Marching band is beating MarioKart DS during one week of rehearsal, since pit percussion doesn't march.

Marching band is calling your quad player a tease for not starting the cadence.

Marching band is hours of standing in front of a mirror with the drumline so that the angles of their head-turns are fully synchronized. Marching band telling people you're "taking your pants off" and/or "getting naked" when getting out of the uniform.

Marching band is the entire percussion section sharing a box of Reese's Puffs during rehearsal without getting caught.

Marching band is off-roading with xylophones. (2 wheel drive ;) it takes skill) Marching band is the reason why eating off the band room floor is considered suicide.

Marching band is using a hair dryer to make the plume of your hat look like it's on steroids.

Marching band is realizing that blowing, tonguing, and fingering can be as suggestive as you want them to be.

Marching band is finding out that "going down there" means heading to the stadium, not whatever else your dirty mind had planned.

Marching band is sneaking VitaminWaters behind your stand.

Marching band is figuring out that by next year, your entire trumpet section will have graduated with no replacements from the middle school.

Marching band is shaking the bus while dancing to the street beat.

Marching band is using AOL free trial CDs as Frisbees.

... marching in pouring rain on a nine to nine, and loving every minute of it

... stretching and contorting your body in ways you never thought possible

... having your stretch coach spend an entire practice following you around,
holding your hips up soo that next time, you'll remember to keep them over your feet more

... making almost any sentence that comes out of the staffs mouth sound dirty

... spending the whole car ride home complaining about how sore and tired you are, then immediately going outside to spin some more

... realizing that after 2 weeks of band camp, you've come home with so much astroturf in your shoes that pretty soon football players won't have anything left to play on

... having the entire varsity football team glued to your show while they wait for us to get off the field so they can practice

... a really bad sock tan, no matter how much sunscreen you put on

... realizing that in the last four days, you have done nothing but eat,
sleep, and colorguard

... sharing food, drinks, and chapstick so often that eventually, everyone ends up with the flu and band practice consists of the last 3o that were smart enough not to share (actually happened!! for two weeks, 3/4 of our band was out at any given time!!)

... march-sprinting as fast as you can to a dot across the field, doing work,
and the whole time saying please god don't let me hit a band member in your head, repeatedly

... having a complete emotional breakdown on the field, and still managing to move, function, and do work properly while your bawling your eyes out.

... getting felt up by the football players as you make your way out to the field

special thanks to walkinonsunshine for the bottom ones and blackxxrosesxx (again) for the top ones. XD excellent!