I do not own Twilight.

A/N- R&R and be kind. Nasty comments will be ignored.

Chapter 4- Weakness.

Edward watched her chest rise and fall....rise and fall. Her eyes were squeezed shut and she was moaning. Her body was soaked with sweat and she was red as a marishino cherry. Her fever still hadn't broken and Bella seemed to be getting worse. Edward laid an ice pack on Bella's forehead.

"Bella? Are you awake?"Edward asked. Bella's eyes fluttered open,then shut again. A deep moan of pain escaped her lips. "What? What is it?" Edward asked.

"The light...I can't handel it."Bella whispered hoarsly. In a flash Edward went to the wall, flicked the light off and was back at Bella's side. Bella opened her eyes again and looked at Edward "Thank you." she said.

"I don't want to see you in pain. Can I get you anything?" Edward asked. Before Bella could answer Alice blew into the room carrying a tray of ice water and chicken soup.

"Alice?"Edward said.

"I saw that she was going to ask."Alice shrugged.

"I wasn't going to ask for soup."Bella said.

"I know. Carlisle said you should try to eat something."

Bella took one whif of the soup and gagged. She felt like she was going to throw up but there was nothing in her stomach to throw up. In an instant Edward's arms were wrapped protectivly around her shoulders. Her stomach heaved and she threw up into the bucket that Alice has thrust under her chin. Bella continued to throw up until whatever was in her stomach was out. Water. She couldn't even keep water down.

"Are you okay?"Edward asked rubbing Bella's back. Bella had begun to cry as she wiped her mouth with her sleeve. She felt like she disgusted him. She felt like she reaked of vomit and illness. The thought of disgusting Edward made Bella's stomach heave again. Alice thrust the bucket at her again but Bella pushed it away. She knew she wasn't going to throw up for there was nothing left to throw up. Bella pushed herself out of Edwards arms and grasped onto Alice as she stood.

"Can I take a bath?"she whispered.

"Of course. I will run it for you."Edward said.

Bella shook her head "I want Alice to do it. I don't want you to see me like this." With that Alice lead Bella up stairs, throwing an apologetic look over her shoulder to Edward.

She is feeling insicure. Nothing against you. Alice thought knowing that Edward was listening. Edward nodded slightly.


Bella climbed into the jacuzzi tub and slid her shivering body into the warm water "Okay, you can turn around now."

Alice turned around and added aromatheropy bubble bath "Lavender and chamomile. It's supposed to calm and soothe."

Bella took a whif of the fragrance and sighed "Finally, something that doesn't make me gag."

Alice sat on the edge of the tub and smiled "I'm glad. Would you like me to go?" she said.

"No, I like the company." Bella said making sure her naked body was hidden by bubbles.

Then in typical Alice fashion she said "So I have new pajama's for you. Picked 'em out myself." Alice disappeared for a spilt second and returned with a box.

"Oh Alice, I am not in the mood for fancy pajama's."Bella groaned.

"No no, nothing fancy. I went into the store and picked out something I knew you would like. Trust me."

Bella sighed heavily "Okay, let me see." Alice beamed as she opened the box to reveal the pajama's. The first pair was a black tank top and pant made out of tee shirt material. "Oh, those are nice."Bella said.

"Yay! I am so glad. Okay and lastly..."Alice pulled out a black bell sleeved night gown that went to the floor. It was made out of the same tee shirt material as the pants and shirt but also had a tiny lace detail around the neck line. "I thought this was you." Alice said.

Bella was suprised at how much she liked the night gown "It's great, Alice. Thank you." Bella suddenly felt her eyes well up for about the tenth time that day. Just as Alice opened her mouth to say something Bella sucked her breath in and disappeared under to soapy water. As soon as Bella felt her head hit the bottom she allowed herself to sob.

Bella stayed under the water until she felt her tears run dry. She re-surfaced, gasping for air.

"What was that?"Alice asked.

"Nothing."Bella said

"Bella, I saw you crying. Why?"Alice asked.

Bella shook her head "I just feel...like I...disgust him...right now."

"Oh, Bella. Thats not true. You could never disgust him."Alice giggled. Bella knew that. She knew that Edward loved her with such a passion that nothing she ever did could disgust him.

"How could that be possible if, at the moment, I disgust myself?" Bella asked smelling the stench of sweat and vomit coming from her hair.

Alice rolled her eyes and handed Bella a bottle of coconut scented shampoo "You and Edward are eachothers weakness. You love eachother so much and yet you two always seem to find away to be insicure about your love. I find it extremely annoying."

Bella laughed "Sorry to annoy you, Alice."

"Apology accepted." Alice smirked.

Bella massaged the shampoo into her scalp. Streaks of foamy suds slid down her face. Alice watched Bella slide under the water and pop back up.

"Okie dokie, you take these,"Alice handed Bella coconut body scrub and a loufa "Jasper is going to be looking for me in a few seconds. Call me if you need anything." Alice skipped out of the bathroom leaving Bella to her thoughts.


Five minutes later Bella had dried off and put on the nightgown Alice had given her. Bella decided that she was feeling well enough to flip her head over and wrap it in a towel. As she picked her head back up Bella felt her body swoon. She closed her eyes as her body started to fall back. Then, just as she would hit her head on the tub, she felt arms cradel her.

"Alice saw it. Thank god."Edward whispered in her ear.

Edward sat on the sofa with Bella on his lap "What were you thinking? You should have called Alice for help. You could have gotten seriously hurt."Edward said.

Bella looked into his eyes. They danced with worry. "I should be able to take a bath on my own." Bella said hiding her head in his chest.

"You're right. But you're sick. When you're sick all bets are off. You are mine to care for, forever."

Edward kissed Bella's head. Day two was coming to a close and Edward knew that it would only get worse before it got better.


A/N- Okay, I am sure that you all hate me right now. But let me explain my absense. In one word :WORK. Work has been insane. I have been getting up,going to work,coming home, and going to bed. But I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please excuse any grammar and spelling mistakes, my beta hasn't looked at this yet. Once this chapter has been beta'ed I will replace it ^_^ Please don't forget to review!

My Love and Gratituted Always!
