Disclaimer – I don't own twilight, any one with a brain can figure that much out (:

Yes, so thanks soooo much for all your reviews! I'm glad ya'll like (enough to threaten me to update XD ) ha-ha, btw I'm not actually evil. I just do that to get ppl to keep reading. I if just ended it on a happy note, no one would be checking to see if I updated.

Then a phone rang, I looked down and was shocked, Jacob was holding my ringing cell phone and handed it to me. I gawked for second wondering how he had gotten it, then took it, and flipped it open to hear Tyler on the other end, desperate.

"Get out of there now, Nessie! Get as far away as possible… a few plans have changed!" Then the phone went dead….

"Nessie, what's wrong?" Jacob asked, immediately by my side. I didn't move. Plans had changed? What did he mean?

"Jacob?" I asked, suddenly and finally aware of what was happening.


"I need to go." I managed, still staring at my phone. "Now."

"What, why? What's going on Nessie?" Jacob asked quickly, alarm began to seep into his expression. I didn't often just leave when he was around.

"That was Tyler, he said, 'Get as far away as possible… a few plans have changed.'" I repeated for him. Understanding flickered into his eyes.

"Nessie…. Please tell me you're following his instructions and running from them." Jacob growled. I looked down and sighed. There was no way around this; I had to do the impossible. I put on a straight face, looked my beloved hard in the eyes and lied, "I am. I won't go find them; I won't do anything stupid… I promise."

"I'm coming with you." Jacob said, grabbing my arm. He didn't believe me? How on earth could he not believe me?! I had never lied to him – well other than a few minutes ago… and now – before in my life! How dare he accuse me of lying now?

Oh, yeah, because I was lying. Well, had I been telling the truth, I would have been furious… er. Well, I was still mad that he didn't believe me when I was lying. Wow, did that make any sense? Talk about a double standard.

I had to keep from shaking my head, I couldn't let my thoughts get so far off track!

"Jacob, let go. I'm only going far enough away where they'll leave me alone and even then it's only for few days. They know you imprinted on me and face it, Jacob, they can smell Werewolf from miles around. Besides, you can't leave; Dad has to know what happened. I'll be back soon, okay?"

"I don't like this. You're young and half-human. You could be killed." Jacob insisted, not letting my arms go. I sighed, part of me hoped he'd never let go. But he had to, this was for my family. For him. And I don't think I could have left had he held on much longer, I would have chickened out.

"Jacob, I don't want to go, but they could be getting here any minute. Please, Jacob let go. I'm having hard enough leaving now, don't make it harder." I was staring him in the eyes now, tears stung at my mine, threatening to fall, but I fought them. I'd be coming back. I would be back; nothing could ever keep me from my Jacob… Well, except maybe the Volturi. Gr! Stop that, it's beside the point; I was going to come back.

"Be safe, and take your cell phone, I don't care what you dad says, I am going to be able to get in touch with you. Stay somewhat close, and stay out of danger. Ness, you better not get hurt or I swear I will hunt you down, make sure you get better, then hurt you myself." He was growling, pacing around my room, it was odd to se him walking around in my pink room, it was too girly, and he barely kept from his head hitting the ceiling. Suddenly, I couldn't help myself. I wanted to say goodbye right just in case I never did come back, and no way was I going to leave with this being the last thing I ever saw of him. Pacing around, all upset and worried in my room wasn't exactly the greatest image of Jacob.

"Jake," I rasped all of a sudden, stopping him in his tracks. He turned to look at me and I ran as fast I could (which was as fast as any normal vampire could) too his side. Literally in an eighth of a second, I was by his side.

"Nessie, honey, you're okay." He was thinking I was scared. He wanted to comfort me? "You'll be fine baby. I love you, don't worry, I'm right here." He seemed to be terrified as he wrapped his arms around me tight. No, he wasn't comforting me, he was trying to convince himself.

With out even trying he lifted me in his arms holding me eye level to him. And before he had time to do anything, I leaned in and kissed him.

From the second my lips touched his, I realized this is what I would lose if I left. Yes, I was going to come back. But what… what if I didn't? Sheer panic made me want to pack in all the kisses I could ever give him in one long, hard kiss. Jacob sensed my urgency and broke it. The way he was looking at me, it seemed like it had taken everything for him to stop (there was no way I was going to be the one who'd break it)

"Renesmee, I love you honey. I love you so much. But, please, I'm, begging you," He set me back down and got to his knees to emphasize his point, "I'm on my knees begging you, please don't go looking for trouble. Don't go find them." I nodded and mouthed 'I won't,' unable to trust my voice. Then as fast as I could, I kissed him on the mouth hard, took my phone, and ran as far as I could as fast I could. I hit Seattle before he could have even of hoped to hit the front door.

I continued running fast, not thinking about anything but going faster. Eventually, I was running at such a frightening speed that the thought popped into my that I could possibly out run Daddy.

Once I was sure I was far enough away that Jacob or my dad wouldn't follow my scent any farther, I got out my cell phone. I had four missed calls; three from Jacob, one from Alice. Sure Jacob was just checking on me and Alice was going to tell me watch out for the Volturi, I called Tyler before returning them.

"Hello?" He answered casually.

"Hey Tyler, just so I'm clear, where am I supposed to be staying away from…? Like where are they now?"

"Um, should be down in Portland, Oregon. Why, have you not left yet?" A little alarm entered his voice.

"No, no. I left the house… I was just curious. How long they going to be there?"

"Um… I think for a little while, maybe three or four more hours. But they aren't exactly leaving till they find you – that's what Dad said at least. They'll come back before long, I'm sure." I shuddered a little, I know he didn't mean it like he said it, but still, that wasn't a comfort.

"Oh, okay… Um, talk to you later I guess. And Tyler, you aren't in any trouble for talking to me before are you?" He laughed in background - I heard him - but he covered it as a cough.

"Nah, they cool… Amazing how little they react when they don't know."

"Oh, um…okay. I should go. Bye Ty." The phone clicked dead on the other end. Apparently I was heading to Portland. With a quick look around, I kicked it into high gear heading towards Oregon. It would be at least an hour before I got there, but I knew what I had to do, what I was going to do. Surrender myself.

Oh God…. I'm so dead.


I stopped mid hunt. Something was wrong, something terrible.

'Edward? What's up?' I heard my sister ask, it had surprised her that I had just stopped.

"That I don't know." I said allowed. She looked at me funny, obviously confused, then began to stare into space. She was having a vision; I saw it playing in her head.

It was of Tyler, through Alec's eyes. I had had Alice keep tabs on him just for safety. She hadn't caught much due to the fact that his son seemed to be always with him, and, for that matter, all the Volturi, but he was standing far enough away that it was possible to see what he was saying and doing.

'He must not know that Tyler is too far away from him.' Speculated Alice. I nodded, still watching and listening intently, it was fuzzy and blurred, but good enough to understand what was going on. The back ground was busy with people, every which way, obviously in the city, and I watched intently on the Devil's spawn standing in the corner with his cell phone. It wasn't on speaker, but Alec's hearing was good and it was enough to hear the replies on the other end.

"Hello?" The kid answered a cell phone, a small, satisfied smile on his lips.

"Hey Tyler," An angels voice rang clear over the line. At first, it sounded like my beautiful Bella, but then it became more and more clear. It was my baby on the line. "Just so I'm clear, where am I supposed to be staying away from…? Like where are they now?"

'who's she talking about?' Alice thought.

I didn't answer, instead, I just continued to listening. Why was he talking to her?

"Um, should be down in Portland, Oregon. Why, have you not left yet?" The kid sounded scared as he cast a glance at his Dad, who looked up to glare at his son. I heard him mumble,

"Tyler, you said she'd be on here way now!" The kid shook his head, and held his finger in the air. Alec growled a little, but left it that

"No, no. I left the house," That's what was wrong, she left! My baby, she was gone! "I was just curious. How long are they going to be there?"

The vision continued, but my mind kept replaying 'no, no. I left the house." Over and over again. That was the key, the boy's face lit up and shot his a dad a thumbs up sign.

The vision continued as their conversation went on, droning on about Nessie's needless worry of her lying friend. I impatiently waited for the vision to end, and it did, abruptly. Just before Tyler hung up, he stepped a foot closer to his dad and the vision disappeared.

"Bella! Hurry, its Renesmee!" I yelled, sure she could hear my call. Almost instantly, I heard foot steps flying towards me. Then was continuing on, with out waiting to stop. Obviously she had had the same feeling. She knew something was wrong, I suppose I had just confirmed that.

Quickly, I caught up with her, "Alice had a vision." I said ass he turned her head to look at me.

"Of Renesmee?" She asked confused, I shook my head, still running at her full speed. This was the only time I had ever wanted to change Bella, and that was only to make her a little faster.

"No of Alec, he heard Tyler having a conversation with Renesmee, she left the house. I think she went to find them."

Bella stepped it up a notch, running faster than she had sense she was a newborn. I fought to keep up. "We have to keep her from leaving!" She yelled, with out a word I agreed. My response was to run even faster, then, only seconds later, we reached our house.

"Renesmee!" I screamed as soon as we raced past the door. I saw Charlie jump from the couch, where he was watching a baseball game, 'Edward?" I barely heard him ask, Bella was by his side explaining it; I was sure.

"Edward?" Jacob asked, using myreal name in surprise.

"Where is she?" I growled, backing him back into the corner, I didn't wait for him answer, I saw the whole thing run through his head before he opened his mouth.

"She left, Edward, she promised me she'd not go looking for them, she needed to get away. They are going to come, her friend called and warned her." Jacob exclaimed, right then, for about the thousandth time, I thought about ripping his head off, but decided perhaps he would be of some help.

"You idiot Dog! And you believed her?!"

"Well… Yeah?" He asked, dumbfounded.

"You believed the daughter of Bella Swan Cullen wouldn't go and try to save her family and friends?! Do you even know my daughter?!" I yelled furious.

"Oh… Oh! Oh, Dammit! She didn't! Please tell me she didn't!" Jacob was slightly hysterical. He was truly worried about her, now that he finally understood. I rolled my eyes, honestly, I didn't care that he was worried, he should have known what she planned on doing, he should have forced her to stop! I would have preferred he'd have my daughter hate him and still have here chained to her room than gone. It would be a win/win situation. But she was gone to Portland, Oregon, where, no doubt, they had her running into their evil, little trap.


I saw Tyler before I saw hardly anything, at first I was excited. Tyler - he was a friendly face! he wanted to help me! he… he… he was in Portland? But, why? I thought he was in Italy… or Forks. Not here, how could he be here, with them?

I stopped immediately, scaring a few people I think. The abrupt appearance even had one person turn to stare, a guy i think, but I didn't mind him. Instead, I watched Tyler, he was looking around for someone. I wasn't sure who, until I saw him turn to a man, wearing a long, leather jacket and sun glasses. With out a second of a thought, I knew who he was, it was his dad, Alec.

Then Alec turned around, lifted up his sunglasses, then locked his eyes on mine; before I could even blink he was next to me.

"Renesmee Cullen." He growled. I gulped, he was actually very young looking, far too young looking to be Tyler's dad at least. He had probably been changed close to fifteen, sixteen years old, at the most. Tyler almost looked older, they were definitely related though.

"Yes." I managed. "That's me. So we can leave now?" I hoped my face wasn't as obviously nervous as my voice. He looked at me, not at all surprised by my behavior. He didn't even look surprised to see me here. Had he… planned this?

""Tyler, if you will." He looked at my best friend… well, my EX best friend. The stupid, annoying traitor came over, pushed me to the ground (Alec had the humans completely unaware of everything... so much so it was kind eerie the way they just stared into space. For some reason that Harry Potter movie popped into my head, I had watched it with Jacob. It had a werewolf in it, so we decided to watch it and laugh hysterically at the very distinct Hollywood version of the creatures. Though, I personally always liked the movies - they had good story behind them – Jacob always says its fantasy… ironic considering his status – werewolf- but, anyway, there was a scene where some one had their soul sucked out… Well, they resembled him. Soulless. ) He then bound me with some thick, metal wire – like he thought I could have possibly of gone anywhere with out it.

"I'm impressed Tyler." Alec said, placing his hand on Tyler's shoulder, "I wasn't sure she would make it here. I guessed she would not of had the courage to surrender herself. You certainly know her well." He nodded his approval to Tyler, who beamed. He obviously wasn't appreciated by his family much. "Now, get her out of here, I'm sure her father and boyfriend will be showing up soon enough. Certainly within the next ten minutes. The Wolf, he shouldn't be an issue. The father, don't hurt him or her mother. They can be useful for us, then when small Alice and her ruined husband arrive –Jasper is his name - let Brodines have his chance. Make sure you keep the other occupied when he retrieves the power. He may finish them off if he pleases, but make sure he gets the correct vampires, son." Alec was stand offish and awkward about physically touching his son, as if he wasn't comfortable being fatherly, then said, "Kelz would be proud of you. Don't forget that."

Tyler looked down, obviously slightly embarrassed by the affection, but none-the-less, I could tell he took it to heart.

Then, as if by some cue, they both quickly looked away from each other. The next thing I knew, Alec ran off into the distance, disappearing, leaving the people completely still, and Tyler pulled me off the ground with a large pull.

"Ouch!" I snapped as he pulled my arms behind me violently. "God, Tyler, chill would you!"

"Oh look, she speaks." He snapped back. I rolled my eyes, that didn't even make sense! Had he always been a jerk?

"What of it, douche?" I spat at him, he twisted me to see his face. I smirked as he rolled his eyes. "Wow, there's a comeback." I muttered. It felt odd being sarcastically mean to Tyler. We had always been sarcastic, but typically we'd be making fun of others, not each other.

"You know what, Ness, just stop, okay?" He retorted, this time I rolled my eyes. He had me tied up and walking towards my impending doom, and he wants me to shut up?

"Don't you dare ever call me Ness again, you got that Tyler?"

"I will call you what I please Ness, in case you haven't noticed, I'm sort of in charge around here."

"Yeah, I didn't notice. What I did catch onto, though, was Alec basically telling you not to screw your self over."

"He did not tell me not to screw myself."

"Yeah, we wouldn't want you to screw anyone else over. You did it to me enough for a life time." I snapped back, and to my utter annoyance and irritation, Tyler just busted out laughing. Glaring at him, I got the urge to stomp my foot and demand him to stop, but instead, his laughter just reminded me of the old Tyler, my friend. I couldn't exactly be mad at him, man; seriously, I need to learn to hold a grudge. "What the heck is so funny?!" I demanded.

"That's… that's what she said!" He blurted out and I gawked at him for a second. That was something that every one at our school said, over and over again. Typically it didn't make sense, so me and Tyler had a made a game of it.

Though I tried not to, I had to laugh a little. It was a perfect, 'that's what she said' moment, but that still didn't change the fact that he had me tied up.

"You are so immature Tyler." I finally said, still laughing lightly. He grinned, and nodded.

"Always have been." He admitted. I rolled my eyes and smiled at him. Then my mind caught up with me, he tricked me to go to the Volturi? Why was i laughing with him?

"Why'd you do this, Tyler? Why'd you do this," I held up my bound hands, "to me? I thought… well I thought we were best friends?" I finally said, staring at my feet. All laughter had severed from my voice, but anger had vanished too. We had had too many laughs together, I finally decided, for me to hate him. And even if we hadn't, I still wouldn't hate him; I can't hold a grudge for long - it's in my blood to forgive. Unfortunately, I seemed to trust to much too.

"I was never your best friend." He replied easily, shrugging. I looked up at him and gaped. Was he kidding? I had known him for almost a year, the longest I had ever known any one. We had spent every waking moment at school together, we had even shared our food at lunch (come think of it, I had done that stupidly. We both hated human food, no doubt. It had been a charade. What a waste!)

"What?" I mouthed, still unable to speak.

"I was told form the time I was born, you were bad. I had to pretend to like you. Then, basically, once I got you to screw your secret up, I could do what I pleased. I even have all rights to you, well, Brodines has rights to impregnating you, considering the whole, 'super weapon' your kid will be, but other than that, your mine." He said, again shrugging. Immediately, my forgiveness became fury; hard core, completely saturating, red-hot fury. He HAD to be joking! Tyler. Hated. Me?!

"Go to hell." I hissed, looking him straight in the eyes. He chuckled, amused by my response. Did this kid have multiple personality disorders or something? How could he be my best friend one second, laughing about something stupid, to my worst enemy the next?!

"Why, you scared of me? Your 'best friend'?" he smirked. Oh, I SO hated him, with every inch of my being, I HATED him.

"Oh, I'm not scared of you; I'm more scared for you." I responded, Tyler looked at me confused for a second, and then I smiled at him, finally I was 'hearing' something.

'Renesmee! She's here somewhere, I can smell her! My baby girl, I have to keep her safe!'

'God, I'll kill that that kid with my bare hands, where is he?'

'I feel her, she's alive, and she's… angry? Very, very angry?'

'I should have seen this before! What I wouldn't give to keep my eyes on half-breeds!'

'The kill my little niece, my one chance of having a kid, I swear they haven't seen how furious a blond can get.'

I could hear my family coming towards me, ready to save me. Then I heard the two that made me – almost- fear for Tyler's life.

'He will die tonight. Carlisle won't like this, but I don't care, they have threatened my family to many times. The whole Volturi are going to finally be put to an end, starting with that half-monster of Alec's. He will die the worst possible death there is'

'Nessie! If you can hear me, please, please don't die. I love you so much! God, don't be dead! I smell… her! I can smell her, thank god! And she's… she is with him.' "OOOWWWOLLLL!!" The howl sent shivers down my spine, Jacob and Daddy both weren't about to let this play out in their favor.

Then I heard something I wish I never had, it was Tyler's mind.

'Ha, I knew they would be here. It's too bad they don't know they all will die tonight. This will be a fight like they have never had before.' Tyler smiled at me evilly, 'oh, and Nessie, sense I know you can hear my thoughts, just so you know, you're not going to be present for the battle. For this reason, I think you should meet the four vamps who will demolish your family.' He flicked his wrist towards a store, where one male and three females walked out.

The male was strong, tall, and built very much like Emmitt. Except, he was different. His front bicuspids were sharp, long and pointed, almost like fangs, but had a tiny whole in the bottoms. He stared at me for a second, showing his bright, white teeth to me, then winked. Unable to help it, I shivered. No doubt he was Bromines.

I looked nest at two of the females, they looked just a like, both were small, Chinese, and very fragile looking. There hair was long and dark and their eyes were pinched at the side. I couldn't help but wonder what they could do to help at all, other than avoid being squashed by my dad and Jacob.

"This is Bromines – he steals powers." Tyler introduced, pointing to the male, but didn't linger, "These here are Cho-Lang and Chi, twins. Cho seems to like to make things explode, and Chi likes to make things catch fire. Very useful in combat." He motioned to the very small vampires and I gulped, now understanding their parts. "And this," he pointed to the last female, "Is Veronica."

I felt my stomach flutter, this female I recognized. Not because I had seen her before, but because of how many times my Dad had described her to me. The fiery red hair and blood thirsty look. This was most definitely (I gulped) Victoria.

"You look frightened." She noted as small smile-like grimace appeared around her teeth; I shivered more, now truly scared. Dad had killed her! "Ah, you believe me to be my younger sister, no doubt. Is it not odd how much we looked alike? But, as your father no doubtedly told you, she was not strong enough, good enough, or adequate enough to beat him. But let that not fool him or you, for, though my sister, Victoria, was a weak link, I am not."

"Her power," Tyler concluded, "is revenge."

"And I seek revenge for my sister's death."

Okay, so maybe i am just a little evil... Who knows?

Yeah, so this chapter wasn't NEARLY as good as i would have liked it to be... sorry about the pace, i couldn't get it right... everything moves fast, i know. SO sorry about that.

But it was too long for one chapter... I didn't wnat you to lose intrest... but grr. .. i couldn't get that perfect balance. Oh, well, the next chapter will be better written (and hopefully with less typo's -- i wrote this at one in the morning like two nights in a row, so its not error free.)

Oh, and our neighbors House burnt down last night!! No joke, it's completely gutted! Luckily no one lived there (the bank owned it) but thats why i'm writing so late, the sirens kept me up late. And tonight... well, i wanted to finish it before i had to work on my senior paper (EWW)

yeah, so i thinki will be rereading this chapter and fixing it if its necissary, but it will be afew days before i revise it if i do...

Or you can REVIEWWW and i'll just update sooner (please don't tell me that i have alot of mistakes in here... i know. I'll find them i promise) anyway...

REVEIW! (i would like ten for this chapter... yeah that would be awesome)
