Disclaimer – I do not own Pokemon

Walking down the dark and dreary metal hallway and listening to the cold clank of his feet as they impacted with the hard floor, Ash knew he was leaving the world he used to love behind. All around him young men and children ran back and forth, dressed in dark black suits with a blood red "R" painted on their chest. Some of the grunts were followed closely by a Zubat floating next to their head, or a small rat type Pokemon running alongside their feet. Since the hallway was so dimly lit he had trouble following his guide through the twist and turns of the compound. He assumed dark was how his new family liked it. Most of them were probably highly sought after criminals and would feel uncomfortable exposing their face to others – even if they were among fellow delinquents.

From what Ash estimated he had to be somewhere deep underground. A building of this size housing so many wanted criminals could not possibly exist above the earth without being exposed by the police. It truly opened his eyes to the sheer money and power Team Rocket possessed. Such a large complex couldn't possibly be cheap, and building it completely underground only served to add to its magnificence. But despite its impressive size and location, there was no luxury to be found throughout the halls. The hall was made of pure metal, stretching from the floor to the ceiling. Only a few dim blinking light bulbs stood out from the endless lines of metal.

"I guess you guys don't have much of an appreciation for art...or furniture...or colors." Ash finished weakly to his guide, Domino, in an attempt to lighten the mood as she led him through another turn inside this labyrinth. Ever since they entered the complex, the normally bubbly blond haired girl was frighteningly quiet.

"The boss is one of the finest appreciators of the arts you will ever find. He just likes the men to stay focused and on track. His own personal quarters are filled with portraits." Domino said as she stopped in front of a door at the very end of the complex. "Speaking of which, we're here!" she shouted happily as she stopped in front of a door that stood out amongst all the rest.

Unlike all of the other plain metal doors that lined the hallway, it was made out of solid gold. It's radiance contrasted the rest of the building so much that Ash and Pikachu had to shield their eyes in order adjusted to the sudden light.

"Now remember, just show the boss some respect and there's nothing to worry about. He's a reasonable man and he runs a respectable operation! Nothing like those two buffoons and their Meowth that you're so used to dealing with." Domino said as she idly punched some numbers into the keypad next to the gold door, causing it to slide open with an eerie screech. "The boss loves his privacy, so I'll be standing outside the doorway until you're finished. I'll be watching over Pikachu, too. Good luck!" She said as she pushed Ash through the doors, closing them with another tap to the keypad. Pikachu didn't look too happy with being separated from his trainer, but overall was happy he didn't have to meet the man who was trying to capture him for the past few years. Making itself comfortable on Domino's shoulder, it slowly drifted off to sleep while hoping for its trainers safety.

Inside Giovanni's Office

If the solid gold door wasn't enough of an indication, when Ash walked inside the room he instantly knew that he was in the presence of royalty. Long lavender drapes hung from the ceiling, and precious stones and gems were scattered throughout the floor and wall sparkling with a brilliant light. The furniture was made of the finest silk and, like Domino had mentioned earlier, famous paintings hung throughout the room in an elaborate fashion. As he reached out to touch one of the paintings, he was stopped by a cold voice.

"So, we finally meet." a voice rang out from the other side of the room. Turning quickly, Ash was greeted by the back of a well built man. Even though Ash couldn't see his face, he knew this was a man who commanded respect. The atmosphere in the room seemed to drop as soon as the man spoke, and he vaguely noticed his legs began to shake. Ash suddenly became very afraid. He quickly thought about making a break for the exit, but a quick glimpse at the door reminded him that he was sealed in like an animal trapped in a cage. He was at the mercy of this powerful man, his captor, and all he could do is listen obediently and prey for his survival.

"You've caused me enough trouble, Ash Ketchum. More trouble than any other trainer I've ran into since becoming the leader of Team Rocket. Part of me wants to get rid of you right now, to make you suffer for the humiliation you've put me through." the man said in a dark voice.

Suddenly, Ash realized the very real danger he was in at the moment. This man could probably have him murdered at the drop of a hat, and nobody would ever know. His friends abandoned him, his mother left him. Nobody would be looking for him, let alone in this god forsaken prison hidden underground, away from the law abiding world. Before he could continue his thoughts of demise, however, the man spoke back up.

"Still, I'm a businessman first and foremost. Why should I murder someone when I can profit from them?"

As the man turned around in his chair, Ash was greeted by the face of his captor. He was dressed in a stunning red suit that covered his large and well built body. He had small black eyes and wavy black hair neatly combed back across his head. On his lap sat a Persian with one lazy eye open, which seemed to be sizing Ash up. Instantly, Ash recognized the man and was hit with a wave of shock. Giovanni, the prominent, respected, honorable ground-type gym leader was the man in charge of Team Rocket? As a child Ash looked up to him, and here he was running an evil organization?

"Y-you're Giovanni? H-how is this even possible?" he stuttered as he looked at his childhood hero in disbelief.

"Surprised?" Giovanni said as he stared at the boy in amusement. "Everyone is when they first learn the truth. I bet they all wonder the same thing. How can Giovanni, the most respected trainer of the Kanto region, be leading an organization that spreads fear and hate across the Pokemon world? Well, it's hard to keep it a secret, but with the right persuasion you'll come to find anyone will keep quiet." he finished with a large smirk directed at Ash.

Ash understood the underlined meaning in his words. If he was to whisper a word of this to anyone, he wouldn't live to see tomorrow.

"I've had my eye on you for a long time, Ash Ketchum of Pallet. At first I planned to eliminate you personally, but after hearing about your recent situation I figured you'd be more than willing to cooperate. I'm glad Domino was able to convince you to come here today, it's about time she's done something useful. She's starting to be more trouble than she's worth. For a minute I thought I'd have to eliminate her, but I guess I can keep her around a little longer." the boss spoke in a cold and calculated voice. There was no room for emotion in his tone, and Ash knew he was completely serious. He knew he was dealing with a demon.

Still, when Domino was speaking of this man the other day, he could tell right away that she was being sincere. She really did believe he was a good man and viewed him as her father. If she was listening to this conversation right now it would probably break her heart. He sympathized with the girl, now knowing that she was just as alone as he was.

"You know you and I have a lot in common. We both want to become as strong as possible. We both want to be at the top, to defeat and crush everyone standing in our way. We both want to see as many rare Pokemon as possible. But most of all, we both love Pokemon."

"Don't give me the crap!" Ash yelled out suddenly at the larger man. "You, love Pokemon? I'm nothing like you! I work hard and build a bond with my Pokemon! We're best friends! You just use your Pokemon as a tool to make money. You'd rather steal someone else's Pokemon than raise it yourself! I'm nothing like you." Ash said in denial.

"Oh? You'd never use your own Pokemon to make money? What about just the other day when you entered your injured Pokemon into a tournament you knew they couldn't win? You knew your Pokemon were tired, sick, and hungry but you still pushed them into that tournament knowing they could get severely injured, perhaps even die!" Giovanni yelled as he looked at the angry boy with a smirk. This is what he loved, crushing children's spirit. Soon Ash would serve as his greatest pawn in his quest for world domination, and judging from the way his "daughter" talked about him, perhaps he could inspire Domino to grow stronger as well. The girl was absolutely pathetic lately and if it wasn't for him constantly lending her his Pokemon she wouldn't even qualify to be the lowest grunt in his organization.

"That's different..." Ash said quietly, suddenly struggling for words. "I didn't have a choice. I would have never have done that otherwise." he said with defiance. "I did what I did in order for me and my Pokemon to have a better future. There wasn't any other option."

"Exactly! When I was your age I was backed into a corner as well. The only way to survive was to be stronger than the man above you. It didn't matter how you obtained your strength, what mattered was that you lived to see tomorrow! By using that strength I became what I am today. If I was never backed into that corner, I would have never realized my true potential! Pokemon can be friends, like my Persian and your precious little Pikachu, but most Pokemon are made to be tools. What good is a tool if it isn't being used to its full potential!? No matter what some people may try to tell you, nobody is born equal. Some people are just naturally gifted and have a talent others can only dream of. I heard that you killed a boys Zubat in your little competition. Did you enjoy it?" he asked with a smirk as he stared directly into Ash's eyes.

Ash wilted under the mans powerful gaze as his skin began to tingle. As much as he tried to forget it, he couldn't get the feeling of power he experienced when he delivered the final blow to that weak, disgusting, Zubat. The pleasure was more than anything he experienced in his young life and despite knowing how horribly wrong killing another Pokemon was, he wanted nothing more than to do it over again.

"People like you, people like me, we don't have rules to follow. Society has thrown us away like trash. Our friends, our family, we mean nothing to them. Team Rocket isn't just an organization, it's a family. Everyone has their own story. They've all been rejected by society, and this is the only place where they belong. You have the potential to become my top agent. Stick with me and I'll show you rare Pokemon you have only dreamed of. People spend their entire life searching for Pokemon I see on a weekly basis. The world can be yours..." Giovanni said enticingly. Leaning onto his desk, he pressed a red button on what appeared to be a microphone and began to speak.

"Domino, I know you're standing outside the door. Get in here this instant!" he barked. As soon as he finished speaking the solid gold door swung open with a swoosh, revealing the bouncing blond haired girl.

"You called, boss?" she said in an excited manner as she bounced on her toes eager to serve her father. She knew she was walking on thin ice with him lately and wanted nothing more than a chance to make up for her recent failures. It was the least she could for all he's done for her over the years.

"Calm down.. Can you try to look a little less pathetic?"

"Y-yes boss! I'm sorry! I am not worthy to be in your presence!" she yelled as she quickly ceased her bouncing and stood straight up. Her smile was replaced by a cold mask of indifference, a mask created through years of harsh training by her "father". If she learned anything in her time with Giovanni it was how to behave and act disciplined when the situation called for it.

"Whatever...As you obviously know, Ash will be joining our force. You're going to get him familiar with the facilities and teach him how a true member of Team Rocket operates. Do you think you can handle that? Or is it too much of a challenge?"

"Y-yes sir, I will do my best! Will he be joining Jessie and James on their missions from here on out?" she questioned curiously.

"Why would he be joining those morons? I think he has proven himself above them, judging by the hundreds of defeats those imbeciles suffered at his hands."

"M-my apologies, sir! Then will he be joining Butch and Cassidy?"

"No! Did I ask you to speak?!" Giovanni yelled in outrage, getting annoyed with his worthless daughters constant questioning. He was beginning to feel it was a mistake raising her altogether.

"Sorry sir! I just thought it would be best if he worked with someone he was familiar with." she said timidly with her head bowed.

"Hm...now that I agree with. Which is why starting today you will be his new partner. You better teach him well."

At this, Domino was shocked. She had worked for years as her fathers own private agent. She never worked with a partner before, and didn't plan to any time soon.

"BUT SIR! This is an outrage! I've never had a partner before! And he's just a new recruit! How can he work alongside me? I'm the top ranking officer!" she yelled.

"YOU DARE QUESTION ME?" Giovanni bellowed in outrage as he slammed his fists on his desk. "If you cannot recall it yourself, maybe I shall remind you. You suffered defeat at the hands of this "new recruit" multiple times. You have been failing me Domino, and it's time you learned your place. It's now time for you to pass your knowledge on to Ash. You two will be the future of this organization. You will pass your knowledge on to him just as I've passed my knowledge on to you. Am I understood?" he said with finality, regaining his calm and cold demeanor.

With a weak nod of her head, Domino agreed. After working alongside her father for the past ten or so years, she realized it was best to just keep quiet during his more violent outrages.


Tossing a set of keys to Ash, he redirected his gaze back to his daughter.

"You will be showing him to his room and begin training him immediately. Take his Pokemon to be fed and rested up at our Pokemon center. For his training, his Pokemon are already in top shape, so focus on training his own body and teaching him how a member of Team Rocket is to behave. I'll contact you when I receive a mission worthy of the two of your skills. Now go."

As Ash, Domino, and Pikachu were about to leave they were stopped by a cold voice.

"Oh, and Domino? Don't screw this up. This is your last chance. I will be checking up on Ash's progress and I will accept only the best results."

With a nod of her head and a swish of the golden doors, they were gone. Ash could only wonder what his life had in store for him.

A/N – Looking for a beta to proofread my chapters and try and help keep my characters in character. I can't help but feel my characters don't have much of a personality and it would be nice if someone could help me keep them in line. It seems more and more like I'm writing an essay rather than a story.

Check out my community for more rare Ash pairings, I could always use more members.