Chapter two is up! And I still don't own matter how many times I wish I did.


It's not that high school wasn't good, because really it's just that high school was nothing like I expected it to be. Throughout the entire day I never saw Carly. Sam was only in one of my classes, and that just happened to be world history, the class I (and probably the rest of the freshmen student body) despised the most.

I walked into 4th period, late, because I'd gotten lost. I mean, big school, crowed was only a matter of time before I either fell down the stairs of got lost. And I had all ready fallen down the stairs twice. I slid into the free seat next to Sam, thankful that Mr. Anders, the history slave holder, wasn't in the room yet.

"Hey," I said, smiling.

"Shhhhh!" Sam held up her hand, telling me to shut up. Her eyes stayed glued to the book in her lap. I sat there a minute, confused, until I remembered that the premiere party for the Penny Treasure 2 was last night. I laughed softly, and unzipped my backpack.


"Projects!" Mr. Anders was saying. I lifted my head. Projects?

"I know it's only the second day of school, but since this is a standard class you weasels need all the help you can get. So you will each be partnered up and assigned a project on a topic of my choice. Right? Right." Mr. Anders picked up the clipboard that laid on his desk and started reading off the pairs.

"Jonathan and Gregg..."

"Cassie and Monika..."

"Cecilia and Robert..."

"Freddie and Valerie..."

Valerie. was a nice name, I thought. But why did it sound so familiar? I turned around and found a brown haired girl smiling at me. I whipped my head around as fast as I could and stared. Curse Mr. Anders for not knowing my past.


"Valerie? Like THE Valerie?" Sam asked. We were walking towards my mom's car, waiting for the crossing guard to tell us it was ok to go.

"Yeah...your not mad, are you?" I glanced at her sideways.

"No. I mean, you didn't pick her or anything. And all you guys had between each other is dead, right?"

"O-of co-u-urse. Who'd you get paired up with?" I shook my head, wondering why I stuttered on that last phrase.

"I dunno. Some chick named Gemma." She waved at my mom, not seeming to care that I stuttered. I opened the car door, got in, and slammed it shut, causing my mom to go into a nervous break down.


"Heyyyyyyyy!" Carly grabbed my wrist and spun me around. "I haven't seen you in forever!"

"Same here," I laughed, jamming my fingers into my pocket, searching for my key.

"I got paired with Reuben for the world history project. You?" She expertly took her key out of her purse and unlocked her door.

"Valerie." I mumbled.

"Your Valerie? Web show killing Valerie?" Carly looked at me.


"I'm home!" She shouted at Spencer.

"Good! Come hold this for me!" He yelled back.

"Coming. I'll see you later, Freddie. Good luck!" She waved and shut the door, leaving me in the hallway all alone.



Spencer handed me a tray of tie shaped cookies as I stepped into the kitchen.

"What are these for?" I asked, picking one up and munching down in it. The sweet icing flavor filled my mouth, making me instantly crave milk.

"I can't tell you." My brother pretended to zip his lips and throw away the key. I looked around the kicthen. Paint, gloves, icing, cookie batter, bottle bot, and a dog collar were scatted around the floor.

"Ok then..." I set down the tray and pulled out my phone, checking my messages for Echo. None.

"I'm gonna go call Echo." I said, pressing the elevator button. "You keep doing...whatever."

"Alrighty lil' sis!"

The elevator dinged, and I pressed the second button that was labled as 'Carly's bedroom' and dialed my boyfriend's number.

Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring.

"Hello?" The voice on the other line sounded strained and gruff.

"Echo?" I asked, unsure if it was the boy I met on vacation. "It's me..."

"Oh." Echo cleared his throat. "Hey babe."

"Hey...what's up?"

I heard laughing coming from the background. Then a girl screamed, and Echo covered the receiver with his hand, hissing 'shut up!' quietly. "Nothing much, you?"

"Well you haven't been answering any of my calls...and I was just wondering, are you ok?" I tugged at my bed skirt, smoothing out the creases left from the dryer.

"I'm fine, baby. Don't worry about me." He said as a man's voice called his name.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. C'mon babes...I'm fine..." He cooed softly.

"Well...ok then. But Echo..." I started, but was cut off.

"Hey listen Carly. I gotta go, but I'll catch you around, ok?" He laughed at something in the distance I couldn't make out.

"Um, ok."

"Sorry." He whispered, and I could swear I heard a woman laughing just as the line went dead.

Sooo...there you have it. Chapter two, done! I promise the next one will be up in a little bit. After I update some of my other stories. But please still R&R! Thanks!!