Title: Sacrifice
Author: Enchanting Slasher
Characters/Pairing: Wally. Hints of Bruce/Wally.
Word Count: 374.
Summary: "Sacrifice was a word that he was all too familiar with."
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters. Their world or anything related to them. If I did, I'd be one happy fangirl.
Author's Notes/Warnings: Hint of cross-dressing. This started out as a fairly serious shot but descended into madness towards the end. An indication of the kind of day I have had? Perhaps. This is inspired by VictoriaWayne's Wally series on Live Journal. I've just re-read the entire series and if you haven't read it yet you really should.


Sacrifice was a word that he was all too familiar with. He'd been in many situations over the years, some of them good and some of them damn right awful. And through it all he'd stayed upright with his head held high. He was willing to make the hard choices, to do exactly what needed to be done for the good of everyone around him.

And from those choices he'd like to think that he'd matured that little bit. That people saw him as something a little more impressive then the childish clown he'd been when he'd first arrived on the superhero scene.

In front of the entire world he had single-handedly beaten Braniac and Luthor, the terrifying nanotech combination that had threatened to wipe their world from existence. He'd broken all the laws of science and almost torn his body into shreds to save everything that mattered.

And in those few precious seconds as his body was getting ready to depart this life; he'd felt an overwhelming sense of peace that his sacrifice hadn't been in vain, that the Lords would never exist in this timeline.

Now when he heard other heroes talk about the great sacrifice, he could finally understand exactly what that meant.

Could smile that little bit, a smile that said: I'd do it again if I had to.

So when the league agreed to allow him to take on more responsibility; to share his new found wisdom, he'd jumped at the chance. He wanted to show them he wasn't just a one trick pony and that his past heroics could be repeated.

They told him that taking on this new mission would require a small sacrifice on his part and he'd smiled in that carefree way because nothing fazed him anymore. He'd beaten Brainiac; what could be worse than him?

It was only later when he was being paraded around on Bruce Wayne's arm as his date that he realised he'd been had. Wearing a dress and covered in enough war paint -- because his brain refused to call it make up -- to make even the most critical men fawn over him, he couldn't help but grin a little to himself.

This was just another one he'd taken for the team.