Love at First Bite3: How'd It Really Go Down?

Disclaimer: Wow, I still don't own Harry Potter… what a shock.

A/N: I don't usually do these but I thought it need to be done so know this: THIS STORY WILL BE FAR MORE AMUSING IF YOU'VE READ THE FIRST TWO LOVE AT FIRST BITES (which can be found conveniently on my profile page) SO PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU DO THAT FIRST! Thanks

A few stories start with "It happened like this…" fortunately for you this is exactly one of those stories…

It happened like this, a rather nice looking Gryffindor girl named Hermione was walking down a hall in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in a rather careless fashion. Her eyes were firmly fixed upon the tome she carried on her way to Advanced Charms for Advanced Seventh Years, students leapt out the way to the left and right but Miss Granger just walked on, completely unaware.

She had no idea at all that right on the other of the hall a Slytherin boy was planning to play a prank on her. His grand scheme went something like this:

Crabbe takes Granger's books

Crabbe taunts Granger with books

I make Granger say something really embarrassing to get her books back ("Draco Malfoy you are the sexiest man to ever live" maybe)

Then, regardless of whether or not she says it, Crabbe and Goyle scatter her books all over the school for her to go and find

He was rather please with this juvenile plot and was very careful to enforce to his goons that this plan would not be screwed up them or "there'll be bloody hell to pay". Of course, when Draco says there'll be hell to pay there will be, he's got that kind of power after all, he's a Malfoy, so the moment Crabbe caught a glimpse of Hermione he flew (or more lumbered really) into action. However, in his haste, he tripped.

As he fell, flailing for anything solid, he accidentally gave his boss a rather hard shove to the middle of the back.

And so Draco lunged forward (also flailing, though that's very un-Malfoy so he'd never admit it) and rammed, rather painfully looking, quite directly into Miss Granger. She, up until that very moment, had still been fully absorbed in her book and so being hit by one rather tall, rather muscled, slim, Slytherin, boy came as quite a large shock.

She'd fallen many times in the last several years (mostly due to her inattentiveness with reading and walk at the same time) and learned that the best way to stay upright is to grab the closest solid thing. Unfortunately for her the closest solid thing (aka Draco) wasn't very solid at all at that particular moment.

So they stumbled and staggered for a moment, trying to regain their footings, before gravity won the battle (as it always seems to) and they fell toward one of Hogwarts few trick walls (yes they really exist). Hermione's hair wildly streaked behind them as they fell, as both boy and girl braced themselves for the fall.

With a rather hard thud they touched down. Both opened his or her eyes, respectively, and looked at the room other occupant. It was indeed a rather awkward position they'd fallen into, Hermione laying atop Draco one knee off to his side the other lined up with his. She blushed. He winced.

"Granger, bloody hell, gets off! How could someone so small be so bleeding heavy?" As you can imagine this both embarrassed and irritated her.

"Shut up, Malfoy! It's your fault we're even on the ground," she considered for a moment poking him in the chest but as her hands were the thing supporting her and giving her any space at all between them she decided against it.

"My fault?" Draco drawled in true Malfoy fashion (move #12 "if you're actually no better than them act like it anyway", if I'm not mistaken, I've seen a lot of Malfoys over the years), "This is your fault."

"What?" she seemed shocked that he'd even imply such a thing, "How do you figure that?"

"You grabbed me, did you not?"

"I only grabbed you because you pushed me! I never would've done so otherwise," she condescendingly.

"Sure you would've, Granger," Malfoy smirked as the story he was about to sell came together in his twisted mind, "I know you've had a crush on me for years. But really, isn't this a bit extreme? If you wanted a snog all you'd've had to do was ask. I'd have said 'no' of course but I've got a mate, who'd have happily obliged, for a small fee."

Hermione turned seven, progressively brighter, shade of red in as many seconds. She rolled off of him and was on her back for less than a second before she stood and backed to the other side of the tiny room. When her back hit the wall they'd just fallen through after four steps she seemed to rather panic. She began pressing wildly at the wall.

Draco realized about a second later that they couldn't get out the way they'd come, "Granger, what, in the name of Merlin's favorite pink knickers, did you do?" his voice was unnecessarily loud for such a small space.

"Me? Me! I did nothing, if anyone did something it was you!" she gesticulated wildly, "You're the one who began all this," she was very annoyed with him and her blush was slowly being replaced by a flush from her anger (not that he could really tell the difference).

"Why would I, a gorgeous, pureblooded Slytherin, want to be stuck here with you?" he asked in a very, very rude way that made me wonder why she didn't slap him.

"How do you know we're stuck? Maybe… maybe I'm at the wrong wall! That must be it," and so she went all the way around the room, pressing her hands all over the little room's walls. When she'd made a full circle and was satisfied (or unsatisfied rather) that they were indeed stuck in the space she gave the wall one good hard kick and wailed, "We're stuck!"

"I do believe I just said that, Granger," back to move #12 then.

She looked exhausted and slid down the rough stone wall (I do believe Draco tried to see up her skirt, but even I can't be one-hundred percent sure what goes on in the male teenager's mind). Draco took a seat directly across from her, since it was the farthest away (but their feet still practically touched).

After four minutes and seventeen seconds of time he spoke, "You're supposed to be smart, aye Granger? Why can't you get us out of here?"

Usually I don't condone yelling in any form but he really deserved it when she finally snapped back, "As much as I'd like that, and already thought of it, this smart girl had her wand knocked carelessly from her hand when an extremely stupid boy suddenly rammed into her out of nowhere. But Malfoy, aren't you second best in our year? Why can't you get us out of here, hm?" She even stood to make her point by being able to literally look down on him.

Unwilling to let her have any advantage he stood too, "Because this devilishly handsome and allegedly stupid boy was viciously attacked and dragged to what is possibly his very own crypt where no will ever find him by a supposedly smart, and possibly randy, Gryffindork girl after he accidentally bumped into her and also dropped his wand in the process."

And after about four seconds of fuming she put her hands against his chest and gave him one hard shove. He was utterly shocked and just bounced off the wall like a rag doll, after he regain himself (took about two seconds by my count) he pushed her back. The audacity of his moved just seemed to anger her more and she went in for a second shove but he stopped before she could get good momentum.

He grabbed he wrists and turned them so she was trapped between his body the wall they'd fallen through just fifteen minutes ago. This seemed to really upset her as she began to kick and thrash and 

whip her head from side to side. Finally, in what appeared to be a last savage desperate attempt, she dug her straight white teeth into the flesh of his right wrist.

He employed several choice curse words and all leapt away from her (for about a second she looked smugly impressed with herself before she realized she'd just bitten her foe), "You bit me! You honest to Merlin bloody bit me! You crazy witch!" he yelled, once again I almost never condone yelling but I do suppose she deserved it also.

She knew she was in the wrong this time but still seemed to feel the need to defend her actions, "It's not like I drew blood! And what about you? You were holding me!" Bad choice of wording that was.

His eyes left wrist to linger up towards her eyes, ""Holding you?" he asked quietly, eyebrows arching (Malfoy move #28 if I'm remembering rightly).

"Well… not… you, know not like… like," he reclaimed the steps he'd taken away from her during the scuffle.

"Not like what, exactly, Granger?" his voice was low and he placed an arm on each side of her head so she couldn't escape his gray eyes scrutiny.

She reached a ninth shade of red as she muttered, "Not like… well not like that, you know…"

"No, Hermione," he breathed near her ear, "I don't think I do 'know' why don't tell me?"

She took a deep shuddering breath and he asked in the same low deep voice, "Like this?" and his arms slipped around her in an undeniable intimate way, she nodded.

And that was all it took suddenly they were upon one another, kissing… gentle and timid the way any first kiss is. He kissed her mouth lightly once and checked her eyes to make sure it was okay, and she leaned in and gave him several small light kisses across the different parts of his lips (each corner, the 

upper lip, the lower lip, both, repeat) it was all new, and soft, and timid but shockingly intimate for a first kiss, as if it'd been building for months (if not years), which now that I think on it I suppose it had been.

It was just after her eyes fluttered shut that the Headmaster walked in, with a delicate cough and a quiet chuckle.

Some stories end in the shaking of a head or the twinkling of an eye, this is one of those stories and ends in both, along with one very amused, magical castle who hasn't seen a couple this fiercely perfect since Lily Evans and James Potter.

A/N: I think that this (which in case you didn't catch is from the castle's point of view, since the castle could be strictly objective unlike any character) is the last of the Love at First Bite: POV series. I am however considering doing an aftermath one, where the friends (and family in Draco's case) get told but I'm not sure so please tell me what you think in your review (hinthint). Please Review (sorry that one wasn't nearly as subtle)! Thanks and hope you liked it - Quik