This is more of a character study than anything else. I've always wanted to write interaction between Gold and Blue.

"Eww," complained Blue, "these candies taste like plastic."

Gold's eyes brightened. "If you don't want 'em, I'll take 'em off your hands!"

"No!" the older girl yelled suddenly, shifting the bag of candy hearts to her other hand, where Gold couldn't reach them. Silver didn't even look up from his book.

Ever since the incident at the Battle Frontier, Silver, Blue and Gold had formed some sort of friendship. Or perhaps it would be better to say that Blue and Silver were close, and Gold's almost-friendship with Silver brought the three together. Regardless, today was a day like any other, except that instead of sitting on a park bench or on the bus, they were in the Goldenrod Train Station. In forty-two minutes, the train that would take them to Celadon Station would come; from there, they would take yet another train to Viridian City; and from there, they would walk to Pallet Town, where they would spend three days visiting their friend Crys.

"If you don't like 'em, why won't you give some to me?" whined Gold.

"Be-cause I spent half of yesterday talking Green into buying them for me," she explained. "They're special."

The black-haired breeder humphed and crossed his arms, glowering at the wall as if it was the one who had denied him candy. Then, after a few moments of thinking, he turned to his red-haired neighbor. "Hey, Silver?"

No response.


Still nothing.

Finally Gold turned to Blue and asked, "Why does Silver call you 'sister'?"

"That's an odd question," she replied. "Well, why do you think?"

Gold pondered this for a moment or two. "Wait," he guessed, "you're actually his sister? But you guys look nothing alike!"

Blue chuckled. "Nope. Try again," she teased.

"Guess it's just cause you two're real close," Gold decided. Then his eyes widened. "N-no way…you guys aren't…?"


"You're not…you know…" Gold trailed off, mouth still wide open.

When Blue finally realized what Gold was talking about, she slapped her thigh, threw her head back and began to laugh hysterically. This only made Gold look even more shocked.

(Silver, who had been watching the whole thing, looked around nervously; just as he'd reared, several people were staring, alarmed by his sister's noisy laughter. Thoroughly embarrassed, he scooted slightly away from the pair and buried his nose in his book again, as if he didn't know them.)

"Gold, you are such a goof!" giggled Blue when she'd regained control of herself. "I can't believe you would even think something like that!"

"Y'know what I think? I think you're both nuts," declared Gold.

"Don't drag me into this," muttered Silver. "Moron."