Hello, once again, Dark Fortresses here. Here I have the final chapter of Kai's Diary, and I'm sure I'm stopping here. I don't think I can make a fanfiction about Diary's new owner, I'll have to go on Fiction Press for that. Enjoy!

September 31, 1798

Dear Diary,

It seems like the little gaps between me writing in you keeps on getting longer. Sorry. It's been a rough month, as you have probably read. I don't know if I should write in you anytime soon, seeing as I'm not writing in you as much. Maybe I'll put you in a box, dig a hole, and put your little "coffin" in there, and leave it there until someone digs it up many years from now. I think it's a pretty interesting idea, if you ask me. I'll miss writing in you, seeing as you're one of my only "living" friends. Oh yeah, Xaztur is still alive, after about 6 days. I think she'll be around for quite a while, so that's good, right? First I'll have to find a box thingie, but I can probably find one of those at the store. I think that there will be a light at the end of this insanely dark tunnel. I don't know how far away that light is, but I'll get there. No matter what.

I understand that nothing is perfect. I'm not that stupid. I don't think that anything wil ever be perfect, other than some actor guy in the future. I just have a feeling that there will be a guy that's near perfect. Sounds kinda impossible, but it could happen.

Anyway, good bye Diary. I won't see you for a long time. I might not be the one that will read or write in you next, but I know whoever will see you next will be entertained. I'm sure of it. Have a nice afterlife.

Two hundred years later...

October 24, 1998

Hello Diary. My name is Rivka, and I somehow dug this insanely old diary up. So I was reading this a little bit, and I learned that the girl that wrote in this first was a girl named Kai, and I learned about her life a little bit. Like I learned about the Soviet boyfriend she had, and her friends with wierd names. Well, he wasn't exactly her boyfriend, but she had an obvious crush on him. In the last entry, she said that she wanted to make a little time capsule type of thing, but the only thing she put in it was this diary. I'm trying not to break the pages, they're obviously very brittle, an they're this disgusting shade of yellow.

Anyway, I learned that this Kai girl and I are very similar. We have strange friends, we have fairly large hair, and we both lost our parent's. I lost my parent's when I was a baby, so I didn't really care much at the time. Apperiantly, my late mother had a rock collection, just like Kai's mom.

So I think that Kai's ghost wants me to continue writing in this diary regularily, so I'm in control from now on.

Well, I liked this little fanifc of mine. It's definately my longest so far, and this chapter is the longest one in this thingie. Yay! I hope you enjoyed it and happy hunting.