Okay, this is a One Shot I based off of the Life With Derek called ... I think it was "The Pox Father" or something close to that. Anyways, i hope you like it, and take into account, that i wrote this in about a half an hour, so if its sloppy, oh well. I couldn't let the idea get away from me.

There was also a one shot very similar to this one. I have not read it, but ive read my reviews and I did not mean to "Copy" it. This is how i thought the episode of the show should have gone. That's all. Whoever wrote the other one, I did not intend any type of copy write infringement.

.:The Chicken-Box.:

By: DropDeadRomantic

One-Shot – Based off the episode called "The Pox Father"

Disclaimer: All recognizable characters, settings, accepted cannon ideas, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The Original Character and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.



She was in her room, doing her homework. It was her normal Friday night routine. When she hear a knock at her door. She looked up, got off her bed, and walked to the door to find, Derek. He looked sick, and then he held up a bottle of Aloe, she realized that he had the chicken pox. He looked like he was ashamed to have to come to her to do this, but she didn't want to pester him about it. So she took the bottle out of his hands, and waved him to go back to his room, as she followed right behind him.

"Thank you so much Case. I would have asked Nora or dad, but they're asleep." He said as he sat down on his bed.

"Don't worry about it, I've had the chicken pox before, and I know how annoying it can be." She said as she sat against his head board. She motioned for him to turn around so she could get his back. He took off his shirt, and all she saw were bright red little specks. She felt bad for him, she knew how much she hated the chicken pox when she had them, but with Derek it must really suck since he was confined to his room, with nothing to do. George had taken away his TV and computer privileges and removed them from his room. She poured some of the Aloe Vera into her hands and rubbed them together.

She started at the base of his neck, massaging every part of it. Making sure the liquid substance was absorbed into his skin. She could tell he liked it, because when he got use to the feeling, he relaxed under her touch. As she moved down to his shoulders, she paid extra attention to the muscles around the base of his neck. She felt the little bumps under her hands, and started to lightly scratch his shoulders and all the bumps on them. When he got goose bumps, she knew he was enjoying every minute of it. She was out of Aloe Vera, so she stopped scratching him, and put more in her hands, and went right back to work. She moved down to his shoulder blades, and rubbed in the liquid, and once again scratching the little bumps. Oddly, there were no bumps below that point, an she was oddly upset that she was already done. I mean, she didn't have to do his chest, right? He could do that, unless he wanted her too. She was snapped out of her thoughts at the sound of his voice.

"Are you done back there?" He asked her.

"Yeah, but umm… you want me to… you know, do you want me to do the other side too?" She asked her voice a little shaky she had no idea why she was acting this way. 'I don't like him! He's Derek, Casey! He's your step brother! You can't like him!' she said to herself.

"If you wouldn't mind, I'm actually enjoying you little calming tack ticks." He said as he turned to face her. Smiling a bit, not smirking, but actually smiling. She smiled back at him, and pulled his legs apart, so she could be right in front of him. One of his legs was off the bed, and the other was to her left. One of her legs was also off the bed, hanging closely to his. The other was over his leg (The one to her left) and bent slightly so she wouldn't touch him. She started on his face, which was cover in little spots.

"Poor baby." She said as she went over his forehead with her fingers. She would every once in a while look him in the eyes, only to catch him already looking at her. She just went back to his face, concentrating on what she was doing. She got down to his nose, and made sure she got the spot right on the tip of it. It made him look like Rudolph the red nosed reindeer. She then moved onto his cheeks, and got as close to his eyes without poking them as she could. Then went down his cheeks, to his chin, and neck. After she was done with his chin, she grabbed his chin softly and pushed it upwards so she could get to his neck better. She spent extra time here, like she did with his shoulders. Making sure the liquid was soaked in, and that she scratched him to his liking, and was reassured when the goose bumps reappeared.

After grabbing more of the lotion she moved down his chest, around his 'pecks'. His body was toned, but not over done. She rubbed the liquid over his collar bone, and down towards his stomach. Then she noticed the scar on his stomach, he had gotten when he was playing hockey. He noticed her looking at it and rubbing a finger over it, as if it would make it disappear.

"I was 14, and was playing hockey with the team across the city. My chest protection had somehow slid off, and when I went down, Sam wasn't watching where he was going, and slid his skate into me." He explained as she looked almost scared, like he had some type of internal injury, and that maybe he wasn't as okay as he lead her to believe. Her jaw was still gaping open, when he took his hand, and pushed it close. Then took the hand that was still on the scar, and brought it up to his heart, so she could feel his heart beat. It wasn't the normal pace, or rhythm. She looked at him confused. She wasn't sure what he was getting at, but her heart was doing the exact same thing.

"You are the only person who can do that to me. You're the only person who can make my heart jump and race like this." He said to her. His hand still over the one on his chest. She realized that not only did she love him, but he loved her back. She took her other hand grabbed the one that was resting on her knee, and brought it up to her heart. He felt her heart beat, and realized the same thing she had only moments ago. But before they could act on anything, the heard someone stumble in the hallway, and turned to see Marti come out of the bathroom with her blanket in tow. She looked into see Derek and Casey closer than they normally were, but she didn't think anything of it. She gasped when she noticed all the little red dots on her big brother.

"Smerek? Do you have the Chicken Box?" Not realizing she had made a mistake, she shrugged, and walked back into her room.

Two Days Later – 6:00p.m.

"MMMMOOOOMMMM!" Was all anyone could hear coming from Casey room. Nora rushed up the stairs, only to find that Casey, had in fact caught the chicken pox from Derek.

"Oh honey, I'm sorry!" She said as she walked off. As soon as she was out of sight, Derek appeared in her door way. He had no longer had the chicken pox, but had passed them onto Casey. She looked at him, furious, and slammed the door in his face. He smirked and went back into his room.

12:00 p.m.

Casey opened her door, and went into the bathroom, went into the medicine cabinet, and grabbed the Aloe Vera. She sighed realizing what she was about to do. 'What am I doing? He's not going to help me, I itch like hell, and I'm going to have to deal with it on my own. Oh hell, there isn't a point in standing here thinking about it, just move, Casey. Just go knock on his door and ask for help!' She thought to herself. She sighed one more time before opening the bathroom door, and walking right up to the red door that was the entrance to his room. She knocked lightly so that she wouldn't wake anyone up. Luckily enough he heard it, and she could hear him walking to the door.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw her there, in all her glory itchiness. She was scratching at the underside of her arm, and she held out the Aloe Vera bottle in the other. She was pleading with her eyes, and he knew he couldn't resist that. He grabbed the bottle out her hands and stepped out of the way so she could pass him. He closed the door behind him as he sat where she had sat only days before.

"Turn around Casey." He said soft, not trying to sound mean, and rude. She nodded, and realized he didn't mean to sound the way it did. She turned around, she still had her bra on, so she felt at least a little comfortable, and not completely naked. She pulled off her shirt as she heard him squirt the lotion on his hands. He didn't even react to the fact that she was almost naked in his room, he went on as if nothing was out of the ordinary. After he finished the top half of her back. He stopped, and she turned around, she knew what he was doing and thinking, and let's face it, she was okay with the fact he wanted to be close to her.

She turned her whole body around, and moved closer to him. She sat in his lap, hugging her legs around his waist, his legs stretched out underneath her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and let her head rest on his forehead. He reached around to her lower back, the lotion still on his hands, and began rubbing it into her skin. She had never felt something as good at that felt. His hands were rubbing up and down her back and her hips. Both of their eyes were closed, and they just stayed like that, for a good 10 minutes. Way after the lotion was no longer needed. He wiped his hands off on her shorts, and just held her.

"Kiss me, Casey." He said, both of their eyes still closed. She leaned into him, and pushed her lips onto his. There wasn't even a reaction time, he knew it was coming, duh! He asked for it, so all he had to do was wait for her to go for it, and thank god she did it when she did, because he couldn't stand it anymore. Their lips were moving, as if playing tug-a-war with each other. She slid her tongue on his bottom lip, begging for entrance, and he granted it gladly. With this one simple action, the kiss had become even more powerful, special, and scary. To say the least.

"No, we… we can't." She got out between catching her breath and kissing Derek.

"Yes we can. I need you here with me." He said as he started planting kisses up and down her neck and around her collar bone. Her hands were fiddling with his hair, as she realized that they were going to far, she wasn't ready for what was sure to happen if she continued.

"I can't. I'm sorry, I'm just not ready." She whispered into his ear, and as soon as what she said registered in his head, he stopped. He looked up at her, and she knew he understood. He smiled at her.

"I understand. There is no reason to be sorry, Casey. I'll wait for you, id wait forever."

What do you think? I know Derek would never act like that, but I'd like to think he would! And as for why he didn't react to the fact that Casey was in a bra, was because im not good and stuff like that. I cant do 'Boy's' thoughts. I dont know why, I just cant. I either make them sound gay, or scary!