I am so, incredibly sorry about all of this. About the extremely late chapter, and the uncreativeness of this chapter. It really does nothing to progress the story. I'm also sorry about the lack of sense-making that it does or does not make. I'm not sure if that was grammicly correct or not. I'm not even sure if grammicly is a word. But I'm going to shut up now. Happy reading.

Happy belated Christmas/Hanukka/Kwanza/Holidays to everyone, and a belated Happy New year too.

Faceless, Sightless, Loveless

Chapter 8; Memories

"Hello? I'm looking for a spirit named Koh."

Down, down, down. Step after step, further and further away from light.

A haunting, eery voice. "Welcome."

"Thank you."

"My old friend the Avatar. It's been a long time."

"You know me?"

"How could I forget you? One of your previous incarnations tried to slay me. About eight or nine hundred years ago."

"I didn't know that. Why did he- or I, try to kill you?"

"Oh, it was something about stealing the face of someone you loved."

History will repeat itself.

"Of course, that's all behind us. Why should I hold a grudge against you for something your past life did? After all, you're a different person now... you've come to me with a new face. It's been a long time since I added a child's face to my collection. So... how may I help you?"

"I need to find the Moon and the Ocean."

"Their spirit names are Tui and La,

Push and Pull,

And that has been the nature of their relationship for a long time."

"Please. Help me find them. An entire culture could be destroyed if I don't get their help."

My world could be destroyed.

"Oh, you think you need their help? Actually, it's quite the other way around. Someone is going to kill them."

"What do you mean? How can I find them and protect them?"

"You've already met them. Actually, Tui and La,

the Moon and the Ocean,

have always circled each other in an eternal dance.

They balance each other.

Life and Death,

Good and evil,

Yin and Yang."

"The koi fish!"

He was there. Watching. Hoping for a slip up. "I must be going now."

A pause, then;

"We'll meet again."

We'll meet again.