Jayden would like you to note...That I am soooo sorry it took so long to update! I promise that won't happen again! I SWEAR! Also, please be sure to go to my profile and vote for your favorite pairing~! I promise a story or update for that pairing. And if you have any story requests, send them to me!

Warning: This story may contain nuts. And moe situations between two males. That is all.


Did You Lose It Yet?


Sora's back was pressed against the wall, Riku's hands placed on either of his hips. Their lips crushed together. Breathing heavily, Sora's hands wandered up from Riku's muscular back to his long and soft, silver hair and back down to the small of his back. Sora pulled the man closer to his body, his arousal pressing into Sor'a stomach. "Nngh..." Sora tilted his head backward and parted his lips just enough so Riku's tongue could snake its way into Sora's sweet mouth. Tasted like chocolate. Sora melted into the kiss and gripped Riku's butt.

Riku's thumbs slipped just inside the beltline of Sora's shorts. Felt his soft skin and Riku wanted him even more. Thumbs traced along his hipbones and downward and downward. Riku nipped Sora's bottom lip; his mouth parted further and allowed Riku to delve further into the depths. He pushed his pelvis forward, grinding himself into Sora; he moaned in response. Riku's tongue ventured deeper into Sora's mouth. They dropped down to the floor, Riku on top of Sora. He nipped Riku's lower lip, ran his hands down his back and into his back pockets. Riku pulled away from Sora's kiss and smirked devilishly down at the panting boy.

Heavy breathing. Squirming. Flushed face. Sora was absolutely adorable. He descended once more, tongue running across the nape of Sora's neck. Sora gasped. Found his most sensitive spot and stopped on it, nipping playfully at first and then sucking. Hard. Sora groaned and thrust his hips upward, grabbing Riku's ass and pushing him against himself. Riku's hands wandered to Sora's stomach; ran them over the smooth skin and pushed his shirt up. Kissed a trail down Sora's stomach, down, down, down past his belly button and to his hips. Ran his tongue along the bone, fingers sliding just inside the boxers.

Sora's hands clenched in a fist and he thrashed about on the floor, wishing for more even though, somewhere in the back of his mind, he vaguely recalled that he had just really met Riku hours beforehand and this went against his every-Fuck morals. Someone was actually interested in him and oh GOD there went his zip-

"RIKU! OHMYGODHELPME! Axel's gonna kill me!"

The silverette cursed under his breath and looked sympathetically up at Sora and back down at his problem. He got up off the ground and coolly ran his fingers through his hair. Tucked his erection up into the elastic of his boxers and winked at the brunette still lying on the ground, still shocked, still horny.

Sora watched Riku saunter off into the other room and then realized someone he didn't know had waltzed into his house and was apparently friends with Riku. He decided he should probably smooth out his clothes and he mirrored Riku's actions.

"-the pictures of him and Roxas!"

Riku slapped his forehead and Sora merely observed the situation, confused. If he stayed quiet, maybe he would figure out what interrupted his deflowering.

"Yeah. He's gonna kill ya. If anyone on campus sees those pictures, his job will be compromised. You know that student-teacher relationships are strictly prohibited."

"Well...it's not like he's exactly a teacher yet...He's still in the process of getting his teaching license...so it's not illegal, is it?"

Riku sighed and ran his fingers over his temples. "I suppose not...but it is a little...controversial. You know how the people over on the West Side are...so...conservative."

"Well...if nothing else...at least he's the manager at Jamba?" the blonde replied, scratching the back of his head.

Sora wondered what the pictures were of and just how controversial they were. Was it of them kissing? Having sex? Who what this "Roxas" chick anyway? Was she cute? Did it matter? Probably not. Sora didn't like girls anyway. But...so many people weren't okay with younger girls dating older men...Especially teachers.

"We should probably go look for them," Riku said, scratching his head. He turned to Sora and sighed, "Maybe next time, Virgin."

"Virgin?" The blonde cocked his head to the side and put his hands on his hips. "You're still a virgin? How old are you?"

"It's not that weird! I'm only eighteen you know!" Sora grunted, folding his arms. "And besides, I'm happy that I'm not some sex-crazed freak," he snorted, eyeing Riku. "We'll see who has gonorrhea at the end of the day!"

"Hopefully you," Riku teased, winking.

"D'you really have that?"

Riku laughed and shook his head, "No. I don't have anything. I'm clean. Promise."

"Well...we should probably get going, Riku."

"Yeah, yeah...I'm coming Demyx," he sighed and turned to face Sora. "I'll see you later tonight." That said, he pecked Sora's lips and left with Demyx.

Great. Now someone else knew he was gay. Ah well...he had a ton of cleaning to get done anyway.


Sora sighed and sat down on the bare floor in the living room. After two hours, he finally managed to rip up all of the carpet and take it over to the dumpster. He was tired and yet, he still had a ton of work to do. Sex weighed heavily on his mind and he let out a groan of irritation. Why did that dumb guy have to burst into the house and ruin everything? Sora had always been made fun of for being a virgin. Hell! His father even cracked jokes about how he couldn't even get a cute girl like Kairi. And he nearly has the opportunity to lose it without thinking about the consequences...and then that stupid blonde walked in! How did he know that Riku was here anyway?

"Ugh!" Sora stood up from where he was sitting and walked outside. The sun was setting and there was no sign of his company coming back anytime soon. He shoved his hands in his pockets and walked over to the playground. He needed a break. And he was so hungry, he could eat a buffalo. But he wanted to wait for his newfound friend because it was always so lonely eating dinner alone. He hated it.

Sitting down on the swing, Sora let out another audible sigh. Where was he going to stay? He couldn't very well stay inside the house in its current state. He couldn't even stay in his car because it was full of his stuff. Didn't really want to sleep outside under the stars and definitely didn't want to stay the night at Riku's. Well...he did. But...he knew that he probably shouldn't. Since his brain returned to his head, he knew that he shouldn't have sex with some random guy. He really did want his first time to be special and not on the kitchen floor. Of course he wanted to have sex with Riku...but at the same time, it wasn't a good idea.

He dragged his feet on the ground and stopped the swing. Why was being a hormone-crazed teen so difficult?

Sora retreated back into his house and turned his radio back on. He pulled out his cell and stared at it, hoping somehow, someone, somewhere, would text him. He flipped open his phone and, almost instantaneously, received a message from Kairi. The brunette quirked an eyebrow and decided that the gods must be listening to him after all and read the message: Did you lose it yet?

Frowning, he shoved the phone back into his pocket and decided against dignifying her question with a response. He hadn't even been inside of the house for a full twenty four hours and he was already expected to lose his virginity? Good GOD!

Annoyed, he picked up his hammer and began violently taking off the trim. Who really cared if he was a virgin or not? It didn't change who he was! He threw piece after piece of trim behind him and nearly knocked Riku upside the head. "Hello?"

Sora froze. Had he just...? "Are you alright?" he meekly asked and slowly turned around.

"Yeah, you missed. Why are you throwing shit anyway?"

"Stuff and things."

"Stuff and things, huh?"


Riku strode across the room and knelt down next to Sora. "You've made a lot of progress in here."

Sora nodded and set the hammer down. "Yeah. I needed to refocus and so I just sort of started working. The kitchen and dining room are completely spotless and I've managed to get rid of all of the carpeting. Carpet place is supposed to drop new carpet by sometime tomorrow. Have some new trim to put up around the windows and I have a couple of windows to replace which should've been here today. I'm completely exhausted and just want to eat and go to bed."

"Want to come over tonight? You don't exactly have a very good place to sleep."

Sora glanced over at the boy opposite him suspiciously. Was that the pass phrase for sex? And how many people had this guy been with? And why did it matter so much? If he stayed the night at Riku's, he would have a free meal and a warm couch. And there was no guarantee that Riku would try anything.

Riku averted his gaze from Sora's and scratched the back of his head. The color in his cheeks shifted to a petal pink and he bit his lower lip. "Sorry about earlier. Erm...it was a dare. I'm not usually like that. Well, I mean, I am sexually active and admittedly a horndog...but not around people I don't know. So...I'm sorry."

"Ya goof!" Sora exclaimed, simultaneously relieved and disappointed. "I've never been in a situation like that before so don't worry about it. It was...an experience."


"Never." Sora confirmed. "I mean, honestly, I've only kissed one girl-and that was weird as shit. And I never got the confidence to ask anyone out except the girl I kissed and...well...we tried it out for a little while but decided that it was too weird. She's more like a sister, you know? And back in the town where I've lived the last five years of my life, there weren't too awful many people like me."

"I see," Riku replied. "Well...did you want to stay the night? You can take my bunk and I'll sleep on the couch."

Sora shook his head. "I mean, yeah, I'll stay, but I'm sure as heck not going to kick you out of your own bed!"

"If you won't kick me out, you'll have to sleep with me then," he said with a devious smile. "Just kidding."


An Afterthought...Would you mind reviewing and telling me what you think? I honestly don't know where this story is going and I'm taking requests~!