AUTHOR'S NOTE: WOOH. Its up and running. haha, sorry it took this long to get the chapter up, but I've been majorly busy. School, work, video requests. haha CRAZY GOOD. Anyways. If you don't know about it already... go to: www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=SeriyxkfJxQ (REMOVE THE 'DOT'S AND REPLACE THEM WITH REAL ONES) Its the Dasey Documentary!!!!!!!! Make a video, do SOMETHING, the fate of Dasey depends on us, and I, for one, and not going to just hope and dream that it will happen, I'm doing something about it. So you do it too! NOW. lol :) ANYWHO, ENJOY MY CHAPTAH.


Sleep Deprivation

a Life with Derek Fanfiction

Chapter Five: My Big Explanation

Disclaimer: I don't own LwD.

"What's your excuse this time?" a voice sounded in Casey's ears. Her eyes slowly opened as a result of her slumber. Derek's arm was suddenly removed from her waist and she instantly missed his warmth.

"Uh- Uh, D- Dad!" Derek stuttered making as much distance between him and Casey as possible. Still facing away from the doorway, Casey's eyes widened in fear but she didn't dare move.

"Derek. What is the meaning of this?" George asked trying his best to sound authoritative.

"Its uh- its not what it looks like." Derek said nervously.

"Then what is it, Derek? 'Cause it looks like you're in bed with your sister." George accused.

"Step-sister." Casey corrected involuntarily, forgetting that she decided to stay quiet.

George's eyes went wide, "And that makes a difference?" He asked angrily.

"It makes a huge difference, Dad!" Derek answered impulsively. He knew he may have been making things worse by arguing with his father, but he wouldn't stand for what was happening at this moment. His Dad was mocking him. He knew he thought he had good reason to do it, but as far as Derek saw it there was nothing wrong with what he and Casey were doing.

George's expression faltered but returned in full force seconds later.

"Look, George... We were just taking a nap. You don't have to scold us for being inappropriate." Casey explained rationally.

"I don't? Because it seems as thought I do, Casey. You and Derek can't take naps in the same bed, that is inappropriate." George lectured.

"How so? Casey and I aren't related. You know that." Derek stated. George rubbed his face with the palms of his hand, roughly.

"Okay. You two need to explain yourselves in great detail. But first, I need some aspirin." George said before leaving the doorway.

Casey and Derek shared a nervous glance at each other. Casey's stomach twisted in fear as scooted closer to Derek, showing her insecurity. Derek put his arms around her and smoothed his hand over her arm, soothingly.

"Casey, please explain to me what is going on. I'm having a hard time believing anything George has told me." Nora pleaded solemnly.

Casey looked down in shame as Derek took her hand in his own and squeezed it for support. Taking a deep breath, Casey worked up the nerve to respond.

"Mom... Derek and I are... dating." She explained cautiously.


The four people glanced towards the stairs.

"Lizzie!" Casey announced nervously, adding a chuckle.

"Lizzie, go back upstairs, this is between Casey, Derek and us." Nora ordered.

"I'm only leaving to get Edwin and Marti. We should all hear this; if Casey and Derek are dating, the whole family should know." She reasoned before going back up the stairs to get the rest of the clan.

George sighed, running his hands through his hard.

"Did you think that this was a wise idea?" He asked seriously.

"Idea? You make it seem like some stupid fling that happened because we were bored! We really like each other!" Derek argued.

"No, you just think you like each other." George responded.

"You don't know how Derek and I feel about each other!" Casey's outburst caused everyone to look at her, especially the new additions to the room: Lizzie, Edwin, and Marti.

Marti made her way down to the couch and sat on Derek's lap. Derek rubbed Marti's back sincerely, smiling at her.

"Smerek?" She asked, looking at him with wonder in her eyes.

"Yeah, Smarti?" He responded.

"I believe that you love Casey, even though Daddy and Nora don't." She told him. Casey watched their exchange happily.

"I'm glad we aren't alone then, Smarti." Derek replied looking into Casey's eyes.

"Marti?" Nora called; the little girl turned her attention to her step-mother. "Are you sure you're okay with it?"

Marti smiled widely and nodded her head, vigorously. "I'm positive Nora. Can't you see it?" She glanced back at the new couple who now both were holding each of Marti's hands.

Nora and George stared at each of their children in awe. Looking at George, Nora passed him a knowing glance, to which he nodded in understanded agreement. Nora took a deep breath which broke Casey and Derek out of their intense match of staring into each others eyes.

"Alright, you two. Although George and I aren't... thrilled about this... situation." She started; Derek managed to hold back his eye roll, "We're willing to give you two the benefit of the doubt whether or not this will work out in the long run." Casey opened her mouth to remark but was thwarted by her mother's hand being raised, "I'm not finished." Casey looked down in embarrassment, "There will be rules."

"Rules?" Derek asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Yes, rules. You live in the same house as your girlfriend and you're still under 18, there's bound to be rules placed upon you." George explained. Derk sighed in disappointment.

"Like, no sleeping in the same bed." Nora started. The two teens grew hot with embarrassment at the statement. "No... make-out sessions."

"Ever?!" Derek asked desperately which made Casey laugh. "You think its funny? He just said we could never make out!" He reiterated. She rolled her eyes.

"Well, at least not in front of anyone. You can peck but... I'd ease in to it slowly because the family will need time to adjust."

Derek visibly relaxed, causing more laughter from Casey. This time she was able to stifle it.

"We will not leave you two alone for an extended period of time. If you want to be together alone, go out on a date." George explained.

The two teens nodded.

"No..." George started, looking at the younger children nervously, "intimate relations." He finished cautiously, glancing at all of their expressions. Casey and Derek both stilled, eyes wide, while Lizzie and Edwin grimaced. Marti was smiling broadly playing with a her bracelet mindlessly.

"Which leads me to... no closed doors when you're both in the room."

"Dad! That leaves no time to make-out!" Derek argued and Casey smacked the back of his head, "Ow! I mean... good plan!" He corrected, catching the glare his girlfriend was sending him.

She leaned closer to him and whispered, "That's what the movies are for, shut up!" A smile broke out on his face.

The two heads of the household looked fearfully at them then at each other. "Hey, hey, hey! No whispering sweet nothings!" George ordered impulsively.

Derek threw his arms up in the air as to display defeat. "We might as well go back to fighting every morning, Case!" He spoke sarcastically. Casey rolled her eyes, playfully.

"Fine, fine... you can whisper. But the final rule, is that... You have to go public at school." Casey quirked her eyebrows at George's statement.

"Uh, not that I'm objecting George, but... why is that a rule?" She asked.

"Because you will have to deal with this criticism as long as you two are together. We want you to known what it'll be like and you have to be responsible." Nora explained. They nodded in understanding.

"Meeting adjourned?" Derek asked hopefully.

"The meeting is adjourned when I say it is." George barked. The family sat in silence for a few seconds before, "Meeting adjourned." Derek laughed as his father smiled.

The family dispersed until it was only Derek, Casey and Marti on the couch.

"Thanks, Smarti. If you hadn't said what you did, I don't think Dad and Nora would have agreed to this." Derek said looking down at his little sister who was laying across both Derek and Casey's laps.

"Don't mention it Smerek." She started, then her face hardened with thought, "Love is hard to come by sometimes, and we should embrace it when it does." She finished, in a serious tone.

"You're a very wise eight year old." Casey told her, chuckling.

"Yeah, well... I read a lot of greeting cards." She smiled before getting off of them and running up the stairs.

Derek looked around before placing a quick peck on Casey's lips. "That went better than I thought it would." Derek stated happily.

"Really? You don't think they gave us too many rules?" I mean, this was Derek, after all.

He shrugged, "Eh, you're worth it." He said nonchalantly before grabbing the remote and turning the TV on. Casey stared at him, mouth agape. She had never heard him say anything so nice to her before, and now he's gonna play it off like it didn't mean anything? She chuckled at him shaking her head before leaning back into the couch and facing the TV.

Derek was flipping through the DVR. She knew what he was thinking.

He settled upon the episode, "My Happy Place" and pressed play.

A/N: Alright, now go watch "My happy place" on YT, or you could watch it on the ABC website.. :) Its a Season Eight episode! YAY! I love the new season of Scrubs, Mmm. lol Read and review if you would like to!