Sum- When Renee left, it wasn't because she didn't love him. She was going out to pursue a career that he didn't approve of. Now she's a singer, living in LA, touring around the world with her daughter. Bella is her mom's lyricist, writing her songs as her mother composes the music.

Now that Renee is married to Phil, who is on the Yankees, Bella wants to move to Forks, where her father kept her and her mother's celebrity identities a secret, so she could spend more time with her father before she goes to college and pursue a music career of her own.

But all of that changes when she meets the mysterious Edward Cullen…

Just please give it a shot, please?


"Honey, you don't need to do this." My mom's voice rang through the phone.

"I just want some time to get to know Charlie before I go to college." I sighed as I rolled my carry on onto the jet with my keyboard on my back. I was leaving my sunny Los Angeles for dreary Forks, Washington.

I was leaving all my friends, who begged me to stay, everything behind.

"You'll get time to see him after you debut, we've got contracts and agencies that would love to produce you. You will always have time to visit him."

"But this gives me a chance to experience what school is really like. I'll be able to write lyrics for you from there, you said that you had a wifi satellite installed there right?"

"Yeah, but I don't want you to go, you're my baby girl! I need you, your auntie doesn't want you to leave either!"

I sighed as I plopped in the leather seat, this was the jet that my 'auntie', also known as Madonna in the world of Music business, lended me for my visits to Forks.

Let me put this up before you make any assumptions, My mother is a singer called Renee Dwyer, she just married Phil Dwyer of the Yankees, but it wasn't always like that. When my mother and my father, Charlie, got divorced, due to a marriage straight from High School which resulted in her being pregnant with me when she left him for a job offer as Madonna's backstage singer.

Madonna and my mother got close, almost like sisters. She's my godmother and my 'auntie' who helped my mother launch her first album, "Renee." When I got old enough, I started writing lyrics for my mother's music, which made her more famous, that her twelve-year-old daughter was helping write music. I was soon singing with her time to time, at concerts, but within time, I didn't appear much in public view, just in some tabloids with some of my celebrity friends. That would help me keep my identity a secret in Forks. During that time, I worked on writing songs for the future and mastering the guitar and piano.

"Mom, I'll write every night and you can call me on my cell any time you want, except for school. And I'll keep you updated on everything I write, and I'm depending on you for news."

"I guess there's nothing I can say now to keep you from going, huh?"

"Nope, I'll call you when I land. I love you, send my love to Tyrone for me." Tyrone was my bodyguard, and my adoptive brother.

Tyrone and I went way back, he arrived for an audition to be my bodyguard when he was fifteen and I was seven. He was from the streets and my mom took him in. We grew to be a family from there; some of his friends from the gang he was in visited. People think that gang members were mean and violent; some were, but not Tyrone's friends. His 'buddies' were really nice we hung out a lot.

When I decided on moving to Forks he insisted on coming with me, but I said that he would blow my cover and, after all, I was going to live with a cop, how safe could I get?

"I will, he was bawling when I left the house. He really misses you already." I felt my heart throb when she told me this. Tyrone wasn't one of those mushy-mushy guys; he was only a teddy bear around my mom and I.

"Bye honey. Call me as soon as you land, I mean it."

"I will, don't blow a fuse." I joked, and then hung up.

The rest of the plane trip I spent convincing myself that I wanted to do this, that it was only fair to Charlie. But the pit feeling in my stomach told me otherwise.

I closed my eyes and imagined myself at home with Tyrone. No, Bella, your home is with Charlie now. I scolded myself.

Before I knew it, the jet was landing in the airport at Port Angles. Here goes nothing.

I grabbed my luggage, one suitcase, one duffle, my carry-on and my keyboard. It was the most I've ever packed for a trip, well, this was going to be the longest I would be from my mother, and I wouldn't see her until spring break. And that was in three months.

The dense, freezing air of Washington State blew past me as I tried to walk down the steep jet stairs, tripping on the last step. I landed on a heap on the pavement with my entire luggage falling on me in a heap. A flight attendant soon was helping me bring my luggage to the terminal.

"Thank you, Miss..?" I asked her name as she handed me my suitcase.

"Oh, Bridget. And thank you for flying with us today."

"Yes, it was a nice flight. And thank you for helping me." I shook her hand. I would have tipped her, but I didn't bring any extra cash with me today. So I hugged her awkwardly. She shook it off quickly and I headed towards the front where Charlie was.

He was there, in police uniform, embarrassingly enough. Well, I suppose I didn't help either, I was still in sweats and had heavy sunglasses on my head, which were a necessity when you were in LA and a celebrity, or in my case, a daughter of a celebrity.

"Hey sport!" he ruffled my hair, but I didn't care, I wasn't in LA anymore, I didn't have to care about my appearance anymore. I wasn't one for designer clothes; my mother was the one to drag me across LA to designer stores. It was surprisingly a relief to not have to spend an hour to make sure if paparazzi caught you, so you didn't look like you just came out of bed.

"Hey Dad, missed you." I dropped my luggage to hug him; he froze awkwardly under my grip. He soon put his arms around me, patting my back. Charlie wasn't ones for hugs, I always greeted my friends in LA with hugs, and maybe Washington was different, less touchy-feely. I would have to work on that.

"Missed you too." I get go of him and he took my suitcase and started to lead me towards his cruiser. After we put my stuff in the trunk, we sat in the front in an awkward silence. We didn't know what to say.

"Um, well, I got you a car. I know it's not up to LA standards, but it'll get you to school and back in one piece." He broke the silence.

"Oh, you didn't have to do that, dad. I had money put aside to get a car."

"No, I'm your father, it's my job to get you a car. And besides, my friend, Billy, is now in a wheelchair and he sold it to me cheep."

"Oh." And that's all we said in the car.

When we came to the driveway, I saw a monster of a red car; but it was the perfect car for me. One of those cars that was built like a tank, sure it wasn't LA, but it was perfect for Bella Swan, one, if not the most, danger-prone girls in the world.

"Dad, it's perfect! I love it!" I said with enthusiasm, at least I didn't have to fake it.

"Oh, that's good. I'm glad you like it. Your bedroom is the same from before." He led me into the quaint house.

As soon as I got settled in my room, I opened my Mac Book in my lap on the bed. There were five messages waiting for me from my mom and a dozen more from my friends.

My mother's emails were as followed:


Why aren't you answering your phone? I know that you've landed by now.

Your impatient mom


Check your phone already! I've left ten voicemails and texts for you!


If you don't call me before 7pm, then I'm letting Tyrone come up there to bring you back home.


Are you ignoring me already? CALL ME NOW!


I'm tired of listening to your answering machine, call me or I'll call Charlie.

I had a lot of calls to return.

After replying back to all of my calls and texts, I went on to iChat to see if Tyrone was on.

Thankfully, he was.

"Hey there! Miss me already!" I said as I logged on. A screen popped up, and Tyrone's face filled part of my screen.

"Hey, Bells. When were you going to call us? Renee said you were going to call right after you landed!" I saw that his eyes were swollen from crying. I felt terrible at the sight of them.

"Sorry, I was distracted. Hey guess what? Charlie got me a car!" his eyes brightened even more with the topic of cars.

"What kind?" he was always interested in cars.

"I don't know exactly, but it's built like a tank and it's perfect for me!"

"Well, with your luck driving, he should have gotten you a tank. Do you know when you're going to school?"

"I guess tomorrow, I just hope that no one recognizes me, the last thing I want is Forks to be infested with paparazzi."

"Well, I can come over if you can't handle anything." His face brightened at the thought.

"I know, but I live with a cop, remember? I think we've got the basics covered. Is the house holding up without me?"

"No, we're both crying our eyes out. I had to call Madonna to comfort Renee. It was really pathetic, and some of the guys are going to take me out for a couple of drinks with P Diddy, so I think I'll be ok for tonight."

"Ok, who's going to be the driver?"

"We're hiring a limo, so don't worry about us. You just get through the next couple of weeks so you can come over for Spring Break. Lindsay and Paris are planning a giant party on the night you come back for a homecoming."

"Wow, I've been gone for not even a day and they are already planning on wasting more money on me, great." I groaned. I hated how celebrities these days wasted their money on unnecessary stuff. One of their designer outfits could feed an African village and give them tools for a year.

"Let them have their fun, at least they haven't been arrested for DUI for the last few weeks." He laughed.

"Ok, well, I'm heading to bed. I'll call you during lunch for another update."

"Talk to you then. Peace."

"Yep, bye." With that I logged off before anyone else could log on and I shut my laptop.

I got up and grabbed my toilet trees then headed to the bathroom. I decided to take a hot shower, after five minutes I realized that Charlie's house didn't have as big as of a water heater as Renee and I would probably run out of hot water soon, so I decided to finish up my shower.

I changed into a Lakers jersey and flannel bottom. I skipped down the stairs, tripping on the bottom step.

"Night, Dad. What time do I need to set my alarm for tomorrow?" I said to Charlie, who was glued to the TV.

"Um," he said, moving his eyes from the baseball game on the television, "I think school starts at eight, so you should head down at seven thirty so you can get your schedule. I leave for the station at six, so I won't be down here when you get up."

"Ok, I might get up early too. I like to check the news in the morning." I started to head upstairs.

"Goodnight, Bells. I really like it that you're here."

"I'm glad I'm here too." It wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the truth either.

I carefully walked up the stairs, using the rail to support me. I went into my room, and tried to sleep after popping out my contacts, but I was too anxious for the first day of my 'normal' life. And the rain was a constant reminder that I wasn't at home, and wouldn't be for three months.

The Next Morning….

I woke up to MCR's "This is How I Disappear" blasting in my ears. At first I thought, it's too early to get up. But then I realized where I was; Charlie's house in rainy Forks, Washington. I groaned and looked at the time, 4:45, I had about two hours until I had to start to get ready. I needed to be in a good mood today so I flipped through the Album list in my ipod to "Juno" (A/N- I know that the movie came out after the book takes place, but please, bear with me) and selected "All I Want is You" by Barry Louis Polisar.

In the morning, back in LA, I usually slept in to around nine and then worked on my music, which would hopefully be produced in the next couple of years, depending how long I stay in Forks. I planned to stay at least a year, maybe two, finishing high school. I reluctantly got up and trudged to my keyboard, which was yet to be hooked up to my laptop. I slipped my ipod into the back pocket of my pajama bottoms.

As I took my keyboard out of its case and started assembling it on its stand, I thought on how I was going to get through the day. I decided that I wanted to make friends that would soon forget me as soon as I left Forks; I didn't want anyone from here leaking to the press about my stay here. If that happened, Charlie's peaceful town would be infested with reporters and paparazzi. Charlie had gotten enough press when I was born and when I saw him on holidays. We would meet halfway in Oregon so he would have peace here. After I plugged in the last wire from the keyboard to the computer, I moved the wooden seat from the desk and turned on the keyboard, which automatically switched on the laptop and loaded the GarageBand program, where I recorded all of my music that I hoped to record in a real studio one day. But this would do for now. I opened one of my songs, and plugged in my headphones, so it wouldn't wake up Charlie if he was still asleep. I had almost all of my songs memorized, but I had the sheet music on the laptop, just in case. I hated to forget what note went next when I was in the middle of playing a song.

I set the keyboard to my preferred volume and then I started to play. When I passed the little prelude, I hummed quietly along quietly. I loved this song, I hadn't named it yet, but I had everything else done, music and lyrics were all done. It just needed to be recorded and remixed and then I could sell it.

At the last verse, I started to sing, "….Dancing, laughing, and singing, to her favorite song. A little girl with nothing wrong, and she's all alone." I ended the last key. After this little warm up, I decided to work on my next song. I brought up the file on the laptop and I reviewed what I already had, all of the music and just one verse of lyrics. I decided to just bring my ipod downstairs and listen to the music and try to think of something over breakfast. I took off my bulky cat-eyed glasses to slipped my contacts back in. My bad vision was a freaky genetic thing that skipped my mom's generation and plopped itself on me. I grabbed the armband for my ipod and my notebook full of lyrics from the top of my dresser.

After doing so, I walked slowly downstairs, trying not to wake up Charlie. In which I tripped and fell flat on my face. "Are you ok?" Charlie asked from the kitchen, so much for not waking him up.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I got up and dusted myself off, walking towards the table. I placed the notebook in front of my chair, then I went to the cabinet where there was supposed to be cereal next to the stove where Charlie was cooking eggs. The cabinet was empty. "I'll be needing to go grocery shopping later, anything else we need?" I asked Charlie rhetorically. I walked over to the refrigerator, which only had milk, eggs, and some deli meats. "Some more milk, bread, more deli slices, and I'll make up some things while I'm there." I answered for him.

"Can you cook?" He asked me frantically, my mother was known for her terrible cooking. She was the only person that I know that will make pancakes uncooked in the middle and charred on the outside. He slid the scrambled eggs onto two plates and handed me one. "Here, this is pretty much all I know how to make. It's kind of hard to mess up eggs," he said as he got two forks from a drawer. "You a Lakers fan?" he asked after we sat down.

"I'm not really into sports, I was dragged into a game by Tyrone and a couple of his friends." I didn't mention they were members of a gang that Tyrone was still in, he couldn't get out of it, but he doesn't deal drugs anymore. We never told Charlie that Tyrone was in the Bloods; he probably would have another opinion of him if we did.

"Oh, he's a nice kid," he started, but didn't finish because he saw my notebook. "Are you still working? I thought you were going to postpone the record deal for another year or so."

"I just have a song or two to finish. And mom still sometimes needs help with lyrics." I saw Charlie's brow wrinkle, he never approved of Renee going into the music business: that was one of the main reasons why she left. From what I understood, he thought she was 'too vulnerable' for the cutthroat business. But my opinion was that he was right, until she had me, then she had more reasons to succeed, and she did. If she retired now, she would be set for life, as long as she watched what she spent on shopping sprees.

"How is Renee lately?" I knew that deep down Charlie never stopped loving Renee. So I never brought up her latest boyfriend, or in this case, her new husband.

"She's alright, she's working on a new CD." I took a bite of eggs so I wouldn't have to say anything else. I always felt weird whenever I had to give Charlie updates on my life in LA, Forks and LA were two separate, different worlds in my life, and I intended to keep them that way.

"That's good, is she selling the records well?" he said after an uncomfortable silence.

"As well as she did with the first record." My mom was an international hit, she's had world tours, from NYC to Tokyo, and me being her daughter, I got to go to them all. Lucky me.

"I've told the school that you were home-schooled, just to make things clear. Word passes through town like wildfire." Before Forks, I technically already graduated high school: I was placed in a tutoring program early. So school should be a breeze, the only thing I was worried about was my classmates. "I've told people that you're from Phoenix, and your mom was in the music business. Not necessarily a singer though, I said that she helped make records, which isn't exactly a lie. You know me, I'm terrible at lying, but I've got most of the people convinced." He looked proud of himself, convincing people of something other than the truth was not one of his talents.

"Most?" I asked, finishing my breakfast.

"My friend, Billy Black, he's the one that sold me your truck, can see through me easily. But he hasn't pushed anything. Hopefully he won't ask."

I felt bad, Charlie was working so hard at keeping my secret, and I know that he hated lying. "Thanks, dad, this means a lot to me. I'm sorry that you had to feel uncomfortable keeping my secret." I blushed. I wasn't used to be this verbally tender to my dad.

"What's your business is my business, you are my kid." He looked like he felt awkward too.

"Thanks, umm, you want me to take your plate?" I asked, changing the conversation.

"That would be great, thanks." He handed me his plate. I got up to the sink and started rinsing those dishes, and then cleaning them and some other dishes that were on the counter next to the sink. After I was halfway through, he broke the silence. "You might want to get ready, you should leave a little early so you can get your schedule before school starts." I nodded and finished the plate that I was cleaning.

I left my ipod and notebook on the dining room table, I would bring them with me to school. Just in case I had nowhere to sit at lunch, I had to call Tyrone then anyway. I was probably going to eat lunch in my truck.

Once I got to my room, I grabbed my bag of toiletries and half ran to the bathroom, where I took the quickest shower known to mankind.

I decided to dress in only a tee shirt, jeans, and a hoodie. I still had to shop for Forks weather proof clothes this weekend, five longs days ahead. As I did that, I once again was thankful that there were no papirazi in Forks. This outfit would be in People's magazines "Celebrity Don'ts." I liked to dress comfortable, which was in the don'ts in celebrity style. I grabbed my backpack after slipping on sneakers, my backpack was filled with school supplies. This was my first day of school- ever, I wasn't going to make a fool of myself by not being prepared.

When I went down the stairs, I felt half excited and half terrified of school. I almost tripped the last step again because I was lost in my feelings.

"Bells?" Charlie was putting on his holster, he would probably never use it in this town, which was fine with me. I didn't like the idea of him ever shooting from that gun.

"I'm going to head out." I started out the door.

"Hey, you might want to stop for gas on your way back. I don't know how much gas is in it now. I can give you some money for it." Charlie stopped me.

"I'm fine on money dad, I technically have a job already." I had part of my savings account wired to the local bank here. I had enough money to go to college and then retire, which was way too much in my opinion. "I'll see you later, drive safe." I've learned to say this a lot in LA with DUI charges flying everywhere.

"Same goes to you, I don't want to have to pull over my own kid." I laughed at this. I was always one of those paranoid drivers, always over-safe.

I half ran to the truck, trying to evade the chill of early January. I threw my bag in, and remembered that I left my ipod, notebook, and cell phone in the house. So I ran in and go them, tripping a couple times. Once I got back to my truck, I realized that Charlie already left. Sighing, I plugged one of my ear buds in my ear and turned on my morning playlist. "Stacey's Mom" filled my ear, I grinned at one of my favorite songs and turned on the engine, which drowned out the music with a roar. I ended up turning up the volume then drove out of the driveway towards my first destination, the bank. As I drove from the highway into town I prayed to whatever god was up there that the bank had an ATM, in which it did. My luck was running up today. After getting enough money for enough lunches for this week, I drove to the school, which was conveniently across the street.

This school was very quaint: it consisted of a bunch of buildings that were identical in color and were connected by sidewalks. I would have to get a warm coat this weekend, if I wanted to survive this winter. I parked in the almost empty parking lot, which only had a few beaten up cars like my own in the teacher parking spots. It was almost the complete opposite of LA, where the parking lots were filled with expensive cars.

I shivered as I ran to the building that was marked "Main Office" by a sign on the glass on the wooden doors. When I shut the door behind me, I was greeted by a humid, almost tropical climate due to several potted plants in the small room. I walked to one of the three desks whom was occupied by a lady with bright, clearly dyed, red hair. She was wearing a purple t-shirt and jeans, unlike any school secretary in any movie that I had ever seen. She smiled, which I could tell was forced, and said in a cheery voice, "You must be Isabella, I've got your schedule right here." She handed me a bright, and almost blinding pink piece of paper. "And I need you to get your teachers to sign this, also here is a map of the school." She handed me a light green paper and a lilac colored piece of paper. I wondered how much money the school spent on colored paper. I just nodded and thanked her. "You have a nice day now, come back with the green paper after school." I left, looking at my schedule and frowned, I was hoping for any new classes that I had not already taken. These classes were standard, probably required to graduate. It would be weird to have two high school diplomas later. I had no idea how to explain it later if anyone found out. I decided to leave these thoughts for later as I walked back to my truck. I decided to go ahead and try to memorize the schedule and map as I waited for more people to arrive. Most of the cars that soon arrived in the following fifteen minutes were as old as mine, the only new car that I noticed was a silver Volvo. After I confirmed that I had memorized everything that I needed, I walked out towards my first class, which was in Building 5.

When I walked into the tiny classroom, I felt people's stares almost immediately. I walked up to the front and introduced myself to the teacher. He signed the green sheet and gave me a syllabus that had the books that we were going to read. I felt disappointment creep through me as I skimmed the list. I had read all of these. Hopefully the essays that I wrote for my tutor would come in handy later.

I was placed in one of the desks in the last row. Once I sat down, a girl who introduced herself as Angela Weber asked me if I had anywhere to sit during lunch. I accepted, thankful that I wouldn't have to eat lunch in my truck. We socialized until class started. She seemed like a nice girl. I hoped that we would stay friends until I decided to leave. I thought that maybe this day wouldn't be as dreadful as I thought it was going to be. Boy, was I wrong.

A/N- I know what you're thinking. All you're doing is ripping off Twilight and adding on some new conflict. Yeah, I know this chapter is boring, and probably the next two will be too. But please, hold on, I swear there's going to be some major twists. I just need to rip off Mrs. Meyer to set the scenery. I'm sorry! Please review and let me know, and I won't permit any flames until chapter 4! And I apologize for any grammar/spelling mistakes, my beta refuses to edit any more Twilight stories. So bear with me here. Thanks for reading! Also, since I've been a really bad procrastinator on my summer homework, I won't be able to update till sometime between the middle of sept- oct. Thanks!

-Bobby Rae