Changing minds

She sat there, staring in the mirror in front of her. Her mind was not here, it was hundreds of miles away. Am I doing the right thing?, she wondered. Will he even come today? Maybe I should just... No, she couldn't do that. Today was supposed to be the happiest day in her life, and what was she thinking about? Running away to a man. She didn't even know if he loved her! He is for sure thinking I didn't forgive him for what he had done a few years back to school, was the next thing on her mind. The question is, shall she go after her heart or do what everyone told her to do. But before she could decide the door opened.

"Lily, everyone is waiting for you", a female voice said.

"I'm coming, Mrs. Weasley", she answered. Taking a deep breath Lily Evans got up and went outside where everybody waited for her. She knew what to do. And she would do it. The hat didn't sort her for nothing in Gryffindor.

"...James Potter, do you want to marry Lily Evans?", a man asked.

"Yes I will", James asked.

"Lily Evans, do you want to marry James Potter?"

"No, I won't." The crowd was shocked. Weren't they the perfect pair?

"Why not, Darling?", Potter asked.

"Do. Not. Call. Me. Darling!", Lily yelled, slapping him."And I won't marry you because everyone told me to do it, I never loved you!"

"Then who do you want to marry, instead of me?"

"Severus Snape", she hissed, already turning turning around to disapparate.

"Snivellus? He is..."

Another slap. "I know what he is, and I know what you are!"

"So, what am I?", James asked.

"An arrogant, for attention seeking pig!", Lily yelled before she finally turned around and disappeared.

Severus Snape was sitting in his favorite chair, head in his hands, and was thinking like so often. After today I can never get her back, he thought. Why did I had to call her moodblood in font of the school? As he heard he knock at the front door he didn't bother to get up. Only as it grew louder he finally made his way to see who there was. The second he opened it a girl pressed her lips onto his.

"Lily...", he whispered as she let him go."Shouldn't you have married Potter by now?"

"I should, but I love you, not him."

Suddenly Severus fell to his knees, got a small box out of his pocket, opened it and asked."Lily, do you want to marry me?"

"Of course I do", she answered smiling as Sev put the wonderful ring on her finger. It was a simple, normal ring, but if you looked carefully, you could see two Lilies which were holding on to each other.

"It's a boy!", a man yelled as he emerged a room. Three other people, who had been pacing impatiently back and forth, stopped and grinned.

"How do you call him", Remus Lupin asked.

"Alexander Severus Snape", Sev answered. He couldn't believe it. Only a year ago he had thought he lost Lily, and now he had a son with her!

"Good name, and who shall be his godparents?", Minerva McGonnagal wanted to know.

"Remus and you, Minerva", Snape decided.

"Sev, bring them in", a tired voice said.

"I will, Lils", he answered and motioned the family friends to enter.

In the room Lily Snape lay in a white hospital bed, nearly as pale as the bed covers. In her arms was a baby boy.

"Alexander Severus Snape", Albus Dumbledore whispered as he took him."You have the same wonderful green eyes as your mother."