TRTSS1: The Warrior of Stars! – By DS Wynne

Disclaimer: R1/2, SM, ST, and the other genres belong to their respective owners.

Note: This is a multi-genre story.

Part 27

In the intervening years since Jedi Adept Usagi Tsukino's fall to the Dark Side, a lot has changed, and not for the better for everyone in the Lucas Galaxy.

While Usagi was on leave from the Jedi Order to recover from her ordeal, Jedi Adept Anakin Skywalker was given an apprentice of his own, a talented Torgruta female named Ahsoka Tano…

"Hi!" said the teenage girl, as she bowed slightly. The girl was having a private audience in one of the receiving rooms at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.

"My name is 'Ahsoka Tano'!"

Anakin looked at the Torguta girl, and then at Ranma and his master, Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn.

"Is this a joke, Master Jinn?" Anakin said.

"Of course not, Anakin," Qui-Gon said. "Padawan Ahsoka needs a role model, and Adept Ranma thinks that you could learn patience by taking on a student."


"Yep!" Ranma smiled. "I would take on Ahsoka myself, but Master Yoda wants me to work with all the other Padawans, by evaluating their combat readiness…"


"And Padawan Ahsoka is a part of the first class that I'm recommending for field duty."

"And I think that you could be an excellent mentor, Anakin," Qui-Gon said. "But if you think you are not ready to take on such a responsibility…"

"I think I can," Anakin said. "I mean, it's the only way I can become a Jedi Master, right?"

"Anakin, becoming a ranked Master shouldn't be the goal of any Jedi," Ranma replied. "I mean, if I was so inclined, I could have been on the Jedi Council by now. However, I don't think I am ready yet."

"Still, that should not stop you from learning how to become a Jedi of considerable skill, Master or otherwise," Qui-Gon said. "Learning how to teach is a part of developing the skills of a Jedi."

"I see," Anakin said thoughtfully. "Okay, I'll do it…"

Anakin turned towards his new apprentice, and bows.

"It will be an honor to take you on as your mentor," Anakin said.

"And it will be an honor to be your student…Sky-guy," Ahsoka replied.


"Yeah, Ahsoka has the habit of nicknaming people, ignoring protocols," Ranma said with a shrug.

"Oh, I see," Anakin said. "Well, all the same, it will be an honor to take you on as your mentor…'Snips'."

"That's funny," Ahsoka said with a grin.

"Well, it looks like these two will get along after all," Qui-Gon said with a broad smile.

"Why am I not comfortable with that?" Ranma said. "Oh, well…"

Darth Maul returned seemingly from the dead to exact vengeance, only to be killed for good by Jedi Adept Ranma Saotome in a duel where Kasumi/Padme Amidala's life hung in the balance…

"Welcome, to where you and your kind had defeated me," said the red-skinned, tattoo adorned Dathomirian Zabrak known only as "Darth Maul". No one but the Sith knew his real name, and even then, that bit of knowledge was suspect.

"Do you like what you see, Jedi?"

Ranma glanced at the surroundings. He saw the stream of plasma energy running up from the planet core. He could never understand how the planet Naboo could have a sophisticated thermo-power generated, and still suffer from the original Trade Federation blockade from years before. Ergo, he concluded that the ministers who served the then-Queen Amidala a disservice for being inefficient with the planet's resources…

Definitely, it was something to talk to Prime Minister T'Pol about it, the next chance he got.

"Oh, I don't know," Ranma said coyly. "What do I see? Oh, wait. I see a walking 'corpse' who didn't have what it takes to fulfill his so-called master's agenda."

"Why, you-!"

SNAP! Hzzzzz-!

Darth Maul leaps from his perch, and swings down his light blade in a deadly arc. Ranma immediately activated his own light blade…

SNAP! Hzzzzz…

And then he blocked the attack, before palming the air to deliver a 'Force Push'.



"Whoa!" Darth Maul yelled, as he fell backwards, before flipping over into a standing position.


"You'll have to do better than that," Ranma said with a smirk, as he twirled his blade.

"Oh, I will, JEDI," Maul said, as he stabs the floor, creating a "Force Shockwave" that spreads all around him.

Ranma immediate turns towards the still helpless and quite unconscious Kasumi Tendo, aka "Padme Amidala". He was still trying to get used to the idea that the senator from Naboo was a previous incarnation of his friend…or something like that.

"Kasumi!" Ranma yelled, as he runs to Kasumi, grabs her, and leaps out of the vicinity, even as the floor began to disintegrate into hot ash.

"As you can see, I've learn much on my own," Maul said with a smirk, as he leaps after Ranma.

Ranma lays Kasumi down, blocks the overhead attack from behind. He used his free hand to generate as-

"Hiru Shoten HA!" Ranma said, as the blast of wind sends him sailing into Maul.

"Oof!" Maul yelped, as he and Ranma flies through a nearby bulkhead, thanks to the fact that Maul had enhanced his "Force Aura" just before impact.


The pair tumbled into the second cargo bay, but did not deter them from continuing their fighting. However, a new development occurred.


The alarms throughout the ship rang out as the cargo vessel begins jettison the cargo bay that Ranma and Maul were on.

"Well, it looks like it'll be you and me…forever," Maul said.

"Naw, just YOU," Ranma said with a smirk, as he puts away his lightsaber before he used the Dragon Rising Ascension Technique to blast himself away from his opponent, and back into the previous cargo bay.



"NO!" Maul yelled, as he attempted to run towards Ranma, only to see that Ranma was already out of the secondary cargo bay.

"Later," Ranma said, as he sailed away, just as the cargo ship seals off the secondary cargo bay behind.

"I'll have my revenge yet!" Maul yells. "Count on it-!"



Ranma, through a porthole, watched as the secondary cargo bay float away into the darkness of space. He knew that it would not be the last time he would face the Sith warrior…

"Kasumi," Ranma said gently, as the senator from Naboo wakes up. "Padme…"

Kasumi wakes up, still thinking that she was still dreaming that she was experiencing a movie as Padme Amidala of Naboo.

"Ranma," Kasumi said with a smile.

Sometime later, on Coruscant, the cargo ship that had been hijacked by Darth Maul lands safely, where it would be greeted by friends.

"You think Padme is alright?" Anakin said anxiously.

"Relax, Ani," Usagi said, as she continued to feed Tho-Ohki, her pet cabbit. "Count on Ranma to do what needs to be done…"

The ship's main hatch opens, and reveals Ranma carrying a sleeping Padme.

"This way," Ami said, as she directed the medical technicians to take the senator of Naboo off f Ranma's hands.

"There you go," Ranma said with a smile, as he lays down Padme onto the medical bio-bed.

"Padme!" Anakin said, as he pushes Ranma away, so that he could comfort his wife.

"Ani," Padme said with a smile, even as she still held onto Ranma's right hand, which was not lost on Anakin.

Just then, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, Representative Jar-Jar Binks, Senator Bail Organa, Master Yoda and Mace Windu greet the new arrivals.

"Yousa saved Padme!" Jar-Jar said happily.

"Good job my apprentice, you have done," Yoda said.

"That you have," Palpatine replied. "You have done much good this day, Adept Ranma."

"Um, thanks," Ranma said. "I'm just glad that Ami was able to hack that encrypted code."

"Nevertheless, you did take the initiative, Adept," Windu said. "That is why, after much consultation with the members of the Jedi Council, it will be an honor to grant you the rank of 'Master'."


"Congratulations, Ranma!" Usagi said, as she hugged her long-time friend.

"Ah, man!" Ranma complained.

"Is this not an honor you seek, my young friend?" Palpatine asked.

"Well, I know it's an honor and all, but…that just means I got more responsibilities."

"Easy is not the way of the Jedi, my padawan," Yoda said.

"Yeah, yeah…"

"Ranma?" Kasumi said, just before she is taken away to the nearest medical treatment center.

"Yes?" Ranma replied.

"I'm proud of you," Kasumi said with a smile.

And, with that, Kasumi is taken away…

"Man, I could a 'Jar-Jar-Tini' right now," Ranma said.

"What's that?" Jar-Jar asked innocently, not knowing that a 'Jar-Jar-Tini' was a drink that was named after the Gungan for being strong enough to make you incompetent and clumsy for a few hours.

"Er, well…"

Meanwhile, Anakin was looking at Ranma, as he continued to talk to the others regarding his new status.

"Are troubled, my young friend?" Palaptine asked Anakin.

"It should have been ME that rescued Padme," Anakin said. "Then, it would be me to have gotten noticed."

"I am sure that your time will come," Palpatine said with assurance. "After all, we have a war to deal with…"

Unfortunately, this would give Anakin a false sense of insecurity, as Anakin thought that Ranma was after his beloved "Padme", and not knowing that Ranma learned that the Senator from Naboo was the previous incarnation of Kasumi Tendo. Nevertheless, this action warranted Ranma's promotion to the rank of Jedi Master without the need to take on an apprentice, a move that would cause bitterness between Anakin and Ranma.

Ami Mizuno is promoted to Jedi Adept status, after solving an encrypted message that was intended to for Supreme Chancellor Palpatine's would-be assassin from the ranks of the Separatists, an irony that would not be lost on anyone who survived the so-called "Clone Wars".

Due to being stretched thin, the Jedi Council recalls Usagi for active duty, although there would be still some underlying suspicion on her.

Count Dooku, also known as "Darth Tyrannus", launches a strike on Coruscant itself, while Usagi, Ami, Anakin and Ahsoka are on a mission to the Outer Rim under the authority of Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, Usagi's master. General Grievous, a cyborg nightmare that gives even the Jedi Order pause, leads the attack, with the goal of kidnapping Palpatine. Several Jedi perish, including Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn. Ranma would be unable to best Grievous in combat, preferring to save the life of Jedi Mistress Shaak Ti, with whom he had an intimate relationship at the time. However, Anakin would blame Ranma for not saving Jinn's life, thinking that he had chosen Shaak Ti's life over Jinn's.

With the fleets of the Galactic Republic and the Separatists fully engaged over Coruscant, Kenobi launches a counter-offensive that successfully smashes the fleet of the Separatists. He sends Usagi, Anakin, Ami and Ahsoka to confront Grevious and Count Dooku, in order to rescue the Supreme Chancellor. Unfortunately, Dooku's death at the hands of Anakin, who wanted to prove that he was a better Jedi than Ranma, prevents Usagi from getting the evidence she needed to expose the so-called "Phantom Menace". Even more unfortunate is the fact that Grevious manages to escape to a base on Utapau during the chaos.

While the search for Grevious and the leadership of the Separatists commences, even as the war between the Republic's clone army and the Separatists' droid army continues to wage, Anakin begins to receive visions of Ranma interacting with Padme on an intimate level, not realizing that these visions were of a possible future. Coupled with the recent death of his mentor Qui-gon Jinn, a distraught Anakin turns to an unlikely ally for solace: Palpatine. Over a course of weeks, Palpatine, who is really the Phantom Menace Darth Sidious, begins the process of corrupting Anakin.

Meanwhile, Ranma accompanies his former mentor Jedi Grandmaster Yoda to Kashykk, planet of the Wookiees, to lead the war effort there, while Obi-wan travels to Utapau with his former student Usagi, thanks to information obtained from Palpatine's office, not knowing that Palpatine purposely fed the Jedi certain information in order to keep Anakin occupied. At the same time, Ami, still thinking about the data she had decrypted, the information that was used to rescue the Supreme Chancellor, was further scrutinized, resulting in the startling discovery that messages were being sent from the Office of the Supreme Chancellor directly to the Separatists. Upon further inquiry, Ami presented evidence of malfeasance on the part of the Palpatine to her mentor Jedi Master Mace Windu, who, in turn, decides to confront Palpatine…

At the same time, Obi-Wan and Usagi travels to Utapau to confront Grievous, while their cloned Republic Troopers take on the Droid Army, while the leadership of the Separatists transfers operational power to the planet of Mustafar. During the showdown, Grievous mortally wounds Obi-Wan, who took the intended blow from Grievous that was meant for Usagi. Upon Obi-Wan's death, Usagi vows to be the Jedi Obi-Wan meant her to be, even while still needing to face Grievous in battle.

Meanwhile, Mace Windu confronts Palpatine with evidence that the Supreme Chancellor was really the Sith Lord Darth Sidious. However, during the ensuing battle, Anakin sides with Palpatine for the promise of becoming a great Force User, as a means of surpassing Ranma. After Mace's demise, Palpatine initiates 'Executive Order 66', which calls for the extermination of all the Jedi. Unknown to Palpatine, Ami had monitored what happened in the Supreme Chancellor's office, and immediately sounded the alarm within the Jedi Order. As a result, many Jedi Knights, who would have been killed otherwise, were able to escape in the ensuing chaos. Unfortunately, Ami was not among them, when she died while protecting the Foundlings (pre-Jedi Padawans) during the assault on the Jedi Temple, conducted by Anakin, now a Sith Lord.

At the same time, Ranma and Yoda escape the assault by the traitorous Cloned Troopers by leaving the planet Kashyykk, while fellow Jedi Knights Luminara Unduli (Mirialian; green skinned humanoid), Quinlan Vos (Kiffar; golden skinned humanoid with dreadlocks) and Tsui Cho (Aleena; lizard "man") went deep into the forests to hide and group later. Meanwhile, Usagi would have been killed as well, save for the fact that her previous affiliation with the Sith had not been scrubbed from the racial memories of the early generation Cloned Troops by Palpatine, and therefore, quite ironically, protected her from harm. Later, Commander Cody, one of those early clones, would secretly escort the Moon Princess to Cosruscant, where Usagi would rondevouz with Ranma, Yoda and Ahsoka. Together, they would confront Palpatine and Anakin, with Yoda and Ahsoka confronting Palpatine, and Ranma and Usagi confronting Anakin. Unfortunately, in both cases, the good guys won, when Palpatine used Ahsoka as a meat shield, forcing Yoda to retreat, while Usagi prevents Ranma from finishing off Anakin for Padme's sake. In the end, Palpatine consolidates power as the head of the "Galactic Empire", Anakin is rebuilt in to a gruesome menace known only as "Darth Vader", and the Jedi, accused of being traitors thanks to doctored evidence, go to ground to recuperate.

And the "Death Star Project" is authorized, while the children of Skywalker, Luke and Leia, a born via cesarean-section, due to Padme being in a coma, who is later officially pronounced dead publically, in order to protect her from Palpatine and Vader.

For the next twenty years, the remnants of the Jedi Order hide from the Empire, while Luke and Leia are raised separately on Tatooine and Alderaan respectively. Usagi becomes Luke's wet nurse and nanny, poising Owen and Beru Lars' servant. She secretly teaches the Luke the ways of the Force indirectly, until an incident involving fellow Jedi Knight A'Sharad Hett, aka the future Sith Lord Darth Krayt, forced Usagi to separate herself in order to prevent others from knowing the truth about Luke's father, although she remains on Tatooine to maintain contact with the Lars family. Meanwhile, Ranma, in his girl-guise, becomes Leia's wet-nurse and nanny, and also secretly trains the girl in the ways of the Force, until Leia reaches the age of 16 years old, the age when all citizens begin advanced studies at the University of Alderaan. Afterwards, Ranma leaves Alderaan to deal with Darth Vader's secret apprentice, codename "Starkiller". Later, he would be reunited with Leia, although she would not know until later that Ranma was really Leia's former nanny, much to her chagrin. Meanwhile, the clone of Ranma's girl-side, originally made by the clone masters of Kamino to fight against the Imperial Armies of Palpatine, is given the identity "Mara Jade", and is trained to be a Sith Acolyte known only as "Emperor's Hand". She is released for numerous assignments until she was given the task to directly confront the remaining Jedi Knights.

Starkiller, who turned against Vader upon receiving the truth about him from Ranma, sacrifices his life for the founders of the newly-minted Rebel Alliance. In his honor, the founders adopt Starkiller's family crest.

Ranma returns to Tatooine secret to lay low with Usagi. A few years later, Leia searches for Usagi, who is reported to know the whereabouts of Ranma. Unfortunately, this brings the Empire to the planet, forcing Owen and Beru to flee to Corellia, while Luke goes with Usagi and Ranma to Alderaan with the help of Usagi's friend Han Solo and his crew of the Millennium Falcon. It also comes to light that Han's adopted sister Amy Solo is the clone of Jedi Adept Ami Mizuno, thanks to Usagi's efforts, vis-à-vis the cloning masters of Kamino. Usagi had made sure that the Senshi of Mercury would be reincarnated via the Force in a new body, but neglected to reawaken Amy's true memories. Later, this would be rectified. Unfortunately, Alderaan is destroyed by the Death Star under Moff Tarkin's orders. However, since Leia is being held hostage on the roving battle station, a rescue is mounted. Afterwards, everyone journey to the Rebel Alliance base on the moon of Yavin 4 to deliver the Death Star plans to tactical analysts, only to learn that Tarken had planted a bomb on the Millennium Falcon as a back-up plan.

Thankfully, Tarken did not realize that he could have used the Death Star to destroy the rebel base by merely destroying Yavin 4 itself. Unfortunately for him, the Rebels were able to deliver a decisive blow against the Empire with the destruction of the Death Star.

In retaliation, the Empire begins an exhaustive search for the Rebels, after the Rebels moved out of the Yavin Star System. During these interludes, Usagi is reunited with an older Boba Fett, who remembers her for saving his father Jango Fett's life on Geonosis years before. This would become important later, when Usagi would call in her favor after Boba captures Han Solo for the gangster Jabba the Hutt.

While setting up a new base on the ice planet on Hoth, Imperial droids discover its location. Meanwhile, Leia is upset that her nanny was really Ranma. At the same time, Luke's disastrous encounter with the wooly creature known as a Wampa warrants Usagi to continue Luke's training. Ranma offers the same thing to Leia, but Leia's responsibilities to the Rebel Alliance forces a postponement. Unfortunately, all this occurs even as Darth Vader spear heads the capture of the Rebel Alliance leadership on the planet surface…

After the escape from Hoth, Ranma and Usagi are split, with Usagi and Luke going to Dagobah to complete Luke's training, while Ranma and Leia fleeing on the Millennium Falcon, after Ranma was injured from taking down a Star Destroyer. Luke meets Yoda, and is surprised as to his stature, while Leia meets Han's friend Lando Calrissian at the Cloud City of Bespin. He also meets a young woman named Stacey who had been sent by a sick Ranma to let Usagi know of where they would head to. Unfortunately, the bounty hunter Boba Fett was able to successfully track the Millennium Falcon, and thus leads the Empire straight to Bespin. Curiously, rather than kill Ranma right then and there, Vader decided to use him as a tactic in order to crush the Rebellion once and for all!

Luckily, in spite of it all, everyone manages to make an escape from the Empire, in spite of losing Han Solo.

After recuperating, new developments occur, the inspection of the Death Star II in the Endor Star System by Palpatine himself, forcing the Rebel Alliance to move ahead with an assault. Stacey is promoted to Jedi Adept status, and is sent undercover as a "Sith Acolyte" for the Empire. Meanwhile, Usagi and Luke return to Tatooine to mount a rescue of Han Solo and, surprisingly, Padme Amidala, thanks to having a number of shops at Mos Espa, including Watto's Shop, being shook down by the gangster Jabba the Hutt. So, a dual rescue was mounted, quite successfully in fact, thanks to, of all people, Boba Fett, who was instrumental in getting word of what had happened to Watto's Shop.

Afterwards, the Jedi contingent returns to Dagobah to say good-bye to Master Yoda, who passes on into the Force, but not before granting the rank of Jedi Adept to both Luke and Amy. Afterwards, everyone reunited at the launching sector, where the Rebel Alliance fleet will be attacking the Death Star II, but not before a special forces group, with Princess Leia, Han Solo, Ranma, Usagi, Luke and others taking lead, are directed to take down the Imperial Base on the moon of Endor, where the Death Star II's shield generator was located. Padme, in spite objections from the others, insist on coming with them, in spite of her chronic illness.

The Rebels join forces with the native Ewoks, much to Ranma's chagrin. Once Palpatine and Vader learn of the Rebel Troopers' presence on the moon of Endor, it was decided that it was time to confront them. Thus, it fell upon Usagi and Luke to entertain the Sith Lords while everyone else prepare for the inevitable conclusion of this particular saga…

Emperor Palpatine (aka "Darth Sidious", the Dark Lord of the Sith) sighed, as his Darth Vader (Sith Lord) and Darth Malum (Sith Adept) flanked him on both sides of his throne. He eyes the new arrivals to his throne room, located in the completed section of the second "Death Star", located in orbit over the moon of Endor. He was amused by the somewhat family reunion that was about to take place...

"Welcome home, my former apprentice," Palpatine said, as his yellow eyes nearly bore into Jedi Master Usagi Tsukino, aka "Darth Lune". He then turns towards Usagi's companion.

"And you brought with you the son of Skywalker, too."

Luke Skywalker, newly minted Jedi Adept, pursed his lips while observing the flanking pair of Royal Guardsmen, both of whom were trained Force users. He was still getting used to the idea that Darth Vader was really his father, the Jedi Master Anakin Skywalker, and that his fellow Jedi Adept, Princess Leia Organa of New Alderaan (formerly of Alderaan, before the planet was destroyed by the first Death Star) was his sister.

"Of course I brought Luke with me, 'old master'," Usagi said sarcastically. "You knew that one day I would be facing you sooner or later, after I made sure that my obligation to Anakin Skywalker's children have been fulfilled."

"Humph," Palpatine replied. "And I sense that you have been trained very well, by your mistress."

"No thanks to you, your apprentice and your 'groupie'," Luke said with a smirk, as he eyes Darth Malum, who was a Togruta female, and one who was familiar to Usagi.

"Hey!" Ahsoka Tano yelled. "I earned my stripes, you know."

"And yet you became a Sith, Ahsoka," Usagi said. "I expected better of you."

"You have no right to judge me, 'Sith Lady'."

Usagi winced at that remark. Even though she could honestly say that she was brainwashed into become a Sith Adept during the Clone Wars, her actions did enable the rise of Palpatine and the establishment of the Galactic Empire. However, she was not about to let the situation get out of hand...

"Perhaps, but I do know what happens when a servant of Palpatine is no longer useful to him," Usagi said. "He used Darth Maul, Darth Tyrannus, me and others in order to groom Anakin to be the perfect Sith Lord..."


"But I take it that things have changed, no?" Usagi said, as she cocked her head slightly, as she eyed Vader.

Vader noticeably stiffened at the remark. He was still in hot water with Palpatine for having his own agenda, more times than not, including offering Luke a chance to join him in siding against the Emperor. Now, Palpatine was interested in recruiting Luke for his own purposes...

"At any rate, I made sure that Luke and his sister knows about you, Palpatine, and what you did to get to your present station," Usagi said. "They know what you did to trick Anakin into accepting the ways of the Sith..."


"You will not succeed in turning the children of Anakin Skywalker to the Dark Side. They are strong enough to resist your brand of temptation."

"In that regard, you are sadly mistaken, my former apprentice, on a number of things," Palpatine said.

"What do you mean by that?" Luke said with wonder. He didn't like being talked about as if he was not present.

"You and your mistress assumed that you Jedi and your Rebellion could catch me unaware, as I inspect this fully armed and capable battle station. Once your ships arrive, they will be met by my fleet, even as my 'Sith Acolytes' confront the Jedi Ranma Saotome and HIS apprentice, your sister on the moon of Endor..."

Usagi frowned but said nothing. She knew that Ranma and Leia were on the moon of Endor with Han Solo and a contingent of Rebel Troopers to take out the shield generator that protected the Death Star II. She also knew that the newest member of the Jedi Order, Jedi Adept Stacey (no last name) had gone undercover to work, as a Sith Acolyte, for the Emperor, in order to keep tabs on Imperial operations, even though she was not specially trained in undercover work. In fact, Stacy reminded her of herself in her younger says. And that fact can be taken in a number of different ways...

But it's when the Emperor mentioned that there would be more than one Sith Acolyte to confront Ranma and Leia, which had made Usagi be a bit worried, which, unfortunately, Palpatine sensed.

"Gooood," Palpatine mocked. "Your thoughts betray you, my old apprentice. You will soon know that all your efforts in this 'dance' of ours have been for naught..."

Meanwhile, on the moon of Endor, a plan to take down the field generator at the Imperial Base was about to be executed, but not without some reservation on the part of a certain Correlian smuggler-turned-troop commander...

"I can't believe it," General Han Solo said, as he paced back and forth on the main deck of the village of the Ewoks, a sentient group of bear-like creatures who, after being convinced by their "Golden God" C3-P0, protocol droid, to help take the generator, while the bulk of the Rebel Alliance Troops stormed the base itself.

"Can't believe what?" Ranma said, as he, Leia, Chewbacca the Wookie and a few Rebel Troopers continued to pack together primitive explosives for their Ewok allies. After all, the Imperial Troopers had armor, while the Ewoks did not. It would be stupid to think that arrows and rocks would be enough to launch an effect counter-attack.

"Oh, don't be coy with me, 'Ronnie'," Han said, as he stopped pacing. "First, you have Lando and Ami piloting the Millennium Falcon, and leading the Rebel Alliance Fleet, into battle against the Imperial Fleet and the Death Star at any moment now, and there is no way to warn them that the shield generator is STILL up."

General Lando Calrissian and Jedi Padawan Ami Mizuno II (the clone of the late Jedi Master Ami Mizuno, who died during the Jedi Purge) were assigned by Admiral Ackbar of Mon Calamari, the head of the Rebel Alliance Fleet, to spearhead the attack against the Death Star II. The only reason why Han had allowed Lando to helm his ship was because he knew that Lando was a good pilot. Plus, he knew that his adopted daughter Ami would make sure that the Millennium Falcon will come back in one piece...

"Then we will have to work faster," Leia replied, as she puts away some explosives into a small pouch, one of many, to give to the Ewoks. "And besides, you trust Lando and Ami, right?"

"Of course I do!" Han snapped. "I just don't want to fail them because WE didn't do our part."

"RRROWRRL!" Chewbacca commented.

"I do NOT smother Ami, furball! I just...I just care about her, you know?"

"Fair enough," Ranma replied. "What else?"

"Then, there are these guys," Han said, as he thumbs towards the Ewoks, who were getting ready for battle. "How do we know we can trust these guys?"

"Well, with the help of Threepio, we can learn how to best utilize the terrain," Ranma said. "You know, it's all about guerrilla warfare and all."

"Why am I not confidant in that?"

"Look, you can complain if you want to, but we use what we have available to us," Ranma replied. "And we DID rescue you from Jabba the Hutt, remember?"

"Yeah, yeah..."


Both Ranma and Leia looked up, then turned towards one of the huts in the village, and then towards each other...

"We should reassess the situation in some fashion, guys," Han replied.

"Or, you can help us make more explosives instead of complaining," Leia said, as she hands to Han some bomb-making material. "And don't go blowing us up while you are making this stuff."

"Where are YOU and your 'nanny' going?" Han mocked, referring to the fact that Ranma, as 'Ranko Tendo' took care of Leia as her personal nanny on Alderaan, even as she taught the girl the Jedi arts. In fact, both Ranma and Usagi taught their respective students, Leia and Luke respectively, under the shadow of the Galactic Empire; he on Alderaan and she on Tattooine. Personally, Usagi thought that Ranma had the better of the deal, considering the fact that she had to live on a desert planet, while Ranma lived in the lap of luxury...

"Hey, we are entitled to a break, you know," Ranma said, as he and Lei move off to the hut in question. "You know, union rules."

"You don't belong in a union!" Han protested.

"Well, I HAVE paid my 'dues' over the years," Ranma said with a grin, even as Han groaned at the bad pun.

Chewbacca merely laughed, receiving an evil eye from Han.

"Knock it off, furball!"

Meanwhile, at a distance, a pair of female warriors sat on top of a tree. They were using e-binoculars to spy on the Ewok village...

"So, there they are," Sith Acolyte Stacey (aka a "Dark Jedi") said, as she continued to watch the activities of the Ewok village. "And...yep, I see my boyfriend Han over there, too."

Sith Acolyte Mara Jade (aka one of the many "Emperor's Hands") merely shook her head, as she observed what was going on at the Ewok village. She can't believe that Palpatine would assign such an annoying person to this mission, simply because he wanted to corrupt the last student of the late Jedi Grandmaster Yoda of Dagobah, who recently had passed on into the Force. Still, if there was one benefit to her mission, she would finally get to meet her clone mother Ranko Tendo...

And, if nothing else, if Stacey failed in her mission, then it would be up to Mara to deal with the Dark Jedi...permanently. Then again, if Stacey continues to annoy her with her incessant prattling about her pretend boyfriend Han Solo, Mara might just eliminate her anyway.

"But I see a problem," Stacey said.

"What?" Mara replied.

"Her royal highness THE PRINCESS is standing too close to Han," Stacey complained. "That...that COW! How dare she try to put the moves on him!"

Mara grits her teeth, and thanked her meditation lessons for giving her the patience to deal with her idiot partner...

"Okay, anyway, so, like, what's next?" Stacey asked.

"We head back to base and prepare a proper welcome for the Rebels, of course," Mara said, as she jumped off the tree she and Stacey were on, landing several stories onto her feet. Stacey followed suit.

"Oof," Stacey said, as she lands on her feet as well, if a bit awkward. "There's GOT to be a way to go about doing this."

"Quit complaining, come on," Mara replied, as she and Stacey returned to their waiting land speed bikes. "At least act like you were trained by a Force master."

As soon as Mara fully turned away, Stacey made a face behind Mara's back as she brought up the rear...

Meanwhile, back at the Ewok village, Leia and Ranma were attending to an ill Padme Amidala, who was a previous incarnation of one Kasumi Tendo. In fact, before the the Clone Wars, Kasumi traveled to her past life to live the life of Padme Amidala, after nearly drowning to death at a family Chateau on Naboo. Somehow, Padme and Kasumi became of one mind. Later, upon meeting Ranma, Kasumi/Padme would reveal her true identity to him, after Ranma became suspicious of all of Padme's mannerisms and cooking skills...

And the rest was history, after a fashion, even as the oldest Tendo sister accepted the idea that she was to wed Anakin Skywaker out of a sense of duty, so that his children Luke and Leia would be born. However, rather than dying of a broken heart from when her husband Anakin nearly choked her to death due to being jealous of her past relationship with Ranma, Padme would fake her death, and go into a state of biological suspended animation while placed within the Amidala Family Crypt. Unfortunately, word got to the Emperor that Padme was still alive, and order an assault, based upon a false allegation, on Naboo without informing Darth Vader of the real reason for it. In a hasty attempt at a rescue, Usagi, with the help of Han, Chewbacca and Ami, managed to escape Naboo with Padme's stasis coffin. But in the process of escaping, the coffin was damaged, resulting in Padem being permanently ill with acute respiratory damage. Once active, Padme, with the help of Shimi Skywalker, who thought that her son Anakin had been killed by Darth Vader, a story that was purposely perpetuated by those who knew Anakin, out of respect for his legacy as a Jedi, worked at Watto's Shop at Mos Espa. Unknown to most people, even to the shop owner Watto the Toydarian, Watto's Shop served as a "front" for the activities of the Rebel Alliance...

At least, it was before the gangster Jabba the Hutt muscled the independent dealerships, including Watto's Shop, which is how the Rebels learned of Han's whereabouts after Han was taken into custody by Boba Fett, a Mandalorian bounty hunter.

In the end, both Padme and Han were rescued by Usagi, Luke, Ranma, Leia, Lando and others, many of which were disguised in some fashion during the rescue attempt. Interestingly, the rescue was made successful not by force, but but finesse: Usagi had cut a deal with Boba, after indicating to him that he owed her for saving her father's life at the start of the Clone Wars, by preventing the Jedi Master Mace Windu from decapitating the head of Jango Fett, and with Jabba, who was convinced that Usagi still had pull with Emperor Palpatine, thanks to being previously Sith affiliated. In the end, Watto's Shop was temporary closed for repairs, Watto himself went on a nice paid vacation (thanks to the largess of the Rebel Alliance, Padme was escorted by Han, Lando and Chewbacca went to meet up with the leaders, where Padme would be reunited with her old friend Mon Mothma and others, and the Jedi contingent (Usagi, Ranma, Luke, Leia and Ami) would take care of some last minute business with Jedi Grandmaster Yoda on Dagobah, since they all knew that he was deathly ill. Later, all parties involved would reunite to prepare for the launch against the Galactic Empire, taking advantage of the fact that Palpatine himself would be present on the new Death Star...

And even though Padme was still ill, she wanted to be present when it was time to bring back her husband Anakin, aka Darth Vader, back from the Dark Side, one way or another.

"There you go," Ranma said, as he served Padme a bowl of Miso soup; Padme was still lying in bed while dealing with her cold. "I hope that Tho-Ohki wasn't given you any problems.

"Mew!" said the cabbit lazily, as Padme continues to stroke his ears. Tho-Ohki was a gift from the Juraian royal family, back when Usagi and Ranma had spent time on Jurai to attend university there. Like all cabbits, Tho-Ohki was a half-cat/half-rabbit creature that could change into a cat-boy, a robot/power-armor suit and a combat ready space ship. Even though Ranma knew that Tho-Ohki was not a genuine cat, he nevertheless felt creepy around Usagi's pet...

"He's been a nice protector, Ranma," Padme said, as she coughed a little.

"Mother, it'll be okay," Leia said, as she straightens Padme's pellow. "And once we take out the shield generator, we will deal with Father and Palpatine."

"I know," Padme said, as she turned to look at Ranma squarely in the face. "But promise me to protect Ani, Ranma."

"Padme," Ranma said simply. "What you're asking me might not be possible."

"Ranma, you never gave up on anyone before. Please, don't start now."

"Fine," Ranma said, as he sighed. "I'll do my best to see to it that Ani comes back to you."

"Thank you," Padme said with a small smile, before taking a sip of her bowl of soup. "Hmmm, tasty."

"I'm glad you like it...Kasumi," Ranma said knowingly.

"Wait, who's Kasumi?" Leia replied.

"Long story, kiddo," Ranma replied. "Long story..."


Author's Note: I will have a "Tales of the Jedi" chapter for this story, before I complete it. It will have more details on Ranma's life as a Jedi, before and during the rise of the Galactic Empire. Also, I am considering weather or not I should depict Ranma's adventures post-Battle of Endor, briefly touching on key adventures Ranma and company may have had during the Jedi Academy, Dark Jedi and Yuuzhan Vong War sagas. So, if there is anything that I might have missed in retelling Ranma's adventures within the Star Wars Universe, let me know, so that I may include it in that chapter. Ultimately, I want to be as complete as possible when it comes to Ranma's adventures in the Lucas Galaxy. Later!