We travel through time to help history along, give it a push where it's needed.

When the omni is red, it means history's wrong. Our job is to get everything back on track.

"Green-Light kid! We did it!"


Doctor David Banner, physician, scientist, was searching for a way to tap into the hidden strengths that all humans have when an accidental overdose of gamma radiation alters his body chemistry. And now, when David Banner grows angry or outraged, a startling metamorphosis occurs.

The Creature is driven by rage and pursued by an investigative reporter.

"Mister McGee, don't make me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry."

The Creature is wanted for a murder he didn't commit. David Banner is believed to be dead, and he must let the world think that he is dead until he can find a way to control the raging spirit that dwells within him...


Chapter 1: White fury

Louisiana, 1982

His breath went ragged as the deafening howls drew closer. Running. Always running to a new destination. He thought of surrender. How much longer could he live like this? How many times would he roam from city to city, town to town, dreading the day someone made him angry or physically hurt him …

Or the day in his rage he hurt or killed someone else?

Then came the aftermath, when he'd return to see the destruction he'd caused, and made sure no one fell seriously injured or got killed. Finally, he'd pack up and disappear before the meddlesome reporter, Jack McGee, found him again.

He sloshed through the swamp in worn boots and ignored the dampness chilling him down to his feet. He could barely see through the blackness and scattered piles of dark brush. His determination for survival continued strong as ever, and he wouldn't give up. If the hounds and their cruel, masked owners caught up to him, they'd be in for another big surprise.

His calf muscles cramped, and his stomach knotted, forcing him down into the muck. He quickly rubbed mud onto his skin, hoping it would detract from his scent. Feeling disgusted, but satisfied with his cover, he advanced forward. He finally saw a break in the swamp that tapered onto solid ground. He wondered just how far these maniacs would chase him. It made no difference that he was white like them; he'd ruined their gathering.


When David Banner befriended Rory Michaels and her family, he had no idea the red flags it would send up to his employer, Emmerich Waverly. This time around, David lived under the name 'David Burke.' He'd taken employment on a large farm in a sparsely populated area of Louisiana, situated along the vast Atchafalaya Basin. David had no clue that Emmerich Waverly was the Grand Wizard of the small but still powerful Klan in the state.

One afternoon David headed back to Waverly Farms after completing errands, and he'd found Rory distraught and injured. He'd often passed her by during after-school hours on that road, and they'd wave to one another. She was a cute, eleven-year-old girl with soulful eyes, a dimpled smile, and large pouf pigtails.

That day Rory wandered the roads crying, with muddied, torn clothes and bleeding scratches on her arms and face. Her bike had been destroyed, and her groceries smashed by a ruthless group of young white men passing by in a car. They would've turned their cruelty on her if David's pickup truck hadn't rumbled into view. Rory was hesitant to accept his help, but David's kind nature won her over. After administering first-aid, he took her back into town to replace the groceries.

David drove Rory home, and all but her brother were grateful for his help. Albert Michaels was a handsome and intelligent sixteen-year-old, and full of burning distrust for most 'white folk.' Their parents, Trevor and Matilda, implored David to come back for a hearty dinner when his shift ended, and he did so gladly. After a deliciously filling meal of spicy Jambalaya and a peach cobbler dessert, David rested on the porch, watching Albert shoot hoops. He endeavored to play a game of one-on-one, and Albert beat him quickly. The game softened the young man up, and Albert admitted to David that he recognized the red pickup he drove and that he knew it belonged to the Waverly Farms. Albert discovered that Klan meetings were still secretly conducted in Waverly's Barns and he'd thought David was a Klan spy.

David almost didn't want to believe it, but Albert described the Waverly Farm in exact detail. It saddened David to know that the ruthless Klan faction still existed; he'd never given it much thought. What Albert didn't mention was that he'd joined his own gang, and they'd recently decided to band together to take justice into their own hands and fight the Klan.

There'd been a rash of accidents and confrontations brewing throughout town between blacks and whites. Albert knew that the Klan members and their children instigated them. The attack on Rory was the last indignity to Albert's community.


David had his first metamorphosis after he'd returned to the Waverly farm the next day. He'd been spied on while helping Rory, and it was reported to Emmerich. A few farmhands who supported the Klan ganged upon David in the barn, hoping to beat some "sense" back into him. They shoved him and punched him from all sides until he collapsed. David fell off the upper level he'd tried to climb to escape.

Obscured by the hay, David transformed, and the Hulk took over. The men were scared to death, calling him a demon. They tried to use their weapons, but the Hulk snapped them in a rage. Six men went flying in every direction across the barn. One of them tottered on the edge of the upper berth; he was about to land onto a pitchfork when the Hulk jumped down and caught him. The Creature growled and tossed the man into large bundles of hay.

The Hulk ran from the barn and wandered the dusty roads, unsure of his destination. When David awoke, he was back in the Michaels home, with a cold compress on his head and a change of clothes. Trevor Michaels had found David wandering shirtless and disorientated. After getting into the car, David passed out.


That night, bricks flew through the Michaels' windows. The hate-filled symbol of a fiery cross burned bright on their lawn. David comforted Rory while her father raced out with a shotgun. The culprits had disappeared, but not before David recognized the driver and the car. The look of pure malice and vengeance in Albert's expression frightened David as much as the Klan did. He didn't want the young man and his friends to be hurt or worse.

David stayed overnight but didn't want to cause more trouble for the family. He had to return to the farm in the morning to retrieve his belongings and last pay-check. Emmerich had lost his friendly demeanor and dealt cold and brusque with David. He made it clear that he wouldn't have "nigger lovers" on his property.

David, riled for justice, threatened to go to the authorities because he was an eyewitness to the incident on the Michaels' property. Emmerich laughed and gave him the foreboding, typical speech about how the town and its officials were in his pocket and that several privately supported Klan activities.

All of David's good sense told him to leave and not look back, but he couldn't shake the feeling that Albert and his friends would strike that night. David lingered around town a few hours, and finally spotted Albert coming out of school. Albert told David to leave town and let him handle things his own way. The Klan was holding an assembly, and Albert, along with ten friends, were armed and ready to take violent action. David told Trevor, and they both tried to stop Albert's group before a riot started. Albert's better judgment kicked in, and he obeyed his father. Most of his friends would hear none of his excuses, especially from David, one of them.

The situation became grave when David, Trevor, and Albert were apprehended by the Klan for spying in the meeting barn. The last thing David remembered was seeing the father and son strung up on the rafters, ready to be lynched by defiant Klansmen. The rest of Albert's friends stacked against the walls as if awaiting execution. The Klan would allow David to watch and said a hanging death was beneath him because of his color. They'd figure out his punishment later.

Before the nooses could be pulled on the Michaels', the Hulk made his terrifying appearance and put a stop to the injustice. He took a flying leap across the barn and carried the father and son safely to the ground. Despite holding guns, the Klansmen were too frightened to move, and the Hulk began his rampage.

By the time the smoke cleared and the authorities showed up, the entire Waverly barn had burned to the ground. There were no casualties, just a bevy of bumps, cuts, and bruises among the captors. Out of fear of the black man's giant demon protector, a few of the Klansmen admitted their wicked deeds to the Sheriff. Those that stayed in the area were promptly arrested. Emmerich escaped with his most trusted members and vowed to find the one who caused all this mayhem, David Burke.


It was a perfect free fall from the cosmos until they landed in the swamp with a massive splash. Through the slivers of blue moonlight, Voyager Phineas Bogg made out his partner's familiar red and white striped shirt.

"Jeffrey! Are you all right? Grab my hand, so I know where you are." Phineas thrust out his arm until he felt his partner's small but firm grasp.

"I'm okay, Bogg, where are we? I can't see a thing!" The howls and barking chilled him. "Bogg! We gotta get out of here, what does the omni say?"

Jeffrey rose, keeping steady on Phineas' arm. He hated landing in muddy water. It was only a little above knee-deep on him, but as far as he could see, the entire region was swampland, and it'd be dangerous to cross at night. One false step and they could sink into a peat bog.

Phineas opened the omni and banged it. The red and green lights flashed, buzzed, and rang incessantly, and the year dials stuck with the magnifier just past 1970.

"I can't read this, kid, but we got the automatic! We must be out of our time parameters again. I didn't bring us here. It looks like its time to pay Edison another visit. We gotta get away from those dogs. They must be hunting for something … or someone."

Phineas clipped the omni on his sash. They were about to move when they heard splashing nearby. He pulled Jeffrey behind the shrubs. A shirtless man tottered right where they'd landed. He gasped, and fell to his knees, mumbling how he "couldn't make it," but resiliently clawed his way ahead.

Phineas jumped up. "Jeff, he needs our help! I'm going to him."

Jeffrey tugged on Phineas' shirtsleeve. "Bogg! We don't know who he is or why he's being chased! What if he's a killer or something?"

"That man's in no condition to even walk, let alone kill anyone. We'll find out. Listen, the dogs are coming closer and … "

Jeffrey glared at the trees. "I see torch lights and … Oh God, Bogg! It's the Ku Klux Klan! They must be after him! The Klan is an organization of supreme … "

"Kid, this time, I know all about it! We definitely can't let this guy get caught!"

Phineas stomped through weeds and approached the man. He calmly put a hand on his shoulder. He was average height, not particularly muscular, but possessed a sinewy firmness in his physique. The man gazed wearily at Phineas. His hazel eyes brightened from the deep contrast of his muddied skin. He was barefoot, and his brown pants were torn from the knees down. He wasn't a black man like Phineas originally presumed.

"Pl … plea … please help me. I need to get away from them … I … I don't want it to happen again! I'm losing control of him!" He begged.

Phineas felt sympathy and held out his hand, though unsure what he meant. "Don't worry, we'll help you. We'll try our best!"

The man allowed Phineas to drag him to the bushes where Jeffrey crouched. Phineas dug in his pockets and pulled out chunks of his famous beef jerky. He gave a few to the man for sustenance and ran out of hiding. He flung the extra pieces as far as he could.

"What's he doing?" David questioned Jeffrey between rough chews. His vigor returned along with hope.

Jeffrey shook his head and smiled. "I think he's trying to throw the dogs off the scent, maybe they're hungry enough to go after the jerky instead of you."

Jeffrey waved at his friend. "Bogg! Come on! We gotta keep moving! They'll never smell that food, it's lost all over the swamp!"

Phineas ran back, and Jeffrey looked at the omni. "If we can't get out of here, I think we'll have to …"

The mob of Klansmen surged through the trees. They were terrifying to behold in their white hooded costumes. Jeffrey shouted, frightened, and David grabbed his back to shield him. He looked pitiably at his rescuers.

"I appreciate your help. I can't have anyone get hurt on account of me. Go! They don't want you. I'm … I'm all right." He winced. His body ached again.

"Just hold it right there!" A commanding voice shouted from the crowd. "If y'all know what's good for you, boys, you'll turn that man over to us! We don't wanna make trouble for ya!"

The hounds snarled and lunged, but Emmerich waved at his men to hold them back. Phineas courageously spoke up.

"Why are you after him? What could he have possibly done to you?"

"He was caught trespassing and interrupted a vital meeting!"

David found strength and moved in front of the swarm of ghastly looking men. Phineas was impressed with his bravery and unwavering, vibrant tone of voice.

"No! I was there to help stop a riot! Albert's group was listening to reason, but you decided to capture us! You nearly murdered two innocent men! Your Klan disgusts me and makes me ashamed to be a white man. You hide behind your false Christianity and twist it to suit your own racist purposes! That's abhorrent in God's eyes!"

Emmerich rushed forward to pounce on David, but Phineas jumped between them and held back the larger man against his chest.

"Stop this! Just let him go!"

"Get out of my way, boy! I'm gonna show this man whose side the Lord is really on! Him, and his green demon!"

"What are you talking about? Nobody is gonna hurt anyone. He's no threat. Let him leave with us! I promise you'll never have to worry about him again!" Phineas shouted.

"That's it! You asked for it! Take em' brothers! Take em' all!" Emmerich yelled enraged, the torchlight created a fiery glow in his sharp, black eyes. He shoved Phineas away.

The Klansmen raised their weapons. David grabbed Jeffrey's hand and took off with Phineas trailing behind.

"Bogg! Hit it! Hit the omni!" Jeffrey yelled.

"I can't! It's automatic mode!"

Gunshots exploded, and David lurched forward. He was hit. He dragged Jeffrey down into the water to protect him from the gunshots.

"Aughhh! I'm sorry! Go! Leave! Go away!" He pushed Jeffrey up and clutched the wound. His voice cracked with a harsh growl.

Jeffrey held onto David to keep him from slipping underwater. "No, we won't leave you! Bogg! Do something, he's hurt!"

Phineas slid beside them and stayed low. The omni stopped acting dysfunctional and rang on a green light.

"It works! We're taking him with us. We have no choice!"

The Klansmen came into kill-shot range, ready to fire again. Phineas didn't have time to assess the man's injuries. He gripped Jeffrey's waist and David's arm, and he pushed the activator button. The Voyagers didn't see David's eyes flicker white. They all disappeared, shocking the hounds into whimpering and chasing their tails and the Klansmen to their knees in fervent prayer.

Author Note –

This is a cross-over idea I toyed with for a long time using my two favorite shows, Voyagers! & The Incredible Hulk. James Parriott, the creator of Voyagers!, wore many hats on the first season and a half of The Incredible Hulk. It's no coincidence that many of the actors and writers from Voyagers! also worked on the Hulk. Little Meeno Peluce appeared in the famous, award-winning Season 2 episode opener, "Married." I neatly blended his role on Hulk with Jeffrey Jones.

The only exception to casting was Jon-Erik Hexum. He didn't get his big break in Hollywood until 1982 after the Hulk abruptly ended 7 episodes into Season 5. For Incredible Hulk fans, I wrote another fan-fic with handsome Jon-Erik as inspiration for a lead character. The story is called The Incredible Hulk: Last Night, I Saved a DJ's Life.