Hey, so I know I was going to have a grand update…but this chapter is tiny, minuscule, small, near to nothing. I have got this week off from college but that doesn't mean I don't have a life. I do. So I gave up 15 mins to give you this. I really hope to do some more this week but I have lots to do, college work and spending time with my beautiful friends Hope you can understand.

This chapter is named after the song Downfall by Trust Company. It's an amazing song and it's my song of the day and I suggest you have a listen.

P.S this may be wayyyy off topic but if any readers watched Smallville season 7 could they please review or PM me with like a slightly detailed summary of what happened, because yes I managed to miss a whole season and now Justin Hartley's (Oliver Queen) back in it and I want to watch season 8 when it starts here in the UK. I really will love you. Forever and I'll make sure your name is on my gravestone…..? You know what I mean.

Sam POV.

I had spent hours searching on my laptop, even more hours with my head in books just looking for something, anything to do with the hunt. When I hit the 12 hour researching mark I decided to give up. There so very little that is anywhere near close. There was a guy in New England, he went round burning people to practically nothing to "rid them of their impurities," but I had a very strong feeling that this was something different. Dangerous, even for us. I mean what could possibly…..what would possibly- I was knocked out of my thoughts by Dean's loud entrance,

"So dean what have you got on the remains?"

"Not much really- it's kinda hard to do an autopsy on ashes-" I rolled my eyes, "but they did say that they find extremely low counts of blood in the remains."


"Meaning, they could've been drained of blood before they died…"

I frowned. "Like a vampire, Dean?"

Dean shrugged half-heartedly, "I'm not willing to dismiss the possibility."

"Wouldn't a cult ritual be more likely?" I mean seriously I had seen a lot of things but vampire is not one of them.

"Look dude, I'm as confused about this as you, okay? But we gotta look at the possibilities here. I haven't seen much like it, cult's tend to hide the remains, bury them forever; these were found it dumpsters. I mean does that sound normal to you." I raised a questioning eyebrow at the word normal, to which he sighed,

"You know, normal for us. Anyway I think I got another lead."

"Go on then,"

"So I was talking to this cop, right? And he mentioned this small town not far from here, hikers going missing-" okay so this might be something, "and along with he disappearances there have been sightings of a giant animal, as big as a bear but not a bear."

"Have you cross-referenced it with blood drainage?"

" cross-referen--? Seriously dude, we don't need technical terms."

"It's not technical, it's correct."

"Whatever, not I haven't 'cross-referenced' it. You're the geek."



Looks like I got more work to do…

Okay so that was more like a taster than anything.

Be kind, rewind. 

Or Review :D

Smallville  People!!