"Oh my, God! Calleigh!..."

The emergency room

Ryan sat in the waiting room bouncing his leg up and down nervously. He couldn't believe what he had done, if he had hurt Calleigh, or worse, their child, he'd nver forgive himself.

Suddenly Calleigh walked out of the hospital room. Ryan quickly stood up and walked towards her.

"So...?" He gave he a questioning look.

"...We lost the baby, Ryan." He immediatly felt a pit form in his stomach as tears fell from his eyes.

"Oh my, God, Calleigh im so sorry. I can't believe this...I just, I don't know." He started walking towards the exit doors.

"Ryan where are you going?" He didn't answer so she quickly followed him. She got outside and saw him walking towards the road. She looked towards her left and saw a truck coming down the street. Ryan's head was down so he couldn't see it coming.

"Ryan! Ryan, stop!" She cried as loud as she could but made no move to stop. "Ryan!" She blarred out and then suddenly, silence. The red truck didn't stop or slow down. Ryan flew across the road and was spraled out in the middle of the road as Calleigh and the driver of the truck ran to him.

"Oh my, God! Ryan, no!" She bawled her eyes out and cried up to the sky as she remembered how her and Ryan had first gotten together.

"I will love you like that always..."

"Miss. Duquesne?" Her train of thoughts were interrupted. She looked up at the Docter.


"You may leave now." She smiled at the man, " Thank you." She walked out of the hospital room and spotted Ryan.

"Ry?" He looked up to her and smiled. He walked up to her.

"Thank Gog your okay. And..." He was afraid to ask.

"He's fine." They both smiled with joy as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her.

"I love you so much." He smiled at her.

"And we love you so much." They smiled as they wrapped their arms around each other and headed to their car.

"I like the name, Tye." Ryan suggested. Calleigh just laughed.

Haha! You thought Ryan was dead! lol Sry it took literally forever but I just relized today that i needed to finish it for you guys :) so I came up with this and then made it sad and then funny! lol I know it sucks but hey, i got it done lol Well anyways, stay tooned cause i have like 6 or 7 stories im gonna post over the next few weeks, or months lol Thanks for reading, thanks for all the comments and thank you for waiting!!! :)