
The morning comes all too quickly.

I can feel someone shaking me, but i refuse to pull myself from sleeps confines.

I moan and roll over.

The shaking continues.

"L...L! Wake up!" You bark at me.

"Nnnn...Raito...five more minutes..." I grumble wrapping myself tighter in the blankets.

"Ryuuzaki, its time to get up, we have work to do." You say trying to take my covers from my body.

"No." I mutter.

"Ryuuzaki, so help me i will drag you out of this bed." You say sighing.

I can just picture you rolling your eyes at me.

"No." I grumble again.

You grab the comforters and rip them away from me.

I moan in protest.

It's instantly aware that it is cold in the room, and my naked state is not helping.

I groan and rub my eyes.

"Raito but i don't want to get up..." I whine finally opening my eyes and staring at you sleepily.

"Come now you are being a baby." You say folding your arms at me.

You are very much naked as well, and I must admit it is a very very wonderful sight to wake up to.

I flop over in bed. My body just doesn't want to cooperate. It is very much so all your fault...for being so delicious and tempting...and coaxing me into a hot and bothered state multiple times last night.

"Ryuuzaki are you going to make me carry you?" you say sighing and shaking your head.

I just grumble in response.

"Ugh L you are impossible." You sigh.

Suddenly you grab my legs and pull me toward the end of the bed.

I curl up in a ball and just lay there.

With me now at the edge of the bed, you can reach the dresser and begin dressing yourself.

I open one eye to peek at you while you do so.

You pull on a new pair of boxer briefs, and then follow up with a dark blue pair of your nicer jeans. You pull on a nice white button down shirt and then throw a brown coat over that. You throw on a red tie and adjust it accordingly.

You look delectable. The very definition of the perfect male specimen. I'm sure you have broken many girls hearts. Girls throw themselves at you willingly, just begging to be your little pet. They would do anything for you. I have seen it for myself. They fall all over you, and yet all this time, all those poor girls were all working for nothing. You wanted none of them, no matter how gorgeous they were. Beauty queens and the most beautiful of them all were nothing to you.

You finish combing your auburn locks in the mirror and are finally satisfied with your appearance. You are so could have anybody you ever wanted. Male and female alike. You could have any man your little heart desires. And so i must much as it pains me...why of all of them...did you pick me?

Out of convenience? I mean we are handcuffed together...making your first little experiment with another man quite an easy pick. Was that the only reason you picked me Light Yagami?

You could have someone much more handsome. I am just an awkward soul...with hair too unruly, and no fashion sense. My jeans are too baggy, my shirts are not in style, my tastes are not normal and my sleeping habits are all over the place. I am paler than the norm, and the dark bags under my eyes from the lack of sleep are less than attractive.

I furrow my eyebrows together and frown.

So why did you pick me?

You are far more attractive than I. I am nowhere near in the same league as you are...

This makes my heart sink a little bit. Am I just a first time whim, to try out men? Just a temporary substitute?

"Yagami..."I whisper to you from my curled up position on the bed.

You turn to me slowly, your molten, sensual eyes falling upon me.

"Yes Ryuuzaki?" You ask.

"Why did you pick me? Light-kun is an awful pretty boy...and not so much." I whisper biting my fingernail.

You frown deeply at me.

"Stop that Ryuuzaki." You scold me.

I sigh.

"It is true, Light-kun could have whoever he wanted, another equally pretty boy." I squeak.

Your face is angry now.

"Ryuuzaki-san. I know I could have anybody I wanted." You snap.

I look up at you wounded.

You stride over to me and sit down on the bed.

"I do not want just anybody. I wan't you. You are the most attractive male i have ever seen. You are mysterious, you are still a closed book that I have yet gotten to flip through all the pages of. You are intelligent, matching my own perfectly. You are hard headed, and as stubborn as I am. I have never run across another human being that has challenged me so much without fear or second thought. You are a wild thing, your hair all in a mess, your dark eyes always watching, i can always see the thoughts turning behind them. I only wish i knew what you were thinking when i look in those eyes, i just want to be in your brain, know what is going through that perfect mind. Your body, it does things to me i was not prepared for. Your skin is like honey, its so soft, and touchable and smooth. You are boyish and perfect. I love the way your jeans sag on your thin hips, it takes everything in my power not to rip them off you. Your strange way of sitting, your strange eating habits, the way you move...the way you...operate." You huff the last few words into my ear and send chills down my spine.

"Oh Ryuuzaki...i can hardly control myself around you..." You groan.

I can't help but to stare at you in shock.

I've never heard such nice things said about me. I am not sure how to take the compliment, so I just chew on it unsurely.

But you must mean it...i mean...why ever else would you say such things to me.

I can feel myself growing hot and I know my cheeks must be bright red.

Oh for god's sake why am i blushing!?

I hide my face beneath the covers meekly.

"Oh have i made the great detective blush!?" You say grabbing the sheets away.

"No! I am not blushing..." I argue.

"Yes you are!" You tease meanly.

I sit up abruptly and frown at you.

"Light-kun is being mean again." I growl.

"Only because you do not know how to take a compliment." You whisper in my ear.

I feel my cheeks blush deeper.

You smile at the redness of my pale cheeks.

"You know L...I could do much more...than just make you...blush." You say gently licking my ear lobe.

I feel my breath hitch and my muscles tense with the small gesture.

As much as i would love for you to entertain me all day instead of working on the case...I know I cannot let that happen. There is work to be done.

I stand up, quickly tearing myself from your temptation.

"No Light. We have to go to work." I say bluntly.

You pout at me like a child that has been told no when begging for their favorite candy at the grocery store. You look ridiculously tempting when you pout like that. Those perfect lips pursed together in a pitiful frown.

"But Ryuzakiiiiiii..." You whine flopping back on the bed.

I half expect you to start throwing a full on tantrum. In which case I would be left with no choice other than to take you across my knee and spank you until i feel is just.

I smile wickedly at the thought.

I grab a pair of discarded blue jeans from the bedroom floor and hike them up onto my slender hips. I am not entirely certain they are clean...but they will do.

I pick a clean white shirt from the drawer and pull it down over my head, shaking my hair back into place...not that it really is ever in place just does its own thing. I have given up dealing with it, it will just do whatever it wishes. Whatever.

I look down at your limp form sprawled across the bed.

You are still pouting. You spoiled rotten thing i swear.

If you don't get your way there is no dealing with you.

I cross my thin arms across my chest and sigh loudly.

"Light-kun you are being pathetic. I'm sure the rest of the team has already gotten started, we need to join them." I complain.

You just groan.

" are no fun." You whine standing up to face me.

I roll my eyes at you and head for the door.

You follow because you have no other choice, we are after all, chained together.

You make sure to groan and fidget as you follow, sighing reluctantly, and making it very much known that you are not pleased with my decision and you wish to return to the bedroom. Though if i do recall it was you who first forced me awake this morning with the excuse that we "had to work". I was the one who wanted to stay in bed. But no, you would not let me. So this really is all your fault. If i had had my way this morning you would have gotten your little romp of morning pleasure, had you let me stay in bed naked all morning like I had planned.

The task force is already working diligently when we finally enter the screening room.

Your father is immediately at my side giving me a run through of new evidence, concerns and paperwork. I answer his questions bluntly. He is helpful, and smart, but his son far surpasses his level of intelligence.

I take my seat at my computer, and you take the seat next to mine. You thumb through the stack of paper placed before you and try your hardest to look submerged in your work. But I know better.

I know your mind wanders. I can tell by the way you are tapping your pen against the papers instead of writing notes like you should be. By the way you are staring blankly at the computer screen, aimlessly scrolling through reports and photographs, never stopping long enough on one to actually be observing it thoroughly. You are not researching Raito. You are daydreaming about all the things we could be doing right now.

It's the thoughts of me, and last night that fill your pretty little head.

I did that to you. I have preoccupied your normally focused little mind. Just another way i can keep power over you.

I smile cheekily to myself and continue actually doing my research. A few hours into heavy research, lunch is provided to us.

Of course lunch for me means strawberries. I am extremely picky with my food, especially when working. Not just any food will suffice of course. Strawberries are my favorite. There is absolutely nothing wrong with a fresh, luscious strawberry. From the color, to the shape, to the amazing taste, they are perfect. I am more than excited to have a large plate of them for my consumption. My growling stomach is just as excited.

I pick one up by the tiny bloom at the top dangling it tenderly between my thumb and forefinger. I bring it up to my mouth and gently lick the dripping juices from its side, they are especially gorgeous when they are plump like this. I pop it halfway into my mouth and savor it slowly. Finally I sink my teeth into the ripe fruit and feel the succulent taste explode into my mouth. I take another bite finishing the large strawberry and swallow fondly. I bring my fingers to my mouth and suck each one accordingly, making sure not to waste a single drop of its deliciousness.

It's almost instantly that I feel like someone is watching me.

I turn my head to look around.

You are staring at me wide eyed, mouth slightly slacked. You swallow hard and quickly look away trying to cover up that you were indeed intently staring at my enjoyment of my lunch. You bury yourself in your sandwich, a light hue of pink clinging to those perfect cheeks of yours.

I know an opportunity when I see one. Oh goodness Light, it's my turn to tease you.

You will get your just desserts dear Raito, for being especially stubborn and mean to me. Teasing me last night and this morning...oh its time you paid for that. I smile deviously and pick up another rather large, swollen strawberry. I extend my tongue slowly and slide glance at you secretly, to make sure that you are watching...and of course you are. You are frozen in-between bites of your sandwich, completely taken by watching me molest this gorgeous strawberry.

I run my tongue over its tip then back down the side. Making sure you get a good view of my talented tongue exploring the suggestive fruit. There is just something about the color and the shape of a strawberry that screams explicit nature. Maybe that is why I enjoy them so much...jeez I am such a pervert.

I pop half of the bulb into my mouth and suck it fondly, closing my eyes as I do so.

I can only wonder what you are thinking, are you wishing I were sucking you instead hmm dear Light? I know you are...curious to what I could do with this tongue of mine, wishing it were wrapped around your engorged cock. You are wishing I would explore you like a strawberry are you not?

I've got you right where I want you.

I take a big, slow bite of the fruit, letting a little bit of juice run down my chin. I let a small moan of taste induced pleasure pass my lips, only just loud enough for you to hear.

I lick the escaped juice from my lips, and run fingers over my chin, collecting the rest. I then suck the long digits nice and slow.

I sneak another glance at you.

Your cheeks are now flushed, you look heated and uncomfortable.

You try to bury yourself in your paperwork, fidgeting in your seat as if you can't get comfortable.

Oh I am not done with you yet Raito.

I take another bite of my half eaten strawberry, rubbing it along my lips, staining them whore red before finally slowly finishing it off. I give a satisfied murmur and then turn to you.

I pick up another strawberry and put it to my lips.

"Would Raito like a strawberry to go with his lunch?" I question innocently.

You look up at me wide eyed and clearly shaken.

"They are especially...ripe...and swollen today." I say to you my eyes darkening and my wicked smile widening.

You swallow hard and shoot me a dirty look.

"No thank you Ryuuzaki." You snap your voice shaky.

I gently suck the food into my mouth and stare at you like as if i'm imagining eating you instead.

You bite your lip hard.

"Are you sure Raito? They are very...delicious, and juicy." I whisper to you as if I am whispering sweet nothings to you.

I take a bite slow and sweet making sure you can see as I sink my teeth into the soft fruit, its succulent juices dripping from it as i do so. I pretend to be concerned about the mess I am making with the juices.

"Oh dear I am making such a mess aren't I..." I say innocently batting my eyes at you.

You scowl at me, you look breathless and helpless.

My eyes wander down your form as you turn around trying to ignore me.

You loosen your tie in an effort to release some of the heat. You shed your jacket viciously and put it on the back of your chair.

Oh dear Raito is it getting hot in here? Too hot for you? I'm just too much to handle am I not? I smile demonically.

I indulge in another large, tempting bite of my meal and staring at you with eyes full of temptation. I'm toying with you just as a cat would a mouse, and you are helpless to my game.

And you can do nothing to stop it, not if you want to alert the rest of the task force.

"You look hot Raito. Are you feeling well?" I question picking up another strawberry and tasting it gently.

If looks could kill, you would have struck me dead right there and then.

"I'm just fine L." You growl viciously.

"You do not look fine." I push taking another bite, my eyes never leaving you as I do so.

I can only imagine how angry you must be with me.

You refuse to look at me this time.

I smile and pop the rest of the strawberry into my mouth murmuring a small "mmm" as i do so.

"Just one taste won't kill you Raito." I continue, still making an erotic meal of the fat strawberries.

"Her take this one. It's nice, fat, red, swollen and thick with juice." I whisper to you holding out another strawberry.

You do not look up from your work, and ignore the strawberry I present to you.

"Raito..." I coo still prompting that you take the offering.

"L, so help me I will shove that strawberry down your throat..." You growl to me under your breath.

I take the strawberry back and slide it into my mouth.

"I'm sure you'd like to shove something down my throat..." I whisper back cheekily.

You nearly choke on your bite of food and sputter a little.

Not that we are keeping scoring or anything...but I believe I am winning this little battle.

I give you a suggestive look and smile at you, the strawberry still clamped in my teeth.

You stand up abruptly, scooting your chair back and looking at me with eyes that could stab me right through.

"I need to use the bathroom Ryuuzaki." You say to me tugging on the chain of our cuffs nearly dragging me right out of my chair.

You are testy when I am winning our little ongoing game of who can tease the other the most.

I leave my plate and research and follow after you, nearly having to jog at the pace you have chosen.

You round the corner and rip the door to the bathroom open, tearing me in with you as you do so.

"I thought Light-kun needed to use the bathroom...why did you bring me in with you? I could wait outside the door. Unless this is a new fetish of yours." I taunt smiling.

You slam me up against the bathroom wall causing a small decorative pot teeter off the shelving and crash to the floor.

"No need to be so rough Raito. A full on tantrum does not look good on you." I say smiling at you.

You glare darkly at me.

"What kind of crap are you trying to pull Ryuuzaki?" You hiss to me.

"I have no idea what Raito is talking about." I say cheekily.

You grab my shirt collar and pull me toward you harshly.

"You know the entire task force is watching us including my dad and you are over there teasing me with your stupid strawberries!" You bark shaking me a little.

I lull my eyes at you.

"All I was doing was trying to share my strawberries with you." I say sweetly.

Before I can mutter another word you fist my shirt collar tighter and cram your lips against mine.

My back bites the wall harshly and I cringe a little. Your hands instantly leave my collar, only to stray down to the hem of my shirt. You run your lither hands underneath the clothing, ghosting your fingertips up my lower torso, and rising to my chest.

I can't help but to kiss you back, you may be throwing a tantrum like a child...but the way you kiss...god i'm all but melted butter. I bite your lower lip and you push up into me, grinding your hips against mine.

I break the kiss momentarily and breath against you hotly.

"Tsk, tsk, what would your father think Raito? Leaving work to get hot and heavy with your secret boyfriend, how shameful." I breathe in your ear.

"Shut up Ryuuzaki." You growl kissing down my neck.

"Oh don't be so mean Raito." I groan.

You move back to my lips and practically shove your tongue down my throat. Goodness what kind of monster have i stirred awake?

"What would your father think of you having a boyfriend?" I mutter questionably as you leave my lips to nibble my ear.

"It doesn't fucking matter. Now please Ryuuzaki, HUSH." You growl tugging at my belt.

The question hangs there for a moment over me...maybe this is not the time to bring that up...I put it on the back burner for the moment.

"Light-kun do you not think that the members of the task force will wonder where we have disappeared to?" I say looking at you with bright eyes.

"I don't care. Let them wonder." You groan to me as your hands clumsily undo your own belt.

"That is not very responsible Raito. Maybe you are not Kira? Kira would not be so thoughtless when it comes to the matter of keeping secrets." I muse.

You roll your eyes at me.

"Ryuuzaki. Really could you not?" You beg hurridly ripping your zipper down and unsheathing yourself.

You push my shirt up exposing my torso to your viewing. I just let you indulge in your little tantrum driven arousal.

You are very much so aroused, your shaft throbbing rubbing against my bare stomach, leaking small amounts of pre-cum there.

"Could I not what? Talk about you being Kira? Which is still very much so possible you know." I say absent minded.

"Ryuuzaki! Would you stop being a detective for five seconds!" You beg forcing me into another heart pounding kiss.

"If i were to stop being a detective for five seconds, you would stop being a suspect for five seconds, and that is five seconds that i am not observing your every move to decipher if you are in fact Kira. That is not an option Light-kun." I say smiling at you.

You sigh heavily and roll your eyes.

"FINE. Then could you at least help me out so we can get back to research. I cannot focus when all of the blood i need to think, is being supplied to...other regions." You growl.

I snicker at you.

"I suppose i could. Maybe. But what if I don't feel like it Raito?" I sneer at you.

"For fucks sake L, PLEASE, I'm begging you! I NEED you!" You plead helplessly.

I suddenly thrust my hand downward and snake it tightly around your swollen cock.

"How badly Raito?" I whisper to you squeezing harder.

You buck up into my hand and tilt your head back letting lose a loud breathy moan.

I gently cover your mouth with your free hand.

"Again you are trying to blow our cover." I scold you shaking my head.

You don't seem to notice my scolding words, and only moan into my hand louder, your hot breath flooding over my palm.

I slowly begin to stroke you, successfully stroking even more moans from your thin frame.

I slide my hand up you, putting just enough pressure on your swollen head. You leak moisture onto my fingers and I grin to you. I gently taunt my fingers over your hot need and you push into me wanting more.

"So eager Raito..." I whisper to you.

You answer with a muffled "Mmmph" and buck your hips into my palm.

"You just couldn't handle watching me savor those strawberries could you? Watching me taste them...suck them..." I breathe to you hotly.

I take my hand away momentarily.

"Nnnn-no! Y-you play dirty Ryuuzaki-san!" You plea wontonly.

I smile and tease at your sensitive underside.

You cry out again begging pitifully.

Seeing you beg like this just brings me back to the night you insulted me by claiming I was not your type and you would never sleep with the entire conversation just makes me laugh. That lie did not live out for very long now did it Light-kun.

I can tell you are close, your face says it all. You are sweating and red, eyes closed, trying desperately to push into me.

Just seeing you so helpless, makes me wish to be a little nicer to you. After all this is really my fault.

"Does Raito want me to suck one of my strawberries?" I whisper in your ear heavily.

"Y-YES!" You moan.

I slowly drop down to my knees, and replace my fingers that had been teasing you...with my tongue. You nearly double over and brace yourself against the wall harshly.

I plunge your throbbing erection into my mouth, taking you willingly.

Your engorged member is so hot in my mouth, warm delightful.

You taste as good as you look, husky and thick...its a thick taste. This act has to be one of my new favorite things to indulge upon, observing your reactions to pleasure by this means is always fun. I run my lips down your length and then back up, licking at your glans, tasting the sharpness of your pre-cum. It so sweet, so bold, it leaves a shock to my taste buds.

You gasp and hiss deeply against my advances.

Your head is as swollen and red as one of my strawberries that still lay on my desk. I hum fondly against your need and you jolt forward, cramming more of your length into my throat. But I do not gag, years of nearly swallowing cake whole has dulled my gag reflex to nearly nothing. I bury my hands in the material of your jeans and pull you into me, sucking you, taunting you, coaxing you to finish for me.

You fist your hand in my messy hair and cry loud loudly, your face contorted into a look of sheer uninterrupted ecstasy.

"AWAHHHH NNNN RYUUZAKI I-I'M GOING TO-" You cry out breathlessly.

You can't even finish your sentence before you hit your peak.

You come hard, exploding into my awaiting mouth. Your thick finish coats the back of my throat and covers my tongue. I swallow without a second thought. You taste so sweet and thick, flooding my senses with its erotic qualities.

I let you slide from my mouth slowly, carefully collecting the leftovers from your tip with my serpentine tongue.

I look up at you innocently.

Your eyes are still closed as you pant against the wall.

I slowly stand and wipe my mouth with the back of my hand.

Your heavy eyes slowly open and stare at me winded and loving.

You lean in and kiss my softly.

"You...are very good with your mouth Ryuuzaki." You whisper huskily.

I smile at you fondly.

"We must return to work Light-kun." I whisper pecking your cheek.

You nod tiredly and readjust yourself, zipping up your pants and fixing your hair in the mirror.

Once you are ready I throw open the door...only to nearly knock a very surprised looking Matsuda out with it.

He stares at the pair of us in shock.

His eyes dart from me, to you and then back to me.

I'm sure he is observing both of our flushed faces.

"I-i...uh...just needed to use the...bathroom...I didn't realize...this one was...occupied." He stuttered still staring at us confused.

Matsuda is not the brightest. I quickly use this to my advantage.

I hold up the cuff attached to my wrist.

"The chain is not long enough for one of us to stand outside the door Matsuda. I see what you are thinking and you are foolish. Let us forget this idiotic incident. I must return to work." I say bluntly.

Matsuda immediately looks at down at the floor embarrassed.

"I apologize." He says quickly.

He's always been very intimidated by me, and this little scolding leaves him especially quiet. He will never speak of this little incident again, which is exactly my intentions.

I brush past him and you follow avoiding eye contact with him.

Once Matsuda has disappeared into the bathroom and we are out of earshot you finally speak up.

"I don't think you scared the poor guy enough L" You whisper to me laughing lightly.

I smile back at you.

"This ensures he will keep his daft mouth shut." I whisper back.

You stop in the hallway suddenly.

I pause and look back at you questionably.

You take a step toward me and gently embrace me...I am a little taken aback. Why are you suddenly being so lovey dovey? Your fingers play in my thick hair for a moment.

And for just an instance, there in the hallway, after such a dirty primal act, things feel...different. If only for a second everything seems to stop. To pause in time.

You say nothing, but only continue to press our bodies together. I gently wrap my arms around you, returning the gesture, bringing you closer. It feels strange, and dangerous, seeing as anybody could walk up and see us caught in this moment of weakness. But it also feels nice. I rest my chin against your shoulder. All of this is wrong. And yet it feels right. There are no words spoken between us. Only silence hangs on our forms. Like a heavy blanket meant to keep the cold at bay.

You slowly pull away from me.

Your eyes waver ever so slightly. I have not seen a look like that in your eyes before. It unnerves me slightly. I cannot tell its intent. I am confused, there is emotion there but I am not sure what it means.

A thin smile breaks across your lips.

You say nothing, and simply continue back to the screen room...leaving me desperate for answers.

What is going through that pretty head of yours? Why did you look at me like that?

So many questions. And no answers to serve as reprieve.

Why do you do this to me...Light Yagami.