FIRST off i'd like to apologize for making you guys wait so long, but summer has started and i'll be able to update better. I'D REALLY like to say, thank you for sticking with this story and reviewing whenever you guys can, and please FEEL FREE to contact me when you want ot ask a question, my email is saki_pink246 . I was reading over ALL of your reviews and it just made me happy and made me want you guys to be able to talk to me better and communicate with me better when you have a question or just want to be in the story. so PLEASE THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH FOR STICKING WITH THIS STORY AND I WILL APOLOGIZE A MILLION TIMES FOR MAKING YOU WAIT. :D



I'll protect you. I'll protect you. Kagome, I'll protect you.

Can you really InuYasha? You promised to protect Kikyo and looked what happened.

InuYasha bolted up, he didn't realize he fell asleep. He looked at the sleeping girl next to him. She was indeed a beauty. He kissed her forehead and went to go check on his daughter. She was sleeping peacefully and he decided to go downstairs for a glass of water.

What made him think that? He stared at the glass of water in his hands, can he really protect Kagome? No. That was a lie. I can't protect her...

InuYasha jumped when he heard something fall from upstairs, he quickly ran up and checked Hitomi's room, not finding anything wrong, he ran to his bedroom and found Kagome on the floor. "KAGOME!" he yelled concerned.

He picked her up and found her body extremely hot against his. He felt her forehead with his hand and suddenly took it off as her temperature somewhat burned his hand. He saw tears falling from her closed eyes and he silently cursed. "Damn, she's got a fever"

"Souta... no Souta please... don't leave" she murmured. "Souta... forgive onee-chan... come back... please don't die..."

InuYasha grabbed a small towel from his bathroom and wet it in cold water, he put in on Kagome's forehead and runs to go get the thermometer. He cursed, "102" he grabbed his cellphone and dialed his personal doctor.

"The doctor took the stethoscope off and put in around his shoulders, "She'll be fine, just make she gets plenty of rest and have her drink her medicine, and plenty of water when she takes it. Her crying made her temperature go up, so once she calms down her temperature will break... it's a good thing you called quickly Takashi-san"

InuYasha thanked the doctor and sat on a chair to be beside Kagome, "Please get better soon Kagome..."

"...InuYasha..." she whispered.

InuYasha grabbed her hand and laid his head on the bed.

Kagome woke up to the strong morning rays hitting her face. She looked to her side and found InuYasha, she smiled softly and jumped when she heard Hitomi yell.


InuYasha jolted awake and looked over to his daughter.

"HAPPY FATHER'S DAY DADDY!" she yelled as she leaped into his arms to give him a big hug and a big kiss on the cheek. "I made you a presesnt daddy"

InuYasha smiled, "Thank you honey" he looked at it and smiled, there was a stick figure drawing of him and Hitomi"

"Let's eat breakfast shall we?" he asked and they all traveled down the stairs and into the kitchen.


"Hello?" said Kagome.

"Kagome you have to come to the hospital quickly"

"Why? What happened?" she said frantically.

"Your father's been in a car crash, he's in surgery right now... his chances are slim, and your mother..."

"What Sango? What about her?"

"She's dead."

Kagome dropped her phone and Sango's voices melted into the background, along with everything else. Everything looked so blurry, everything seems to go in slow motion and all she could hear was her breathing. She fell to her knees and felt no pain for some reason as her knees hit the wooden floor harshly. She could hear InuYasha's muffled voice calling her name, but her mouth wouldn't move. She just stared at the white walls of the house.


She blinked and her eyes became blurry, they stung as the salty water escaped her eyes.

InuYasha heard Sango's voice from the phone and picked it up, "Sango, whats wrong with Kagome?"

She explained to him of what happened and he realized that Kagome must be in shock.

"Kagome, Kagome please answer me" he said desperately.

Kagome looked at him with tearful eyes, she opened her mouth, but no words came out.

"Kagome, please" she shook her head and hugged him.

"Daddy... what;s wrong with 'Gome?"

"Baby, we're going to take 'Gome to the hospital, so go get dressed okay?"

She nodded and ran upstairs. InuYasha kissed Kagome's forehead and hugged her tightly. He picked her up bridal style and told the butler to get the valet to get the car. He walked outside and put Kagome in the passenger seat. He picks up Hitomi and puts her in a booster.

"She's in a shocked faze right now and i think the news triggered something in her brain and now her mental capability is in shock and she can't talk. We'll have to keep her in the hospital, but she'll be fine one she recovers from shock" said the doctor, "Excuse me, I need to go check on another patient."

InuYasha ran his hands through his hair and looked at Kagome. He walks over to her and holds her hand, "Kagome please come back" he stared at her sleeping face and felt someone tug on his pant leg.

"Daddy is 'Gome going to be okay?"

"Yeah honey, she just needs rest."

Kagome's Dream:

"Onee-chan!" I turned around wondering who called my name when suddenly I am tackled by someone who is hugging me.

I was shocked beyond belief, "Souta?"

"Haha, yeah! Who else?"

I hugged him for what seemed like the longest, "I'm so glad your okay I knew it was all a dream"

"What was?"

My smile faded and I could feel tears forming, "I dreamed you died Souta, it was horrible"

"But onee-chan... I am dead..."

I looked at him, "What?"

"I came here to tell you something, I'll actually be leaving soon, but I just had to tell you"

"No... you can't be, your lying right?"

"No onee-chan, I wish I was, but it's true."

"No! This can't be!"


I focused and looked at him, "Thank you. First off, you need to stop blaming yourself for what happened, it's not your fault, secondly, your the best sister anyone could ask for and thirdly" he paused and smiled, "I'll always be looking out for you sis"

I hugged him tightly, "I don't know what to do Souta, dad's in surgery and mom... mom... she's..."

"To be honest onee-chan... I don't know where she is... I haven't seen her..."

I looked at him shocked, "You don't think she's..."

"I doubt it, as cruel as she was to you, I don't think she's going to Hell, she's probably wondering around Earth not knowing she's dead... you know like an Earthbound spirit"

"How do you know?"

"Because I'm one, I had unfinished business with you, I had no way of getting your attention though, and I can, i'll be crossing over soon actually."

"NO! Souta you can't..."

"I'll always watch over you"

"SOUTA! NO! PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME ALONE! MA.. MAMA'S GONE! PAPA'S IN SURGERY, I HAVE NO ONE! SOUTA PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME!" I cried out to him. I saw a big teasing smile on his face and my tears stopped.

"Don't say that onee-chan, you have InuYasha, and he's a great guy. He'll take care of you... and if he doesn't I'll haunt him for the rest of his life" he joked.

"...InuYasha" I thought of his face then a smile spread across my face, "That's right... he's still here with me."

"Kagome!" I turned and found a figure with silver hair and golden eyes in front of me, "Kaome come on." He smiled, "Let's go home" he stretched his hand out in front of me and I looked back at Souta, almost like asking for approval.

"It's okay onee-chan, go. I'll see you when its your time, of course you'd probably be old and wrinkly and I wouldn't be able to recognize you" he laughed, and I hit him over the head.

"Wow, you know... back in the human world that slap probably would've killed me" he thought seriously, "Any, go already! I can't crossover until I know your alive and well"

"Come on, Kagome... everyone's waiting"

End of Kagome's Dream

Kagome's eyes fluttered open, she blink several times to let her eyes adjust to the bright light of the room. She looked over to right and found InuYasha sitting there, sleeping. She looked down at her hand and found his holding it. She smiled and heard rustling in front of her, where the couch was. Hitomi rubbed her eyes and looked at Kagome, and in a blink if an eye her sleepy face turned into a huge smile. Kagome noticed she was about to yell her name and she place her left pointer finger to her lips telling to stay silent, she pointed at InuYasha ans winked at Hitomi. Hitomi nodded and suppressed her laughter by covering her mouth with her little tiny hands.

InuYasha moved and he rubbed his eyes, much like how Hitomi had done, he looked up and his eyes widened, "Kagome!" he hugged her and she smiled as she hugged him back.

"Daddy's so silly!" yelled Hitomi, "Gome-sama was just sleeping!"

InuYasha came back with a couple treats for the two of his favorite girls to eat, he stopped just outside the door unnoticed by the two girls who chatted idly with each other.

Hitomi stood next to Kagome's bed and smiled at her, "Did you sleep well Gome-sama?"

Kagome smiled and picked up Hitomi so she could sit on the bed with her, "Yes, I had a very nice dream" and she did.

The room was silent for a moment when finally Hitomi looked up at Kagome and looked at her shyly.

"Doushita Hitomi-chan?"

"Ano... Gome-chan... watashi was anata mama o yobidasu koto ga deki masu?"

InuYasha almost dropped the tray of food he was carrying which consisted of two pudding cups, 2 instant noodles, one peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and 3 oatmeal and raisin cookies. Luckily, he kept his cool and the food did not spill to the floor.

Kagome looked at Hitomi's sweet innocent face and she smiled, and hugged her, "Oh baby... of course you can"

Hitomi pulled out of the hug and looked wide eyes at Kagome, "Hontouni?"

"Of course" Kagome smiled.

Hitomi hugged her tightly and InuYasha smiled at the scene, "Hey you two, I brought you two some food"

"Oh InuYasha, your back"

"Daddy! Daddy! Guess what!"

"What baby?"

"I finally have someone to call mommy" she beamed.

InuYasha looked at Kagome and smiled lovingly, he picked up Hitomi and threw her in the air and catching her, "Your too adorable you know that?"

Hitomi laughed and looked over at Kagome, "Mommy! Let's eat!" Kagome laughed and all three of them ate, talking about random things.

"We'll be your family Kagome, if you'll accept us..." InuYasha whispered to Kagome's ear.

"I already have." Kagome looked at him and smiled. InuYasha placed his forehead with Kagome's and gave her an Eskimo kiss.

Kagome closed her eyes in bliss, InuYasha closed the distance between them and kissed her.

Hitomi giggled and covered her eyes, "Grooowwwsss!"

"Oh yeah?" InuYasha said as he grabbed Hitomi and tickled her stomach.

"Daddy no! Haha, stop that tickles!" she laughed uncontrollably, and Kagome and InuYasha looked at each other, Hitomi's eyes widened, and soon she was smothered with kisses by InuYasha and Kagome.

'My family... thank you InuYasha'

OKAAAAAYYYYY SO IT'S BEEN A WHILE NO? SORRY I APOLOGIZE AND I HOPE YOU GUYS ARE STILL WITH ME OUT THERE. i think my writing's improving, so please leave me a review on what you think! i tried to make this longer as well!