Okay, so this is my first fanfic. I do have a fiction press though. I hope you all like it though. Ummm… So here goes nothing:

1. The End

Bella Pov:

I was sitting on the ballet studio floor, blood dripping down my forehead. The smell sickened me. Nauseated and faint I squeezed my eyes closed and prayed that this would be quick. A slashing seared through me, starting at my wrist and moving up my arm. The pain ran through me, and I let out a cry. It sounded like a gurgle and then I noticed I was choking on my own blood. The fire that was now coursing through my veins was engulfing me.

"No! Get off her!" someone snarled. The searing on my wrist was removed, but the burn continued. "Bella? Oh my God. No, no, no, no, no! This isn't happening!" was the last thing I heard before I blacked out. I didn't need to open my eyes to know who that was. Edward. was my last thought.

Edward's Pov:

I came to the studio, already hearing James's thoughts I knew I might be too late, but then I smelled it, and I knew I was too late. No, you can't let yourself think that. I told myself. Bella's scent was stronger than ever, it made my mouth water and my throat burn.

Is she okay? It was Emmett. He already knew James had Bella, but he thought I knew what the outcome was.

We're coming! Alice thought. Then she showed me they were right down the street and getting closer. Then she had a vision, it hit me hard.

Bella was laying on the floor with James, her head was bleeding bad, and James came right up to Bella. She shut her eyes, and her bit her wrist. She tried to scream, but just choked. She was dying, he was drinking her blood. And it was all going on inside the studio.

I couldn't stand it, I held my breath and darted into the studio. "No1 Get off her!" I yelled as I sprang. He was still drinking from her wrist. Her eyes were closed and she was really pale. I pulled him off of her and began to tear him apart.

What can we do? Carlisle thought. And then he saw Bella lying on the floor and me fighting with James. Emmett and Jasper came forward and took James off my hands. I went back to Bella. I shook with tearless sobs. She looked so fragile and broken. "Bella? Oh my God! No, no, no, no, no! This isn't happening!" I cried. Then, she went limp. "Carlisle!" I yelled as I moved her from the glass shattered on the floor. Alice was by my side with Carlisle, "Yes?" "Let's get her outside." I said. He nodded and inspected the place. James's shrill cries were heard from outside, but I paid no mind to anything except my angel in my arms. I laid her down on the grass a few yards away from the studio. I took her uninjured wrist in my hand and felt for a pulse. I couldn't find one. I could hear the thump, thump… of her heartbeat, but I couldn't find the pulse. I checked her neck. It was feint, but it was there. I breathed out.

You want the honors bro? Jasper thought. It was Alice who answered for him, "I doubt it." "Good answer Alice." I said. Alice came prancing out with a video camera in her hand. Carlisle and Esme followed her. Jasper and Emmett were busy drowning the place in gasoline. Alice lit the match and said, "For Bella." Then she threw it inside and we watched as the fire licked inside the studio and then grew to include the outside as well. I could see it in there thoughts while I focused mine on Bella. I picked up her bitten wrist and inspected it carefully. "Be careful, we don't know what she has and hasn't broken." Carlisle said. I nodded and let him work over her. "broken leg, a few broken ribs, head gashed open." he reported. Then her heartbeat picked up without warning, I fell to my knees beside her. "he bit her!" Carlisle spit in disgust. Everyone was around us except Jasper. There was too much blood for him to handle.


Is he serious?

Oh, my.

Edward, are you okay?

Everyone started thinking at once. The last voice was the only one I could identify as Alice. The rest were a blur and I easily blocked them out. Years of practice sure is rewarding. "What's going on with her Carlisle?" I asked. Fearing the worst. "She's being changed." he said hopelessly. "Isn't there something I can do?" I begged. He shook his head, "The venom has traveled too far into her system. And she's lost too much blood for you to take the venom back out even if you could." I looked down at her pale face and knew he was right. Too much blood was lost then… "Wait, could she die?" He nodded, "It's possible." Everyone's thoughts pushed inside my head at once then, and I couldn't block them all out. "Could everyone just shush for a minute?!" I growled. Then it was silent, all except for Alice who was trying to search Bella's future, to see if she would awaken any time soon. I watched her struggle with it and then just said, "Alice stop." She did. "What?" Carlisle asked. "She's trying to find out if Bella's going to… wake up." I replied. "And?" he prompted. "She can't see it." I said. "It's because her body is still trying to figure out what's going on and if it's going to except the venom, or if it's going to reject it." Carlisle said. I prayed that it would just take it and she would live. What am I gonna do without her? Certainly not live. She was what I'd been searching for my whole… existence. I was going to die too. But how?

Okay so I hope you liked it. Read and Review. Thanks!