Quil's POV

Jake and I were at Sam's house scarfing down hot dogs when Sam casually mentions

"Hey Emily is babysitting for her sister this summer she is having a hard time with some health issues, so would you mind... well minding your language and actions while the minors are present?"

"Why are you afraid we'll have a negative influence over the children?" I asked sarcastically.

"Shut it Atera," Jake warned playfully, "Don't worry Sam the kids'll befine with us."

Little did I know how right Jake was.

Almost simultaneously Emily walked right through the front door.

"Sam!"she called in a loud whisper, "I need your help the kids are in the car sleeping would you mind grabbing them please I'll get their bags."

"No problem," said Sam on his way out the door.

EH! I thought, the day Sam gives me off he has to babysit! I wish my house was finished being fumigated already.

Just then Sam walks in with two little girls, one walking beside him who I assume to be the oldest, and the other in his arms whose face I couldn't see because she was facing the door.

"I'll go help Emily with the girls' bags,"said Jake walking out of the door.

At that moment the little girl in Sam's arm's twist a little so her face was now visible to me. Ah and what a face... At that point I was no longer thinking clearly. The first thought that crossed my mind was MINE. I was torn between asking Sam's permission to hold this gorgeous angel and snatching her from Sam's arms and making a run for it, vaguely reminded of the song Check Yes Juliet by WE THE KINGS (LOL), when Sam proceeded to waking past me snapping me out of my daze.

"Wait!"I cried turning around and grabbing Sam's shoulder.

He turned around to face me once again giving me a look.

"YES?!" he proceed to ask after a few seconds of me standing there looking stupid.

"Sam what's her name?" I pleaded, desperately trying to accumulate as much information as possible about this child.

He gave me the strangest stare in response to my desperate sounding tone. "Claire..."

"Can I hold her?" I asked pleading once again. Now I could feel tears starting to well up in my eyes, nervous as to Sam's response.

Sam's expression immediately grew knowing then exasperated within the same second.

"Are you kidding me Atera?" not answering my question but referring to my imprinting on Claire.

"Please?" sounding more desperate now than ever.

He handed Claire over at once.

"Quil go sit on the couch. Im going to go get Blair a snack," said Sam shaking his head on his way to the kitchen while leading Blair there.

Just then Jake and Emily walked into the house taking the bags upstairs into the girls' room.

I proceeded at once to the couch. Claire had just woken up.

She opened her wide eyes and looked at me sleepily. I at that moment couldn't hold back the tears any longer. Her wide eyes were large and the most beautiful shade of glossy caramel brown, her skin slightly darker, but still fairly light colored skin for a Quilette. She has gorgeous silky midnight black hair and a dainty nose, very pink lips, and small ears.

It looked as if she were taking in my appearance as well. We sat there silently staring at each other for a while until she finally spoke.

"I'm Claire. You are very pretty."she said.

"I'm Quil, and I think that you are very pretty too."

Then she wrapped her tiny arms around my neck and snuggled into my chest. This was the best moment of my life. I wrapped my arms around her and knew that this moment couldn't last forever but was sure that everything would workout somehow.

I breathed in deeply and breathed in the smell of her skin.

"Yea everything 'll workout somehow..." I mumbled to myself enjoying this complete bliss.