A/N: Normally I wouldn't write anything else while in the middle of a project like 101 Ways, but I wanted to write this before Ninja C removed the challenge. This is not amazing, but hopefully you'll chuckle.

Disclaimer: OMMMMMMMMMMM... OMMMMMMMMMMMMM... I shall call the rights to Harry Potter to me through meditation... OMMMMMMMMMMMM... (Yeah, I'll let you know when that works.)

Lupin, Harry, and Snape went to the Hog's Head together one afternoon. "Just as dusty as always," Harry said rather affectionately, remembering that this was where the D.A. had started. Snape scratched his greasy head, wondering which had been cleaned more recently – the floor, or his hair.

Stepping up to the bar, they ordered their drinks from Aberforth. He brought them quickly – Lupin scorgified his glass when no one was looking – and they sat down.

After they had gotten comfortable, Harry asked Lupin, "Mind if I try a sip of yours?"

Lupin shrugged, but Snape cautioned, "I wouldn't." Harry, after hearing Snape's explanation that Lupin's drink and Harry's might do odd things if combined, agreed, and they finished their drinks, paid, and left.

So what just happened there?

A werewolf, a Death Eater, and the Chosen One walked into a bar. The werewolf ordered a Wolfsbane Potion, the Death Eater, Felix Felicis, and the Chosen One, Euphoria. When the werewolf and the Chosen One wanted to mix their drinks, however, the Death Eater advised against it, pointing out that Wolfsbane to a normal human was like a liquid Cruciatus Curse. "Plus," he said, "it wouldn't mix well with Euphoria. You would suffer, but you would be happy about it."

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