Bowser Blanchette and Final Destination Studios Presents:

Toshiro Hitsugaya and Momo Hinamori


Team Shadoo (sounds like Shadow)

The characters from Bleach, Gundam SEED, Candidate for Goddess except the OC (Bowser) belong to their respective owners.

NOTE: There will be references from the Legend of Zelda and from Grand Theft Auto IV

Chapter 1: Alpha

"Alright, let's do this!" a young, orange haired teenage boy said to his team.

His team began following him towards the front gates of their target. He turned around and looked at his team.

"This it, gang! Bowser's Castle!"

The castle was three stories tall. Statues of the master, Bowser, scattered across the yard. There were nearly ten to twenty soldiers, each one at a strategic location. The orange haired boy looked at the soldiers' arsenal.

"Looks like they have Uzi submachine guns, Ichigo," said his female partner.

"Yeah, Rukia, you are right," Ichigo responds.

"They must be the Darknut Soldiers," said a black haired boy with glasses, "they are very formidable with those types of weapons."

"Darknut? That sounds corny," said a red haired man with tattoos on his face.

"It may sound corny, Renji, but do not underestimate them!" the black-haired boy said.

"I can take them!" Renji said, smirking.

They continued towards the main gates where they saw two more Darknut Soldiers guarding the entrance. Ichigo pulled out a Stun Grenade and tossed it at the two. The grenade hit the ground with a flash. The soldiers howling in pain as the flash temporarily blinded them. Ichigo and Renji took that moment to knockout the Soldiers.

"That was easy," Renji said.

Ichigo pulled one of the Darknut Soldiers and dragged him towards a nearby bush.

"It won't be easy if they saw their friends KO'd, Renji!" Rukia yelled, "Hide them!"

"Better make it fast!" Ichigo said, "That flash may have already alerted the soldiers to our presences!"

Renji quickly took the other Darknut Soldier and hid him in the bush near the other fallen Soldier. The team quickly ran past the Main Gate and into the Castle Courtyard.

"Uryu! Where is Bowser's Safe?" Ichigo asked.

"It is on the First Floor of the Castle," Uryu explained, "it needs a three digit code to open it."

"Quiet, everyone!" Rukia said as she heard footsteps approaching.

Rukia, Ichigo, Renji and Uryu turned to see a girl wearing an all black dress. She looked at them and smiled.

"Momo!" Rukia said, smiling.

"Hello, everyone," Momo said, bowing to her friends.

"How long were you here?" Ichigo asked.

"An hour ago, I took out the guards on the First Floor leading to the Safe. You guys can get in easily now."

Rukia smiled, "Thanks, Momo! Glad you decided to come with us."

"That's what Team Shadoo is, right? Sneak into the shadows and escape into the darkness of night."

Ichigo nodded, "We'll celebrate later. Right now, we have a safe to crack!"

The team including Momo went into the Castle. The curtains were as red as blood. The floor was all in a checkerboard pattern. They re was a stairway near the front door; however it was protected by a laser field.

"Is that a security laser?" Ichigo asked.

"Most likely, they would sound the alarm if we trip them," Uryu said.

Ichigo nodded.

"There it is," Momo said, pointing at the huge red door in front of them, "the safe is in there."

Ichigo smiled and ran towards the door and opened it. To his amazement, the safe was right there in front of the door.

"Hmmm," Ichigo said, scratching his head, "nice hiding place."

"Can you open the safe?" Renji asked.

"I need the three numbers to open it!"

Momo smiled, "The code is 4-7-9."

"Are you sure, Momo?" Rukia asked.

"I took a peek at Bowser's computer and the code was right there."

The four members of Team Shadoo looked at Momo and smiled. Ichigo entered the numbers and sure enough, the safe door opened and it revealed a huge vault filled with gold bars and stacks of cash. They started to grab some loot when all of a sudden...


"Momo! You didn't tell me about that?!" Ichigo said angrily.

"I didn't know!" Momo said, nervously.

"Bowser's code to his safe must have been a bobby-trap!" Uryu said, "We must flee at once!"

The five started to run out the back door with the gold bars and cash. They passed the Courtyard and hopped the fence. They ran towards a nearby Huntley Sport SUV and got inside.

"Drive, Ichigo! Get us out of here!" Rukia roared.

Ichigo hit the gas pedal and they were out of there. They smiled as they looked at their plunder.

"So, how much do you think we took from good old Bowser?" Ichigo asked.

"If the gold bars weigh 1kg, they could be worth over twenty-five thousand dollars!" Renji said.

"Plus, we took over 5,000 in cash off Bowser's hands!" Rukia added.

Ichigo smiled as they sped off into the darkness. However, back at Bowser's Castle. The owner, Bowser had seen them taking off.

"Damn that Team Shadoo!" Bowser swore to himself, "They are going to regret stealing from me!"

Bowser's friends, a brown haired boy, Tolle Koenig and a purple-haired boy, Yamagi Kushida approached him.

"What are you going to do, Bowser?" Tolle asked, "They stole nearly a quarter of a million dollars from you!"

Bowser sighed, "Call the F. I. B. (Federal Investigation Bureau) and ask for their number one agent."

Yamagi looked at Bowser in shock, "You mean..."

"Yes, F. I. B. agent, Toshiro Hitsugaya."

Chapter 1: END

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EDIT: The dollar bill symbol didn't show... replaced with the word dollar(s).