Childhood Innocence

by Psychotic

Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight.

The day was fading into the night, darkening the sky into a range of purples and pinks. It was gorgeous, I decided, leaning back in my chair on the porch.

I wasn't upset that I didn't have any biological children of my own anymore. Why should I be? I had Edward and Emmett, and now Alice, Jasper, Rosalie, and Bella. They were my children; they always would be. I didn't need them to have my genes and DNA. I had raised my boys as their mother and them as my children, so that's what I was to them and they were to me.

A little girl ran around in the grass in front of me, rolling around playfully with a golden retriever puppy that had cleverly been named Doggy. She had chosen the name herself. I still missed that innocence of childhood, when you had nothing to worry about, and your world was as big as your street. You could do silly things and not be reprimanded for them or looked at oddly; you were a child, it was expected.

There was no need for me to yearn for it as I had, though. If I was a child, I would never have gone through the life I have.

"Gramma, Gramma! Lookit what Doggy can do!"

I looked over at little Renesmee as she called for me, watching the puppy roll over when she twirled her hand. I beamed and clapped ecstatically. "That's wonderful, Nessie! How did you get him to do that?"

She bounded over and climbed into my lap. "Daddy taught 'im."

I nodded; of course. I felt arms around me then and I looked up to see Carlisle's bright eyes smiling down at me. I replied with a loving kiss.

"Ew!" Nessie exclaimed, jumping off my lap and running off with a barking Doggy.

"Hello, dearest," he said softly, kissing my cheek.

"I was wondering where you were."

He smiled a little. "I'm right here, Esme."

It didn't matter what the context was, those words always sent a thrill through me. With those words, I knew he loved me and was always there for me. I didn't need him to say "I love you" to me in order to know he cared. "I know you are," I whispered, and kissed him again.

"Mom! What are you doing?!"

I rolled my eyes and looked over at Edward, who had his daughter gathered up in his arms. They looked so much alike, and she was such a daddy's girl. It was adorable. "I am kissing my husband, Edward," I told him matter-of-factly. "I should be able to do that in my own home, especially when it was just an innocent peck. Your daughter sees those all the time in her Disney movies."

Edward glared at me and proceeded to bring his daughter inside, the puppy hurrying after them. I just smiled and patted the chair next to me for Carlisle to sit down. He did so, grasping my hand in his tightly. I squeezed it and he squeezed back.

He was right here with me.

Coughing erupted in me, causing my lungs and throat to burn. I held a frail hand to my chest to try and settle it. Bella was gazing at me in worry. I smiled weakly at her in reassurance.

The doctor stepped in just then. "Hello, Mrs. Cullen," he greeted in a warm voice.

"Hello, doctor."

He came to stand by my bed. "I hear you want to go home for the end of it."

I nodded. "Yes, doctor, I do. I figure that there's nothing else we can do, and everything's as fine there as it is here."

After a few more words, I got him to agree to let me go home. I wanted to jump up and down in happiness, but I knew my body couldn't take it. Bella and the doctor helped me into a wheelchair and Emmett came in and wheeled me out to the car where I found Carlisle waiting for me.

Edward was driving, with Emmett in the passenger's seat, and Carlisle sat in the back with me. We held hands the entire time. Carlisle stroked the back of mine.

We arrived home soon. I was glad to be back. The boys helped me from the car and into our first floor bedroom. We couldn't take the stairs anymore. Rosalie, Jasper, Alice, and Bella followed my boys and we sat around talking for hours. It was nice, and I found myself laughing despite the pain it caused me.

It grew dark too soon, though, and everyone left. I was alone in the bedroom with Carlisle, and we laid on the bed together. He held me in his arms, our hands clasped over my bony hip. He kissed my dry lips and whispered to me. I fell asleep.

The nightmare that woke me up was forgotten as soon as I opened my eyes. Carlisle was still there, and he was reassuring me. I felt weaker than before, and my eyes were drooping. I knew this was it.

"Don't worry, Esme," he murmured lovingly. "I'll always be with you. I'm right here."

And as I drifted off, I knew he was.

The tombstones were placed right next to each other. Each simply had the names "Carlisle Cullen" and "Esme Cullen" carved into it, along with the dates of births and deaths. The eulogy was a touching speech that told of how beloved Esme had died from cancer in her sleep as Carlisle held her. Carlisle soon followed, chasing after his love. They were both elderly and lived great lives, full of love and happiness. The eulogy was given by Edward Cullen, the son of Esme.

In honor of their parents, each of the children had a piece of wood carved into a simple saying: "I'm right here." It had always been something that represented the couple, and they lived their lives by it.

The night after the funeral, Edward laid in bed, staring up at ceiling. Bella was softly snoring next to him. He was finally able to close his eyes, and just as he was falling asleep, he heard someone whisper, "I'm right here."

Edward whispered back, "I know."

A/N: Okay, please don't cry. God knows I did when I was writing this. It was so hard to write, but I needed to write it, I wanted to. Yes, they both died together in each other's arms, and yes, this is the last chapter. It has been wonderful with you guys, and I love you all so much. Keep an eye out for a new story, because I have an idea in my head. ;)

Review and be happy!

Psychotic Female of Many Names
