Authors Note: OK, so as you may have already figured out, I took over Emmett-Cullen-Lova-01's story an Interesting Game Night

Authors Note: OK, so as you may have already figured out, I took over Emmett-Cullen-Lova-01's story an Interesting Game Night. I only hope that I can at least be half as amazing as she did!

Disclaimer: I only wish that I could be cool enough to own twilight. Sadly, I do not!

On with the story!

Chapter 3

Alice ran up the stairs and was back down again before anyone could blink. In her hand was a red and black shiny game box. Edward looked quizzically at her before saying, "Harry Potter Scene-It, really Alice?" The little pixie just laughed and said, "It was the only one we had, well besides Disney version, and we all know that Jasper gets a little touchy when they show a Bambi clip!" Everyone laughed at that, except Bella who looked confused. Then, the whole room started to feel embarrassed. "For the love of everything good in this world, Jasper, could you at least try to control your emotions?"

Rosalie sighed before turning to Alice. "Alice, none of us know anything about Harry Potter!" Alice smiled before replying, "Actually Rose, one of us happens to know a lot about Harry Potter." All of the Cullens, well with the exception of Alice or course, slowly turned to look at Bella, who was currently blushing a deep shade of crimson. Sliding his arms around her waste, and pulling her onto his lap, Edward questioned, "Bella, love, would you like to explain to me how you know so much about Harry Potter?" Bella looked at them all before speaking. "Well, um, when I was younger, um like eleven or twelve, uh, well, Harry Potter was really popular! You all know how much I like to read, so um yeah, I decided to read the first one and it was so good, I had to continue! They were amazing, you guys should definitely read them!" As soon as she was finished her explanation, there was a loud booming laughter echoing through the house. "EMMETT!" Bella shrieked, and if possible, she turned an even darker shade of red.

Carlisle cleared his throat. "Ok, ok, enough of making poor Bella feel embarrassed, let's start the game!" Carlisle said authoritatively. So they started the game. Rosalie went first, since it was her choice of game. She rolled a two and a muggle question. Emmett, who was sitting to her left read the question. "Ok Rose, the question is……. Who is the actor that played the role of Harry Potter in the movies?" Rosalie looked livid, "How the hell am I supposed to know who played the freaking actor? No one knows that stuff, and who cares anyways?" Bella was trying hard to suppress her laughter when Emmett said, "I'm sorry Rose but the correct answer is, Daniel Radcliff" Next was Emmett, who rolled a four and an all-play. They all looked at the television screen expectantly, and heard a sound clip playing. I'm going to bed before you two come up with another plan to get us all killed, or worse, expelled. Then the question popped up. It was, who's voice was that and in which movie? "Velma, and the Simpsons Movie!" Emmett screamed doing a happy dance. "Emmett, that's not the right answer, the correct answer is Hermione Granger, and the movie is Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone!" Bella laughed. Just then, the answer popped up, reading: Hermione Granger in the movie Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Bella clapped, and Emmett put his head in his hands. The game continued pretty much along the same pattern, and unsurprisingly, Bella won. Alice zoned out momentarily, in vision mode, for a second, and then started jumping up and down enthusiastically. "Alice honey, what are you so happy about?" Jasper asked her, looking concerned, and a little scared. "Oh, nothing, just glad that Bella won is all," the little pixie replied with a sneaky smile on her face.

"Bella dear, how about you pick a game now, Alice looks like she's about to burst." Esme said, while smiling encouragingly. "Ok, um, I want to play, hmm, how about the Game of Life?" Bella said, her smile growing wider by the second. "Ok, the Game of Life it is, I'll go get it," Alice said rushing upstairs.

I hope you liked it, once again, chapters 1 and 2 of this story was written by Emmett-Cullen-Lova-01, I just took it over for her. I hope it was alright, if you have any ideas for the games, or anything else that you think I should add, please tell me in a review. Please review, it'll help me update faster. :)