The hub was quiet for once, Jack and Ianto had taken Tosh out to dinner and Gwen was spending the night at home with Rhys

A/N: Hey just a quick fic cos hey, its Sunday, hopefully it will make you laugh, happy reading!

Disclaimer: I don't own torchwood, if I did Jack and Ianto would be shirtless at least 75 of the time.

The hub was quiet for once, Jack and Ianto had taken Tosh out to dinner and Gwen was spending the night at home with Rhys. Owen sat in front of his desk, swivelling his chair and clicking his tongue as the computer hummed softly. Owen stared blankly across the hub, he'd had his fun, alone in the hub and now he was bored, though not unsatisfied. He had searched through the team's lockers, he really didn't want to know what Jack was keeping so much chocolate sauce for, and found to his surprise that Toshiko kept a photo of him in there, Ianto an old-fashioned brass stopwatch and Gwen a complete change of clothes including underwear. Now he almost wished that a Weevil would rip someone apart just so he had something to do. Owen let out a huge sigh, for a secret organisation fighting alien life forms you'd think it would be more exciting to be at their base. Maybe he could… Owen stopped himself, remembering what had happened the last time they'd gone in Jack's safe, he was still mentally scarred. Just when he thought things couldn't get anymore dull he was saved by the alarm bell signalling that someone else was in the hub. Owen looked round to see raven black hair tossing across thin shoulders.

"For God's sake!"

Owen groaned; Gwen had clearly had another fight with Rhys and lucky him, he got to listen to the fallout. He made a vain attempt to conceal his body behind the desk. Gwen was so caught up in her rant that she didn't bat an eyelid at his presence.

"Is it so bloody hard for him to get things right just for once!" she stormed, pacing back and forth. "I am sick to death of that man! Why don't I just pack it in and get a divorce?!"

Owen was slightly worried now, knowing that she was going to find him at some point, he stepped out from behind the desk into her full view,

"Owen, what the hell?" Gwen looked a bit startled, then her eyes darkened, she breathed out slowly and heavily. Owen moved back against the desk.

"Owen," she whispered, her voice low, "come down to the archives with me,"

Owen was about to say something but then he realised it wasn't a question, he followed Gwen down to the deep dark maze of passageways. Gwen whirled round and shoved him against the cold stone wall.

"Take off my shirt" she commanded, Owen did so, "and now my skirt," Owen removed the tight black skirt and threw it on the floor, it had been stretched so now it looked baggy and out of shape "and now my underwear" Gwen ordered. Her clothes lay in a pool around their feet in the dingy room. Owen looked down at the floor and then up into Gwen's blazing eyes.

"Owen," Gwen growled, "If I ever catch you wearing my clothes again then I swear I'm gonna save the CCTV footage and post it on the internet!"