Hi people! I'm still on vacation on the boat, but I thought about a new story a while ago. So, here is the first chapter. I wrote a lot more for this story, but I still need to write in on the computer… (I wrote everything by hand, no idea why…)
For the readers of Valentine's day, sorry that I'm posting this before a new chapter for that story, but I just had to write this. Have fun reading!
Lots of love, Tearsbehindthemask


Sasuke stared at the ceiling above him, spirals and circles were carved in it, just like in the walls and the floors of the hide-out.
The room where Sasuke was, was dark. The only light came from a small torch that was on the wall besides him.
Sasuke didn't care. He didn't need light anyway thanks to his training.
But what time was it? What day was it? Sasuke hadn't been outside for at least a week, he lost his sense of time in those days, it was always dark in here. Life in Orochimaru's hide-outs was so different than his life in Konoha, a long time ago…
No. He shouldn't think about that. That life was over. When Sasuke decided to leave everything in order to get his revenge on his brother, he knew that his life would change. He just didn't know that he would miss his old life so much in weak moments…
No. He wasn't weak anymore. He couldn't think about his old life anymore. He chose for revenge.
But still… Even more than he missed his home, he missed that one person… That person that always annoyed him the most, that person that he always loved the most…
The door of Sasuke's room opened quietly. Sasuke looked up, angry at himself that he didn't notice a person coming to his room any sooner.
A man with long black hair appeared in the door opening. Sasuke cursed inside himself. Why did that man had to come here in his room?
"What do you want?" Sasuke asked, his voice trembling with anger.
Orochimaru laughed in his usual, freaky way.
"That's not the way that you should speak to your master."
While Orochimaru spoke, he didn't take his eyes of Sasuke, who was now sitting on his bed in the corner of the room.
"You're not my master." Sasuke said while he looked at the ground.
Orochimaru smiled and shook his head.
"You know that I'm your master." he said softly.
Sasuke felt anger burning in his heart, Orochimaru still smiled.
"You didn't train with Kabuto today."
Sasuke lifted his head. "I can't learn anything from that guy. I'm better than him, I don't need him as my teacher."
Orochimaru walked towards Sasuke and lifted Sasuke's chin with one of his long fingers.
"Kabuto could teach you how to be a good boy." he said with an evil smile.
"Don't touch me!"
Sasuke pushed Orochimaru's hand away and his eyes burned red with the sharingan.
Orochimaru laughed.
"All those years here, and you still don't know how to behave. One day, you will be my new body anyway. So why don't you let me touch you?"
Orochimaru put his hand on Sasuke's chest and Sasuke jumped of the bed, ready to attack.
"I'm not your toy!" Sasuke yelled. "I only came here for power and you only need me as your new body. We have nothing else to do with each other!"
Orochimaru laughed again, Sasuke felt a shiver on his back.
"Until the time comes, I can still have some fun with you…"
"Get out!" Sasuke screamed. "Go to Kabuto! He will be okay with everything you do anyway. He will listen to you like a slave!"

"But you're younger Sasuke…"
Orochimaru approached Sasuke again and Sasuke, who wasn't paying enough attention, found himself trapped between the wall and Orochimaru.
"And you're much more handsome than Kabuto…"
"Get away!" Sasuke whispered furiously.
"And I just love your angry face…"
Orochimaru touched Sasuke's face and Sasuke snapped.
"GET OUT!" he screamed, and he pushed Orochimaru away from him.
Orochimaru felt his cheek in surprise and noticed that he was bleeding, then he saw the kunai in Sasuke's hand and smiled.
"So you want to play it that way?"
Sasuke could feel the suppressed anger in Orochimaru's voice and was afraid that he just made a terrible mistake.
"I will leave you alone for today." Orochimaru then said, turning away. "But remember, the more you resist, the more I want you."
Sasuke shivered when Orochimaru closed the door behind him and his legs lost their strength.
Sitting on the floor, Sasuke covered his eyes with his hands.
He was disgusted of Orochimaru, he was disgusted of himself or bearing with it so long.
Those eyes that followed him everywhere… Those hands that wanted to touch him if they could…
Sasuke felt like he had to throw up.
Why did he ever leave Konoha? Why did he leave his love?
There was no way that he could go back now. He would be a traitor and an enemy to everyone. Nobody would want him back.
Sasuke should just stay here, become stronger, take revenge on his brother and then become Orochimaru's new body.
But before that? What if Sasuke couldn't hold Orochimaru off him for so long? What if Orochimaru got what he wanted?
Sasuke shivered. He didn't want to think about it. He knew that Kabuto was jealous of him because Orochimaru gave him more attention than Kabuto. But Sasuke never wanted that attention.
He only wanted that attention from one person. And that person must've already given up on him…

Naruto ran through the forest, his heart beating extremely fast.
"Is it certain that Sasuke's there?"
Sakura nodded tense. "Kakashi told you like ten times now."
Sai ran behind Naruto and Sakura, he could see that they were both longing to see their old teammate and friend.
Last time, they failed to bring Sasuke back. This time, they didn't want to accept failure.
Sai didn't really understand their feelings. Sasuke had betrayed them and Konoha, but they still wanted to get him back. Why didn't they just give up on him?
Naruto thought about the black haired guy that was his friend some time ago.
Why did you leave Sasuke?
Naruto still didn't understand why Sasuke joined Orochimaru back then. Didn't Sasuke know how much they all cared about him? How much he cared about him?
Naruto felt tears burning in the corners of his eyes. He failed to bring Sasuke back last time.
It was like Sasuke didn't care about them at all anymore.
But Naruto would get Sasuke back today. He would take Sasuke back home today and tell him… And tell him that he loved him.
Yes. Naruto would tell him today.