This fic was on my mind for a long time, and I HAD to write it

This fic was on my mind for a long time, and I HAD to write it. The plot bunnies demanded it. I just finished my first multi-chappie, 'Not a Mistake After All' my other HouseCameron fic. If you like this, go check it out!

Wind whips her dark brown hair around her face. Goosebumps show on her forearms, and she quickly regrets her decision to not wear a sweater. The cold makes her aware of everything. Her feelings are magnified, and it hurts. Her heart beats loudly. Tears overflow from her empathetic blue-green eyes, and drip down her blushed cheeks. She watches the world below her, watches how easily the tiny people fit into their lives, so easily, with love and security.

Yes, it hurts.

Her thoughts are interrupted by the sound of the sliding glass door and uneven footsteps.


"Cameron. Didn't expect you out here. Stalking me on my balcony? Watching my every move?" He asks amusement in his voice.

"Shut up House" She whispers, her voice shaky from her sobbing.

House obviously doesn't expect this response, and he is curious. "Turn around." He orders, his tone firm and commanding.

For a second, Cameron almost does. For a second, she almost obeys him, and it frightens her. She is stronger then that. She won't turn around like last time. "No." Her voice is firm, despite her recent cry-fest.

"Turn around, Cameron"

He scares her. She almost did. Was it impulse? Maybe she did want him to see her, see what he'd done to her. 'No."

"Turn Around." He is angry now. How dare she disobey him? She should know better.

"N-no." She is crying, silently. Warm salty tears dripping down her face.

"Goddammit Cameron, TURN AROUND!" He won't take no for an answer. Not now, not tonight.

She turns, exposing her to him, and he takes her in. Her messy hair, Wet mascara streaks, the tiny goose bumps on her pale skin. The blotchiness of her face, from crying. Allison Cameron is a mess. A desire surges through him, to hold her, but he quickly shrugs it off.

He takes a step closer to her, and she steps away. She can't get to close. Not like all those other times. He'll just break her, again.

"House." She murmurs, almost a plea. She wants him to stop, stop this madness.

"Don't say that." He says, looking away. Looking at the city, the ground, the sky. Anywhere but her.

"What, your name?" She meant it to be sarcastic, maybe even rude, but it comes out pitiful, and weak.

He doesn't answer. The conversation is now treading in dangerous waters, and he needs to get out, fast.

"Please, House, don't do this to me. Please. House." Cameron begs.

Sobs rack her small body, and for a brief moment, his hand strokes her flushed face, trailing from her temple, down to stroke the outline of her red lips. Then, he pulls away, anger in his eyes. Anger and fear, and the slightest bit of raw, untitled compassion.

"You're pathetic." He whispers, before limping to the door and leaving her.


Alone, she sobs. She knows this is true. He's right, He's always right.

About this fic… The first chapter is dark, yes, I know. It gets better. It has three parts to it. If you don't like it, fine, but don't leave a review. I honestly don't want to hear it. Love!