bat shit insane" was often used as a compliment towards her. There was some incident about 4 years ago, someone had tried to rape her and she defended herself. She killed the man and got the taste for blood.

That was a long time ago and any sympathy that could have been drawn from it was lost the instance she decided that it wasn't enough just to be paid to kill things, she made it her hobby as well, trying to think of new ways to hurt people, make them suffer and squirm. Ever wonder why none of the police are in any use around Santa Destroy? Most sources would have you believe that one by one, she killed about half of the force. And the other half is out solely to stop her.

"Is this… I mean, are you…" Sylvia stuttured.

"Am I what?"

"The … cough … assassin known as Bad Girl?"

"Yeah, so?"

"I am representative for the UAA…"

"Never heard of you, so you have a couple of seconds before I get blood on that pretty little dress of yours, or something worse."

"I am just here to inform you that you've made it to rank…2?"

"Number 2? Who in the world is better than me?" She shouted, holding Sylvia against the wall.

"Well, not the world more the United States." The con-woman corrected her but instantly regretted it. "But if you'd just sign here, you'd be able to climb to the top of the US rankings and then possibly the world!" She said fumbling for the contract.

"Huh, what's to stop me just killing the guy above me?"

"There are certain rules for that. If a registered member dies outside of a ranked match all the other registered members move up to fill the gap so if you didn't register they'd… bypass you."

"Ranked match? So I get a full blown fight instead of just jumping the fucker from behind?"

"Yes, that is standard procedure."

"Sweeten the deal."


"You heard me, sure a fight may be nice instead of killing some guy scared shitless of me but just that ain't gonna cut it."

"There is one more thing…"


"Are. You. Insane?" Doctor Naomi whispered

"I had no choice, I had to do something to make her sign, if she didn't I wouldn't have left that stadium alive." Sylvia whispered back in defence of her actions.

"So you brought her here?" The morally ambiguous doctor hissed, pointing at Bad Girl who was currently looking over the laboratory, with little regard for things she deemed either 'junk' or 'fun killers'. Naomi estimated that she'd already been set back $10,000.

"Look on the bright side, maybe one of these things can kill her?" Sylvia suggested.

"You do know who this is, right? Run a beam Katana through her and it'll only make her mad."

"Hey doc! What the hell is this thing?" The assassin shouted, snapping the two con-women out of their personal conversation.

"That was my cloning machine."

"Cloning machine huh? Do you reckon this thing could churn them out on a belt?" She said, poking one of the tanks.

"Only in the physical sense, they wouldn't have much mental function if you produced them that fast, to make a proper one that could exist in society as an exact duplicate takes months so I…"

"I'll take it."


"Its just what I always wanted. Guess I'm gonna like this UAA thing after all." Bad Girl said, licking her lips. Sylvia and Naomi didn't want to know what she meant by that, and neither did anyone with an uneasy stomach.


Sadistic, foul mouthed, and overall psychotic. Now who's getting the number 1 spot, Darth Vader, I mean Dark Star or Jeane? Or it could be both, I don't know anymore.