Trapped in Heaven

AN- Thank you for reading. I had this idea the other day and I couldn't get it out of my head. I am just finishing my other story in the next few days called "I'll Be" Check it out if you haven't. I will be complete by this weekend.

Please let me know what you think about this story, that way I will know if it is worth posting more. I have four chapters written already. So please review!

Disclaimer: I do not own any of these amazing characters. Stephenie Meyer does. I hope you enjoy!


Chapter 1- Reason for Waking

As I stood under the hot shower, letting the water rejuvenate my body, my mind was still in a fog. I have never been a morning person and getting out of bed is tough for me. I hear the alarm and I dread pulling myself up and placing my feet on the floor. I am not one of those unhappy people that stay locked in their apartment and don't get out of bed, I just happen to love to sleep. I need at least 9 hours of solid sleep to feel human. As I rinsed the shampoo from my hair, I think about the three reasons that keep me motivated to start my day.

The first being my job, I love what I do. I am an advertizing executive at one of the largest firms in Manhattan. I spend my days with one of the best teams I can imagine. Not only do we come up with campaigns for products that become household names, but we have fun in the process. Since my father passed away and my mother lives across the country, my co-workers, and my team are really more like family. They make my life in the big city bearable.

The second motivating factor is coffee. I love the smell, I love the taste and as I dried myself with a towel, and secured it around my body, I went to the kitchen and poured myself a cup. As I sip it I feel the transformation to human taking place.

I take one last look in the mirror and I study my reflection as I spread the light pink gloss over my lips. My complexion had always been one of my best features. I have a creamy white tone to my skin that people almost always complemented me on, brown eyes and as I brushed my long brown hair one last time, I smile at the results. I don't consider myself beautiful, but I don't put a lot of effort into my looks. It just seems like a waste of time. I consider my look plain and it works for me. I look at my watch and hurry out of the bathroom, grab my laptop and my purse and scurry out the door. Looking at my life I was blessed, I was a 26 year old advertizing exec, with a great apartment and a great expense account, but there was one important part of my life where I was lacking.

That brings me to the third and frankly my most motivating factor of getting out of bed every morning. "Him… Mr. Perfect." As I walked out of my building, I start walking the six blocks to work, and I glanced down at my watch again speeding up slightly. "It is almost go time" I whisper to myself.

I was always amazed that for the past four years the most incredible looking man comes out of the Starbucks at the same time everyday, carrying his coffee and paper. I meet him at the door and then we walk the remaining four blocks to work together. Well not techniquely together, I walk behind him and admire God little gift of perfection. I don't actually know who he is, or know his name but I do enjoy is the view. It sets a precedent for the day. If he ever looked up from his paper, he might even notice that I exist. Honestly, he probably wouldn't notice me because from the looks of him, I am sure that he has his pick of any women alive. No, he is out of my league, so everyday, I stay behind him watching his dazzling stride. I am way too obsessed.

I glance up and see him for the first time this morning, my breath catches. He is beautiful in everyway. He is most likely in his late twenties, early thirties, is about 6'2, and has the greatest emerald green eyes. His hair is an incredibly sexy toffee color that always looks like he just walked in from the wind, but it suits him in everyway. My eyes roam his body and I imagine him without his expensive suit, in cotton briefs, doing something mechanical as I imagine his muscles ripple on his arms and his glistening chest with sweat. I am brought back to reality as we approach the building and always the gentleman; he holds the door for me as we enter our building never looking up.

I am greeted by an older white haired gentleman.

"Good Morning Ms. Bella, you look lovely this morning" George the security guard smiled at me as he granted me access to the elevators.

"George, you are too sweet, I might just have to steal you away, and take you to work with me so you can flatter me all day." I smiled as I walked behind Mr. Perfect into the elevator car.

"Anytime Ms. Bella, anytime" George replied with a toothy grin as the elevator door shuts.

The car was unusually empty today, as I shared the ride with an elderly Asian gentleman and of course the man that makes my heart race. The car was moving rather slowly and as usual Mr. Perfect didn't even glance up from his paper. This was fine with me, as it allowed me to steal a few more glances his way. He has this confidence, though not cocky, just an elegance that makes me crazy for him. The Asian gentleman smiled at me as he got off at the 15th floor, and that left us alone in the elevator. I was unusually grateful, because I am usually fighting another 15 people for the view I now have.

I felt the butterflies looming around my stomach and I saw that he glanced down at me over his paper. His green eyes smiled. My heart started pounding harder as his eyes met mine for the first time. I just stood there feeling a surge of electricity. I blushed as his eyes went back to his paper. I cursed at my juvenile behavior, practically drooling at him like a young school girl. I moved slowly toward the back of the car, hoping to blend in with the wall. Man, this elevator is moving slow.

My eyes grazed over his body again and I immediately started another fantasy. His large hands pulling me to him and his lips finding my neck, "mummm" I moaned silently.

Suddenly, a loud crashing noise came from above us as I grabbed on to the rail surrounding the elevator wall, the lights flashed on and off and the elevator started a plummeting. I screamed and flung myself into the arms of the stranger; he dropped his coffee and held me close as he balanced us preparing for the impact that was moments away. We were going to die, my screams continued as his arms held me tighter.

AN-What do you think? Tell me, the more reviews the faster I write! Thanks for reading.