Hey, I've decided to do two of the choices I put on my poll

Hey, I've decided to do two of the choices I put on my poll. I'm not sure I'll do both at the same time, because that would mea I would be doing three stories at the same time. I might but I have to see how I feel. Anyway, please enjoy and review.



I wanted it.

I've never had it. And I never will.

I was born deaf. Born in a world destend to have no sound.

It's always hard to handle when you can't speak your thoughts and have to have someone translate for you, or when there isn't a translator around and you can't say something you want to. Or when there is a noise coming from behind you and everyone eles looks to see what it is. You wonder until you turn to see it. There are also the times that people look at you weird and think your strange, because you can't hear their voice.

See it's not that I don't understand others, because I learnt to read lips, it's that they don't understand me. I've learnt how to speak very few words, so the only way I communicate is through sign language. And unless you know someone who is mute, or deaf you wouldn't know how to 'talk to me'. The only other way is for me to wright what I'm thinking, but I can't do it all the time.

My mom just got married, to a guy named Phil, and it's hard for her to take care of me and keep up with her life. Therefore tomorrow I have decided to move in with dad, Charlie. I suppose I could use a change, new chance to make friends and connect with my dad.

A change will do me good. A chance to restart anew.