A/N - This is totally self-fanservice, so I thought hard before putting this up. But I thought I'd like some feedback, so... here it is. Yes, this is a crossover between Haruhi Suzumiya and Star Trek: The Next Generation. I just felt like it, mostly because I think it would be absolutely hilarious if Haruhi ever met Q.

Also, I beg you to remember that though I'm striving to make this story have a coherent plot and a recognizable, in-character cast, it is still crack, and so some OOC-ness may ensue. I'll try not to, but please forgive me if it happens.

Pairings are Haruhi/Kyon and Yuki/Data.



Kyon moaned and turned over, waving his arm aimlessly. "Stoppit, sis," he mumbled.

"Kyon, I mean it. Get up."

The boy's sleep-fuddled mind recognized the urgency in the girl's voice calling him. Haruhi. He opened his eyes.

She was bent over him, and he observed a combination of anxiety and bad-temperedness in her face. "Kyon, where are we?"

He groaned, sitting up, and found himself in a completely unfamiliar hallway. Haruhi watched him intently, and he shook his head helplessly. "I've never been here in my life."

Kyon privately thought to himself that the situation was dangerously similar to that incident when Haruhi remarked, "This… reminds me of a dream I had, once. But we're still in our pajamas, so I guess this is real. We must have been transported here somehow."

Her eyes sparkled. Kyon was tempted to say something sarcastic about her logic, but even he had to admit she had a point. After all, this definitely wasn't closed space.

Not, of course, that he could tell her that. Closed space had been a dream to her, and it needed to stay that way.

"Well, I'm fairly sure I'm not asleep, anyway."

The new, familiar voice made both Haruhi and Kyon turn around. Koizumi had just come around a corner, and as they watched he was followed by Yuki and Mikuru.

Kyon had never been so happy to see the irritating esper, and when he saw Yuki he felt some real relief. They'd be okay if she was with them.

"How did you… Where are we?" Haruhi said. Koizumi merely shrugged.

"We woke up over there," he said, pointing. "It's probably a good idea to explore, try to figure out where we are…" He paused, making a show of thinking hard. "We ought to split up, search the place and meet back here. Why don't I take Kyon-kun and Asahina-san, and Suzumiya-san can go with Nagato-san?"

Haruhi looked as if she wanted to protest, but Kyon could tell Koizumi wanted to speak with him out of Haruhi's hearing, so quickly he said, "I agree. Yuki, do you have a watch?" Wordlessly she held up her wrist and nodded once. She alone out of all of them was dressed, in her trademark uniform, and Kyon briefly wondered why. "Good – so does Asahina-san…" …he hoped her time traveling device was still functioning… "…so let's meet back here in an hour."

"All right," said Haruhi resentfully, surprising him. He'd expected her to at least put up a fuss. "Be careful."

They left in opposite directions, Mikuru clinging to Kyon in her long, cute nightgown. Kyon turned to Koizumi. "All right, so where are we? This isn't closed space."

"But of course." The esper was still smiling, even now, making Kyon want to hit him. "I believe, however, that you're asking the wrong question. Not where are we, but… when are we."

Both boys automatically looked at Mikuru, whose eyes were teary with worry. "I contacted my superiors," she whispered. "They… they asked why I was calling them from their future."

It took a moment for this to sink in. They were in the future – not only that, but the future of the future, the future of Mikuru's time travel organization. Kyon stared. "Then…" He glanced at her. "Can't you take us back?"

She shook her head, and Koizumi put in, "This is how the 'where' comes in," he said. "We're in space."

"You've got to be joking," Kyon said, having little hope of this being true. Smiling, Koizumi shook his head. Kyon sighed.

"Don't worry," Koizumi said brightly. "If this is a spaceship, I'm sure we can explain ourselves to the crew and arrange a ride back to Earth."

"They're not going to believe us," Kyon muttered, but Koizumi didn't respond. "Asahina-san, how advanced is space travel in your time?"

"Classified information," she muttered, then gave him a small smile.


Meanwhile, Haruhi and Yuki had been walking in silence, Haruhi wearing a troubled expression. "What do you make of this, Yuki?" she asked at last, stopping and turning to the other girl, but before Yuki could answer, two things happened at once. First, a door slid open to their right, making Haruhi jump – she hadn't noticed it at all. A pale, dark-haired man in a strange yellow uniform emerged, and when he saw Haruhi and Yuki he turned, staring at them with a quizzical expression on his face.

At the same time Yuki let out a small, almost inaudible gasp and fainted.

"Yuki!" Haruhi dropped to her knees beside her friend, then looked suspiciously up at the newcomer. "Who are you? What are you doing here?"

He raised his eyebrows. "I could well ask you the same thing. Why are you aboard the Enterprise?"

Haruhi shook her head, not understanding. "Where are we? What's happened to Yuki?" she demanded. The girl didn't appear to be harmed, breathing slowly and peacefully, but Haruhi's attempts to wake her by shaking her shoulder amounted to nothing.

"She appears to have fainted," the man said, kneeling beside them and feeling Yuki's pulse. His strange, pale eyes flicked to Haruhi, taking in her confused expression. "You appear disoriented. What is your purpose aboard the Enterprise?"

"The Enterprise?" Haruhi tilted her head slightly. "We're… on a ship, then?"

The man sighed. "Perhaps you should explain your trouble to the captain… and if you would allow me to take your friend to the sickbay, I am sure our doctor would be able to determine the cause of her faint."

Haruhi hesitated, then nodded. "All right," she said. "So… who are you?"

"I am Lieutenant Commander Data," he said. "Welcome to the starship Enterprise."

Her eyes widened. "Starship…?" Data bent and picked up Yuki with no apparent effort, and Haruhi followed him down the hall, an expression of delight growing on her face. "I'm Haruhi Suzumiya!"