Chapter 15:Torn

"And that is how Selena Aero Blackheart, died that very dreadful day..." I forced back a

a tear. "But I know she wouldn't want us to be saddened as it was for a good cause, something worth dying for...I know it is an ear full, but we have to take into consideration how are life is in danger, everyday." I stepped away from my fellow Underground members. As I walked by, they patted me on the back, their heads hung low. Since the Baron refused to have a funeral, we had our own memorial service, and I told that son of a bitch, Erol, that if he showed his face near me that I'd rip his fucking throat out. Pardon my french. Rough week. I walked into outside, only to find the sun was masked by the clouds. A raindrop fell on my cheek, searing into my face. Samos stepped out and greeted me.

"How are you Torn?" He asked with good intentions. I looked at him thoughtfully and looked away. After a few moments, I responded.

"Not so good, Samos. She's dead...After all these years..." My voice trailed off.

"She didn't die in vain. She had a purpose, and that was to spread her message, and that's what she did. That is what she would have wanted, Torn. Why, she's not dead at all!" He said jovially.

"How so?" My voice blatant."Death is not the end my friend, but a new beginning, and somewhere out there is her child. I know she gave it to the right person. The child is a part of her..."

"A part of Erol." My teeth clenched together.

"Torn, she loved him whether you liked it or not. So you think he is bad, but you have to see the good in everyone, Torn. He had good intentions to marry your sister and raise a family." He explained.

"No, that's not the point! He should have stood up for her, he should have done something, anything! Just ANYTHING!!" I screamed until I broke down. My eyes watered and my cries were silent, but heaved my chest with the power within. Samos patted my back.

"We all lose people and we all have regrets. Erol is going to regret this for the rest of his natural born life, Torn. He just lost the very being he loved and probably the only person he loved." He tried to comfort me. I wiped off my eyes.

"I am going to take a walk," I paused. "And thanks, Samos."

"Anytime." He said walking back inside.

The town seemed quiet. All who I've known and seen looked at me full of sadness.Then I seen her. Ashelin. I didn't glare at her, so she felt that I was approachable. She walked up to me.

"Hey, Torn. Sorry about..."

"It's okay. It's not your fault...Sorry about being pissed at you...probably when I shouldn't have."

"Apology accepted, but I should have told you..." There was an awkward silence as I stared into her big green eyes. She still smelled the same. Like herself. I missed her, but it was kind of awkward. She smiled at me and I smiled back and I hugged her. It felt so good to hug someone again. No. It felt so good to hug her again, but I don't think it could ever be the same between me and Ashelin. There was still love. Definitely love, but still we have our personal demons. I am pissed, but just less pissed around her. She was so warm to my abnormally cold body. We pulled away from each other and there was a tear forming in her left eye. I quickly wiped it away. She sniffled and put my hand to her face.

"I kinda wish it were the same...our relationship I mean..." She said on the verge of tears.

"In time. There's enough time for both of us, but I will always love you." I soothed her doubts over. She smiled and her eyes glistened with life. I leaned forward and kissed her and she kissed back, pushing our doubts away and not caring who is watching. We were in the moment. The world seemed to spin as we stood still. A moment in time. We pulled back and smiled at each other. Awkwardness gone. I seemed to be at peace with my demons...for now.

"Just to warn you, my father is looking for you. I can try my best to protect you from him, but it's tricky."

"What about Erol?" I said his name with a snarl.

"Eh...I don't think he will be bothering you for awhile. He's more of a drone for the Baron now, doing whatever he says. It's sickening how the Baron treats him..."

"We'll never survive this town being refugees," I paused and looked at her. "All we need is a hero to save us from this hell hole..." Suddenly something flew from the sky, and I am pretty sure I heard people screaming, then a huge crash occurred.

Little did I know what the future awaited as I looked into Ashelin's eyes, and I felt whole...for now anyways.