Chapter One! –Used Angel


He just moved his eyes to her face then closed then and continued kissing the other girl like she wasn't even here.

"Sesshomaru?" He just kept on ignoring her like that, He was just sitting there kissing the other girl like SHE wasn't there, like SHE wasn't his girlfriend, like SHE wasn't


IS she HIS love?

She felt the world closing off on her, consuming her, felt her heart wrench, like fate was PLAYING with her, just using her, then throwing her away.

She just stood there watching HIM...her ONLY love, actually, her FIRST love and her last one. She couldn't move forward, she couldn't run back, she just kept on watching as droplets of

her tears fell down her beautiful eyes, clear ones, reflecting her crystal eyes, giving her a lovely un-earthly glow, wetting her long lashes, damping her flushed cheeks, barely touching

her trembling, inviting, enticing full rosy lips and hanging off her chin until they fall to the ground.

She couldn't take it any more, NO! her mind screamed she can't, she just...can't!

She took off, where? she didn't know, all she knew was that she couldn't keep on watching them kissing anymore, she has to get away.


"Sess?" She swallowed thickly, she had, at last, collected herself some what, she had come to confront him, she was strong enough. yes.

she was strong enough to come here to confront him. she will stand her ground, she just had to.

"Sesshou-"Her voice came out weak and she knew it, just like she knew that he had heard her, but she has to be strong, to show him that

Kagome Higurashi is NOT weak.

She swallowed her nervousness and called him, this time in a strong voice.

"Sesshoumaru?" He didn't answer her, he just continued eating his lunch. by himself. as usual but that was until she came, every thing had changed

since they both loved each other, or at least SHE loved HIM for the cat was starting to show it's claws. or dog in this case. He was always lonely, sitting by himself every lunch,

getting words from other guys, getting attention from other girls, which he kept on ignoring. both. the names and the attention. he was the most BEAUTIFUL youkai she had ever seen!

and also the most...LONELY one. So she decided to be-friend him.

At first he was ignoring her but when he talk to her. finally. and her hopes went up, she discovered the he was a total. Ass-hole. but she never did give up and he never quit

being amused and never got tired from insulting her then the un-thinkable happened; she went home one day but never came the day after not the after nor the after's after and he actually

became worried sick ,he discovered he was falling in love that day he took her address and went to her home to check up on her and he found her in a very valuable(sp?) state that just called

to his protecting instincts ,so he started to treat her a bit more nicely .Day in and day out ,he found himself protecting her ,loving her and wanted her by his side but he was afraid ,afraid to make

a move that can make her slip from his fingers forever ,so he kept quite .It was peace until one day he was over-protected as it was new but usual ,she walked right up to him and kissed him on

the mouth tenderly ,he stood shocked ,she was saddened to not find him responsing so she pulled away and turned her back to him and started walking but before she could take three steps she

found her self being pulled from her wrist in to a warm embrace with soft ,tender and hungry lips, at the same time ,devouring her own and so ,with time they became:

Boyfriend and Girlfriend.

but never .NEVER ,once in her life imagined him to be the playing-boy or cheating type but guess she was wrong.

She was human after all and NO human can NOT make mistakes.

"Sesshoumaru!" She called out force-full-y as she planted her hand firmily on his arm, ignoring his warning growl.

"What!" He snapped.

She was taken a back but she won't back down ,maybe he never talked to her like that before but she also wasn't a weak woman or teen-aged girl in this case after all they were just in

secondry second. "I want to talk to you, Sesshoumaru"

"Talk then"

"No, not here ,can we talk in private? please?"

Maybe he could get all this over if he talked to her in private. He just wishes to finish it quickly so ,he stood up and lead her to the parking lot made just for the teachers and the principle where

he knew that nobody is going to interrupt them there.

"Talk!" Was the first thing he said when they arrived at their destination.

"I-i saw you Th-this morning"


She didn't expect him to be so bold and un-carring about. She feeling really didn't she felt her heart sqeezing. Hurting. All of a sudden she felt desperate and depressed. She didn't know what was

happening she just felt herself become weak, her breathing un-normal. She found her self lonely and depressed but most of all betrayed, she was suddenly dizzey, sweaty and cold but she kept

herself up.

"Why?" She cocked out, he didn't answer just looked at her coldly, she asked again "j-just t-tell me...why??" she found herself un-able to speak and her heart vary heavy and hurting, she moved

her hand to where her heart rests and sqeezed her shirt there. She gasped suddenly when he turned away but not because of his back turning on her but because of her sudden un-ability

to breath, she fell to the ground not noticing her tears, not seeing anything just sqeezing her eyes shut and just feeling her heart stop then bump again, stop, bump, stop, bump..

she sqeezed her shirt more, maybe to stop the pain or even to lessen it but it didn't help.

He just kept on walking, he heard a faint word that sounded much like "sess", he looked over his shoulders, saw her on the ground looking at him with pain-filled eyes, gasping for breath and trying

to reach him but never could.

"If you are trying to convince me to come to you then you are overly mistaken, i don't fall for those tricks. This sesshoumaru has trusted you but you betrayed him and now you are trying to play

him! i apologize for not making your life a living hell but i promise I am going to work on it, good day!"

He walked away as she at last lost her battle with conscious but he never knew because he never looked back.


"Class, this is the third day for Higurashi-san where she is absent, doesn't any of you know of her whereabouts?" Asked the teacher.

True this was the third day SHE was absent from THAT day he didn't see her nor heard of her but why should he care?

He doesn't care for her, right?


"Maybe she is trying to force you to come to her, believe me, darling, this is a girl's thing, don't put her in your mind" Came the all-known-slutty-voice of miss. Slut her self. Kagura Wind.

"She maybe even just screwing around and trying to make you fall in to her trap while she was having good time, i told you, darling, why her? when you can have-"

"What! you?!, don't fool yourself ,kagura, for you know that i'll never go for a slut like you!" Growled Sesshoumaru.

But before Kagura's replay could let be known she was silenced by their teacher.

"Class! I am afriad, i have bad news, i've just received information about Higurashi-san's whereabouts! it seems that she is now being hospitalized for having a heart-attack!"


Sooooooooooooo? what'cha think??

well if u want me to continue u just know what to do "winks"

Disclaimer: I don't own inuyasha and co.

REMEMBER: this is an ANGST story so if somebody doesn't like angst,shooo already or you will not like me after this story!

Oh yeah someone please tell me what's the difference between the canon and the alternate universes?? Please?

