Author's Note: This is my first attempt at a Camp Rock story, so I hope you all enjoy it! The Joe/OFC story I was working on (I Am What I Am) was deleted as most Jonas Brothers stories are, so that one is going to be on hold until I figure out what to do about it. In the meantime I'll be working on this one, so please let me know what you think! A little background: I'm not sure how old any of the characters were supposed to be in the movie, so I'm just assuming that it took place after Mitchie's sophomore year of high school and that Shane is a couple years older than her. First chapter is a little short but I just wanted to get something out there; it's pretty much just the prequel. Please review! Thanks!

Chapter One

Mitchie Torres started her junior year of high school with a swagger in her step. The gossip about her summer with Shane Gray had followed her home from Camp Rock, and she was suddenly the envy of teenage girls everywhere.

"Is he cuter in person?"

"Is he a good kisser?"

"Can you hook me up with Nate or Jason?" Mitchie did all she could to avoid the numerous questions thrown at her by the seemingly endless throng of Connect Three fans she encountered in the hallways. Over the summer she had learned enough to spot when people were being fake; she knew these girls were only giving her the time of day because they wanted a rock star boyfriend of their own.

"I'm not a gossip magazine, you guys!" Mitchie joked as she dodged the inquiries, but the truth was she didn't know a whole lot about Shane. The girls rolled their eyes and left Mitchie standing alone at her locker, determined to continue their conversation with or without her cooperation. She let out a loud sigh, thankful for a chance to catch her breath. However, her peace and quiet only lasted for a brief moment.

"Mitchie Torres! If you weren't the talk of the entire school I would have no idea whether or not you survived the summer!" Mitchie turned around to face the voice speaking to her, suddenly hit by a wave of guilt.

"Hey, Sierra, how have you been?" Just three months ago Sierra had been Mitchie's lone friend, her only solace in the harsh reality of high school. Oh, how things had changed in that short span of time: the two hadn't spoken to each other since Mitchie had left for camp, and she wasn't sure where their friendship stood.

"Well, I just caught up on my reading all summer, same as always, but who cares about me! You went to Camp Rock and fell in love with Shane Gray, Mitchie! I can't believe you didn't even write me once, but I'll forgive you if you give me all the juicy details," Sierra said, nudging Mitchie. She wasn't normally one to care about celebrity gossip, but it seemed no one could resist when it all hit so close to home.

"I-I can't." Mitchie shook her head. She felt bad for holding back around the one person she used to tell everything, but the circumstances were far different this time. All of the fame had inflated Shane's ego to the point where he was forced to attend Camp Rock, and it had taken all summer for him to quit his selfish ways; Mitchie wanted no part of the machine that had turned him into a monster.

"What do you mean you 'can't?'" Sierra asked, sounding hurt, "Since when do you keep secrets from me?"

"I'm not keeping any secrets," Mitchie sighed, "but honestly, my business isn't always yours, too." She knew she was sounding a bit harsh, but she was sick of everyone trying to drag answers out of her. It was only her first day back to her normal life, and she hadn't mentally prepared herself for all the attention.

"Wow, Mitchie. I guess I'll never know what happened to you at that camp, but it looks like it changed you for the worse."

"Sierra, don't-"

"Save it, okay? You're just too good for me now, living the celebrity life! Why don't you go talk to the Queen Bees, I bet they're more your type nowadays," Sierra sneered, motioning to the pack of well-dressed girls the two usually avoided at all costs. Mitchie watched as her now ex-best friend stormed away, not bothering to try and stop her. Maybe Sierra was right, maybe Mitchie had changed over the summer. She had made new friends, found her voice, and she had even gained her first real boyfriend. If she had to forfeit pieces of her old life for all that, so be it. She was ready to move on to the next chapter of her life, having never been satisfied with the way things went before she had attended Camp Rock.

The next few weeks of school were very different than anything Mitchie had ever faced before. She was overwhelmed by the coursework that came with being an upperclassman, and she had also stepped out of her comfort zone to join several musical extracurricular activities. She was being kept so busy by the numerous commitments that she barely had time to worry about her falling out with Sierra. Although school could be a bit lonely at times, she was in constant communication with the friends she'd mad at camp, and things seemed to be going well with Shane. He made it a point to call her whenever he had a second to himself on Connect Three's current world tour, and Mitchie would always answer, no matter where she might be when the phone rang.

"Shane! I've missed you." Mitchie cooed into her cell phone as she excused herself from after school choir practice. She received a glare from the instructor as she slipped out the door and into the hallway, but she didn't mind; she hadn't talked to Shane in four days, and she was desperate to hear his voice again.

"Hey, baby, how's school going?" Shane sounded completely exhausted as he posed the question, making Mitchie's heart sink slightly. He had told her how tiring his life could be, and she was finally beginning to see what he meant. She went ahead and shared all the details of her life the past few days and hoped he would do the same, feeling the urge to connect with him in any way possible while he was so far away.

"The shows have been going really well, and I've been sightseeing in some pretty amazing places."

"That sounds incredible, seeing the world like that! I'm so jealous; here I am, stuck in the same boring life everyday." Mitchie was dripping with envy, wishing she could join Shane in his travels.

"It's not all it's cracked up to be, trust me. But hey, I have a surprise for you." Mitchie smiled as Shane spoke, assuming he would be mailing her another gift from some city she'd never have the chance to visit, "We've got a couple days off, and I'm coming to see you."

"What?! Are you sure that's what you want to do with your time off?" As excited as the news made Mitchie, she was in shock; she had already grown accustomed to the idea of being apart from Shane for several months.

"Are you trying to talk to me out of it?" Shane laughed weakly, "I'll be there in three days. I need to see you. I've got to go, but I'll email you my itinerary tonight." Mitchie felt her heart skip a beat at the thought: he needed to see her. She had never felt needed in her entire life. Her voice was caught in her throat, and it took her a moment to respond.

"Sounds good, Shane. Have a great show tonight."

"Bye, Mitchie, I'll see you soon." Mitchie waited until she heard the click on Shane's end of the line to rush back into the classroom, wondering how she was going to survive the anticipation the next three days would present her.

The weekend had finally arrived, and Shane was officially in town. Plans had been made, and Mitchie was to meet him at his hotel to avoid any unwanted attention.

"Have a good time, and tell Shane we say 'hello!'" Mrs. Torres waved her daughter off as she climbed into the car sent to deliver her to the hotel. Mitchie's parents had been enamored with Shane from the moment the two got together at the end of the Final Jam, and were very supportive of the relationship. The didn't seem to mind that he was older than her, or that he was a jet setting rock star; as far as they could tell, Camp Rock had left him with a good head on his shoulders. Mitchie was thankful for her parent's approval; she would do anything for a bit of time alone with Shane. The car only traveled a short distance before reaching its destination: the back entrance of the ritziest hotel in town. The driver quickly hopped out and rushed to pen the back car door.

"Mr. Gray is waiting for you in his room," The driver explained as he helped Mitchie to the ground, "Ill show you up." Of course, Shane was staying in the penthouse suite on the top floor; nothing but the best for the world's hottest celebrity. Mitchie knocked nervously on the door, smoothing out the front of her nicest dress as she listened to the locks click inside.

"Shane," Mitchie sighed with relief as the door swung open. She was swept into the room and enveloped by Shane's strong arms as the door shut behind her. It wasn't the kiss she had been hoping for, but after a month apart she wasn't going to be picky. The hug lingered in silence far longer than she had expected, making her curious.

"Let me take a look at you, Shane," Mitchie said as she pulled away. She looked up to study his solemn eyes, his face twisted into a serious stare, and she began to feel very worried.

"Mitchie, I need to talk to you." Mitchie's stomach turned as the words left Shane's barely-parted lips; nothing good ever followed that phrase.

"What's wrong?" Mitchie sensed the tears welling up in her eyes, but she refused to let them fall.

"I don't know how else to say this: the long distance thing just isn't working, Mitchie." Shane looked away as he confessed, obviously equally pained.

"Wait, you flew here so you could break up with me?!" Mitchie imagined this was what suffocating felt like; she was certain she could feel Shane's words crushing her, knocking the breath right out of her.

"Baby, you are so young; it isn't fair to make you waste the best part of your life waiting around for me-"

"Don't call me that," Mitchie snapped, "Just stop talking to me, okay? I thought you had changed, but boy, did you trick me!" She felt like such a fool, and she couldn't believe how stupid she had been. How had she been so naïve as to think he had really changed his ways? Once a selfish jerk, always a selfish jerk. She crashed out of the hotel room and into the hallway, determined not to give Shane the satisfaction of watching her heart break.