Laura is still suffering form Writers block and it is so frustrating!! Wow, I was really in a kina Nate/Tess mood today wasn't I. Ahhh Dark side has taken over. And they DON'T have cookies. : ) So in the past few days I have written Three storys that are just so UNLIKE me. I really need to write a naitlyn! So bad. And Nicole this means I most likly WILL write our chapter now... :)

Friday, 22nd August

Tess Tyler was torn.
Torn between two guys.

This never usually happened.

Tess loved being the girl every guy wanted.
She loved being the girl no one could have.

But then she met Shane.
And through Shane she met Nate.

Neither of them knew.
But she knew she had to choose.

They were both so different to each other.
Yet she loved them equally

Nate was a gentleman.
Shane was a rock star.

Nate called her beautiful.
Shane called her sexy

Nate kissed her forehead.
She loved it when he did that.
Shane kissed her on the lips.
All the time.

Nate called her in the morning.
Just to make sure she was awake.
Shane never did this.
He only called if he wanted something.

When Tess cried Nate held her close and stroked her hair
Shane told her everything would be ok and gave her a peck on the lips.

When Tess fell asleep in Nate's arms, he let her sleep there. He would stay awake all night just to watch her sleeping.
When she fell asleep in Shane's arms he picked her up and put her in bed. She'd wake up in the morning and he'd be gone.

On paper Nate seemed like the right choice.
The perfect choice

But Shane said one thing to her everyday.
Three words that Nate didn't.

I love you.

And for that reason, and that reason only.
She chose Shane.

Fineto...Laura's happy Nicole got evicted from big brother and that her sister is not here!! Yup I'm happy now... :) Laura will keep talking in third person to annoy Nicole... lol... : )