I really enjoyed writing the last chapter

I really enjoyed writing the last chapter. The Joker's perspective on things was fun to write. TDK Joker is darker than his comic counterpart, in a way, in that I never see him quite growing to love another human being the way comic!Joker or DCAU!Joker has grown to love Harley. If TDK!Joker had been given a Harley, I've no doubt he would express only ambivalence towards her until the very end—which would be by his hand. I suppose, in a way, Joker's flashback in this story is more reminiscent of those aforementioned incarnations than he is of Heath's interpretation. But the Joker is always reinventing himself. So make of it what you will. I know I had a lot of fun writing it; I hope you cats got a kick outta reading it. Thanks again for all the kind words related to this story, and keep an eye out for plenty more pieces to come!
