Chapter 1 A Surprise and A Question

Friday, August 20

Edward said he had a surprise for me but I had no idea what it was because he wouldn't tell me.

"I'm not telling you," Edward would say

"Please," I would beg, but he wouldn't tell. Today was the day he would finally tell me, and I was excited. I had been picking out my clothes for half an hour trying to figure what kind of surprise it was.

I was wearing some jeans and a blue shirt when I felt two strong arms around my waist, Edward leaned in my ear and said

"You look beautiful,"

"Thank you, is this alright for the surprise?" I asked, hoping he would give me a better hint than you'll like it

"You look fine," said Edward, I turned in his arms to face him, and put my arms around his neck

"What's the surprise?" I asked making the saddest look I could muster

"I'm not telling you," said Edward, he leaned down and gave me a sweet kiss on the lips

"When do we leave," I asked

"Now," said Edward smiling his crooked smile, man I love that smile

"Okay," I moved out of his grasp and walked down stairs with him on my tail

"You might want to leave a note for Charlie," said Edward

"Okay," I said as I grabbed a pen and paper and wrote a quick note to Charlie


Going to be at the Cullens,

I stopped and looked at Edward

"Am I going to be back for dinner," I asked, he couldn't avoid this question

"I don't think so," replied Edward, damn it that doesn't help me, I sighed and continued to write

Maybe I'll be back for dinner, not sure, order pizza for your sake Dad, DON'T COOK!

I'll call Soon,


"Done," I said to Edward

"Come on," said Edward as he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the front door, he opened it and at vampire speed he locked the door and grabbed my hand again, he pulled me to the car, opened the passenger door and ran to the other side and before long we where driving

"Can you tell me the surprise now?" I asked

"Bella, look I just don't think she would..." started Edward

"There's a she!" I interrupted, did he have another girlfriend I didn't know of,

"Yes there is," said Edward calmly as he pulled on his driveway

"So your cheating on me?" I asked as he opened my door, and I stepped out, glaring at him

"What? No!" he said quickly, too quickly

"Then what's up?" I asked I had had about enough of surprises I wanted to know now

"Come on," said Edward he pulled me inside, "family's out hunting except for me, I hunted yesterday with Elizabeth," said Edward calmly

"Who's Elizabeth?" I asked but then I saw her, she was leaning against the kitchen doorway half covering herself, she was pretty just like Edward, she had long brunette hair and gold eyes, she was wearing a black dress that reached a little higher than her knees, (link on profile) she stared at me the same way Edward had when I saw him that first day, but she looked weak

"I see you've meet Elizabeth my sister," said Edward, he sighed at the end of his sentence, I turned to look at him

"Sister? I thought you were an only child," I asked as I turned to look back at Elizabeth who was turning paler than she was already, I didn't know that was possible

"So did I, until two days ago this showed up on my front door, shaking," said Edward calmer than ever

"How old is she?" I asked, knowing she couldn't 17 like Edward she looked way too young

"15," replied Edward looking heart broken

"You bit her didn't you?" I asked even though I was pretty sure of the answer

"Yes, when I was still hunting for human blood, I bit her by mistake, and here she is," said Edward, Elizabeth looked shaken like she were about to have a heart attack, I stepped forward, she stayed where she was so did Edward

"Hi Elizabeth, I'm Bella Swan," I said as I took another step closer on this she took one back and Edward grabbed my arm

"She's still dangerous, her eyes where red two days ago so," said Edward not wanting to continue

"I get it, why did I have to meet her?" I asked

"She's my little sister and I gave her this horrible fate, I'm such a bad person, I don't think I can give you the same the fate," said Edward shaking his head, "I'm a monster," at his words Elizabeth looked up, and rushed to Edward and put her arms around his waist, I took a step back just in case

"It's ok Edward, I like this life, and she loves you," said Elizabeth as she glanced at me for a second and then back at Edward

"I know," said Edward, Elizabeth's head only reached his chest so he turned to me and smiled, I smiled back, Elizabeth pulled out of Edward's arms and went into the kitchen to look from a far again

"Sorry about that," said Edward, I put my left arm on his back and moved it up and down

"She wants to kiss you," said Elizabeth moving her head a little to the left tilting it, Edward smiled

"Her extra power is that she well she can read people's mind including yours sometimes rarely, she really powerful," said Edward and he brushed his index finger against my nose on yours

"Now I feel special," and I really want to kiss you I added in my mind which I regretted almost instantly

"She really wants to kiss you," said Elizabeth as she moved her head a little to the right tilting it again

"Thanks," I said, I could really like this girl, if she doesn't kill me

"You're welcome and I'll try not to," she promised, I smiled at her and she smiled a little smile but it was still a smile

"That means a lot to me," I said

"Well that's was the surprise," said Edward

"Elizabeth?" I asked

"That and this," said Edward as he got down on one knee, No way he isn't, I looked at Elizabeth and she had a huge smile a cross her face

"Isabella Marie Swan," started Edward my heart stopped beating, of that I was sure, "Will you marry me," asked Edward, my eyes went huge, I still had a whole year of high school left and I was 17 well technically he was 17 but…

"Yeah," I said as I smiled I didn't care I knew I was going to say yes anyway but I said yeah but they mean the same thing

"Yeah?" questioned Edward, he was still on the floor

"Let me rephrase that, get up," he did, "Edward Anthony Cullen I do want to marry you and become Bella Cullen, is that better?" I asked

"Perfect," purred Edward as he crash his lips to mine, I heard Elizabeth clapping and jumping up and down in excitement


Yay!! This is my first Twilight fan fiction so REVIEW!!

Chapter 2's Tittle for a Preview: Alice Finds Out

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Till Chapter 2,
