"Don't cry to me
If you loved me
You would be here with me
If you want me
Come find me
Make up your mind,"

-Call Me when you're Sober by Evanescence

Ch. 1 Five Years

Caitlyn POV

I sat on the edge of my bed in my apartment, staring at a photo album, tears streaking down my cheeks. Each picture that reminded me of pain I tore up into tiny little shreds. I threw the shards of photo paper into the waste basket. I was ruthless. All the pictures had to go, even the ones that weren't just of him or me and him. Any picture he was in had to be thrown out.

My phone rang on my bedside table. I ignored it, as always. I had been ignoring it for the past seventy-two rings in the past two hours. Luckily, my ring tones were all bearable. His was Viva la Vida by Coldplay, and I only heard that song twice. All the rest were Gimme Shelter, Maggie's ring tone; or Gotta Find You, Mitchie's ring tone.

"NO!" I screamed at the phone, which was now playing Gimme Shelter, and soon it stopped ringing. But then it started up again with Viva la Vida. I was ready to snap the phone in half. I definitely wasn't picking up for him.

The song soon stopped and the phone started up with Beat It by Fall Out Boy, Nate's ring tone. That one was new. I started rocking out to it when, to my disappointment, it slowed. I sighed and continued to rip up photos. Then it rang again, playing Play My Music, which was Shane's. I growled, physically growled, at the phone. Now this was just getting ridiculous. I was not going to pick up! Get over it!

And then Gotta Find You played again. I decided to pick it up and slam it shut when they tried to plead with me, just to mix things up.

"WHAT?" I screamed into the phone, though I probably could have screamed a lot of worse things.

"Caitlyn, please, just listen," Mitchie sighed. Over the past few years her voice had gotten older sounding, more mature. She also sounded way too tired.

"No! Why should I listen? What if Shane did that to you, huh? Would you listen?" I screamed.

"I would after a MONTH!" she retorted. I remained silent.

"And I definitely wouldn't do something worse to get back at him!" she continued.

"I didn't do it to get back at him… I did it cause we were both hurting!" I retorted, but my voice was already sounding defeated.

"No, you did it to get back at him. Good God Caitlyn, do you know how much you hurt him? You hurt him even more than he hurt you!" Mitchie groaned.

"That isn't possible," I snarled.

"Uh-huh. What if I told you, while you were telling me over the phone, I had put you on speaker phone because I was trying to do all those things, remember? Well, guess what, Cait? HE WAS STANDING RIGHT BEHIND ME!" Mitchie screamed into the phone.

"No," I whispered hoarsely.

"Yeah. So he heard your whole description of it! Everything! All he did was kiss Ella, Cait! He was drop-dead drunk! You saw him!" Mitchie groaned.

"Even if he was drop-dead drunk, it doesn't excuse him making out with Ella," I mumbled into the phone.

"No, it doesn't excuse it. But that doesn't give you an excuse to sleep with Sander!" she growled.

I tore back the guilt in my chest, "Well, I mean… no, it doesn't."

"He heard everything, Caitlyn," Mitchie's voice was a sob, "Everything. About how you deliberately went on a date with Sander when things hadn't been fixed or ended with either relationship yet, then seduced him, then had sex with him! And you told me all the little details while Jason was standing behind me! You should have seen the expression on his face, Cait!" she groaned.

"I don't care anymore. He hurt me first. He might have heard you talking to me, but I walked in on him sucking Ella's face," I mumbled.

"He had FIVE SHOTS OF TEQUILLA! And Jason's not too coherent as it is!" Mitchie groaned.

"Don't tell me you sticking up for him!" I cried.

"I'm not, I just… neither of you are innocent in this! You need to just talk it out, Caitlyn!" Mitchie muttered.

"Go to hell," I spat into the phone, hanging up violently.

No one told me I had to make the first move in making up. No way, no how.


Nate POV

I sat at the kitchen table, filling out forms and looking up occasionally at Maggie. She was dialing Caitlyn's number over and over again, pressing that little number four so much I knew the key wasn't getting any better.

I got up and wrapped my arms around her waist and murmured in her ear, "Maggie, please. She obviously doesn't want to talk about it."

"But if I don't want to fix this no one will!" she groaned softly, leaning back into me.

"It's their problem to fix," I replied sadly, "I want to help, too, but they're really in a pickle."

Maggie turned to me and wrapped her arms around my neck tightly, "But they're meant to be together."

"I know," I whispered softly, kissing her lips just as softly, "It worries me, too. It terrifies me, actually, but we have to let them figure it out themselves. If things progress too far, then we'll step in, alright?" I kissed her again. She nodded and buried her head in my chest. I reached out and gently massaged her left hand, playing with the ring on her finger calmly.

"C'mon," she suddenly pulled her head off of my chest, "You're right. Besides, we have our own things to do," Maggie giggled softly and pulled me over to the table.

"Aww man," I groaned. Maggie giggled again.

"We're getting marred in late August! How much planning can we do?" I sighed. Maggie burst into laughter nuzzled me softly.

"I know, I know, I just thought… you touched my ring… maybe you were actually in the mood…" her bright brown eyes sparkled at me.

"No, I'm not. You know what I'm in the mood for?" I smirked at her.

"What?" she raised an eyebrow. I leaned down to pick her up bridal-style.

"Ah, that," Maggie giggled and wrapped her arms around my neck, "Well, if you're certainly up for it, then I am. However, it is all so sudden…" she paused, smirking up at me.

"I know, I just… all day you've been calling Caitlyn… it's been driving me nuts. And all night last night, too," I sighed.

"Okay, okay, I owe you," Maggie giggled. I quickly stepped into our room and dropped her gently onto the bed.

"Now, mister, I have one request," she wiggled her eyebrows nonchalantly.

"Okay, what?" I sat next to her and breathed seductively down her neck.

"After this, we have to figure out what we're doing for our honeymoon," she turned around and smirked at me.

"Of course," I kissed her lips, "Honeymoons I can do. Weddings… that's all up to you and Mitchie," I kissed her again.

"Of course," she rolled her eyes, and soon enough we were making out on our bed.


Shane POV

Two bright brown eyes were staring at me in excitement from across the coffee table. They blinked a few times before running clumsily towards me.

"Daaaaadddyyyyy!" Rae screamed, jumping into my arms excitedly. I grinned and spun her around.

"Wheeeeeee!" she giggled, her bright brown eyes filled with mirth. I started to crouch low and then go high up again, repeating this. Her high pitched, childish laughter filled the house.

"Daddy! Put me down! I wanna go outside!" she demanded after a few minuets. I grinned at my daughter, four years and three months old, with my goofiest grin.

"Well, I want to play around inside," I retorted, nuzzling my nose against hers.

"No! Outside!" she moved her limp little arms to hug my neck, then gave me the puppy dog pout she had inherited from her mother, "Pwease?"

I sighed and rolled my eyes, "Fine, fine. Honestly, you spend too much time with Mommy. She's taught you too well."

"Yay! Yay yay yay!" Rae giggled, fidgeting until I set her down. She eagerly grabbed my hand and we were running over to the front of the house, her putting on her little shoes all by herself.

"I want to play on the swings, Daddy, but since you didn't want to play outside we can do what you want!" Rae said this in a breathless rush. I smiled at her, ruffling her shoulder-length brown ringlets happily.

"The swings sound like a great idea, Rae-Rae," I grinned.

"Yay! Swings!" she giggled again, reaching for the doorknob.

"Hey, where are you too crazy kids going?" Mitchie appeared at the top of the steps, her hands on her hips and an amused smile playing on her lips. I grinned back goofily.

"We're going to play outside! On the swings!" Rae eagerly answered, jumping up and down on the door handle, "Please, mommy, please?"

"Yeah, mommy, please?" I grinned up at her in a teasing gesture. She smirked at us.

"Fine, fine. Don't stay out too long. Grandma's coming to the airport in two hours," Mitchie gave me a ha-ha look, "She just emailed me."

"Yay! Grandma Rosie! Yay!" Rae started dancing around. I groaned softly.

"Now, come on Shane, she loves her," Mitchie came down and patted me on the shoulder.

"Yeah, she loves her granddaughter and daughter-in-law more than her own son," I muttered.

"No, she loves you too, you just need to stop being a jerk," Mitchie giggled in my ear.

"But I'm your jerk," I whispered back. Mitchie rolled her eyes and kissed my cheek.

"Come on Daddy! I want to play on the swings before Grandma Rosie comes!" Rae demanded.

"You two have fun. I love you, Rae," Mitchie leaned down and kissed Rae's forehead, "I love you, Daddy," she kissed my lips.

"Ewww! Ew! Mommy!" Rae complained.

"Sorry baby girl, I can't help myself," Mitchie leaned down and picked Rae up and nuzzled noses.

"I'm not a baby!" Rae insisted, "I'm a little girl! Now Daddy and I have to play outside!"

"Okay, okay," she set her down and gave me hug, "Have fun out there."

"Of course," I grinned back at my wife of now nearly five years, "I always have fun with Rae."

"Our little ball of energy," Mitchie rolled her eyes. Rae was still standing impatiently by the door. I took her little hand in mine and we went outside.

AN: Now, everyone, in your review you will write, distinctly, at the top: During The Course Of This Story I Shall Not Hate You, Because I Know Everything Will Work Out In The End. Yes, I do need this in writing. Because some of you may attempt on my life.

No, I'm not kidding.
So review so I know that you will not try to kill me. :-D