This story is a sequel. In order to understand better the plot, read first: Back to 1995!

Disclamer: I wish I owned Death Note…

It was getting late. The sun was already low; a bright glow of yellow filled the sky. The student came out of the last class of this day. Finally. It was an interesting class, but what a long day…

"See ya tomorrow!" A beautiful short-haired fellow-student waved goodbye.

"Goodbye." Hum, I'm kind of hungry. A snack would be welcome now. The student bought tea and a little take away box of sushi. After finishing the drink, the student decided to eat the sushi in the fresh air. It would be nice if classes could sometimes be given outside. But of course, that would be a distraction everybody... Ah, an empty bench.

The student walked towards the empty bench. It was under a tree, in a quiet part of the campus. The student moved closer to the bench and noticed an object.

Hey, somebody forgot their notebook.

The student picked up the plain black notebook and turned it around to have a better look at it. "Death Note. How odd." He opened the notebook.

"The human whose name is written in the note shall die… The note will not take effect unless the writer has the person's face in their mind when writing his/her name. Therefore, people sharing the same name will not be affected

This is really strange. I wonder if it's a joke. Or maybe someone is using this for an essay…

If the cause of death is written within 40 seconds of writing the person's name, it will happen. If the cause of death is not specified, the person will simply die of a heart attack

This is really weird… There is nothing written on it… no name of the owner…Of course not, haha. The owner would of course die."

The student placed the notebook back on its original place and position. He opened the sushi box and ate the contents.

"The human whose name is written in the note shall die… Why human? Why not person?"

The student's eyes shifted back to the notebook. This strange object seemed to possess some kind of strange force. Some strange power of attraction. The student could not explain why, but as the minutes passed by, curiosity grew stronger and stronger.

"What if this was real? Of course it's not real…hahaha…How could someone kill just by writing a name."

The student threw the empty box in the rubbish container. "

This has to be the work of somebody from psychology. Probably someone wants to observe the reaction of people that see this notebook."

The student looked around. Few students were still wondering around in the campus. Nobody seemed to be interested in what was going on at that bench.

"I wonder who wrote these rules… They must have given a lot of thought to it...

If the cause of death is written within 40 seconds of writing the person's name, it will happen. If the cause of death is not specified, the person will simply die of a heart attack…

I never saw something like this in my entire life. If somebody made this note, I definitely want to meet him or her." The student grabbed the notebook and looked around to check one last time if someone in near proximity was by chance watching the scene. But nobody seemed to be taking any notice. Finally the student decided to take the notebook, placing it in the student's bag, along with other notebooks and college books.

"If the owner wants this notebook back, he or she will find me. I'll just have to wait."

It was getting late. The sun was going under. Shades of orange, purple and pink painted the sky. The student calmly walked away from the campus. The Death Note inside the bag.


It's been a really long time that I worked on this story. Writing a sequel is not as easy , especially this one, 'cause I have to build the story so it's logical. And lack of inspiration for this story hasn't helped that much. So now I'm improving the already existing chapters and am already busy with some new chapters.

By the way, the identity of the student will not be revealed for a while, so speculate as much as you wish.